{{A/N: if you don't like reading smut then this one may not be for you.. ;) I will upload the Michael and Luke version of this soon}}
Ashton: "alright babe, I dare you to..." A malicious smile crept over Calum's intoxicated features as his mind conjured up a dare that would probably get you sent straight to hell. You groaned internally. "I dare you to put your hand down Ashton's jeans and hold his... You know... For five rounds. You gotta show it a little love as well." He giggled. Luke and Michael seemed to find your shock highly entertaining as they attempted to keep their laughter to themselves. Ashton seemed to be the only one reacting normally!
"What?! She can't do that! That's so not fair! I..." He exclaimed, but was interrupted by Mike.
"Shut up, you idiot! She's hot, just enjoy it!" He said with a wink in your direction.
As much as you couldn't believe Calum had faced you with this task, you had to hand it to him that this was a top class dare. Part of you couldn't help feeling a little excited about possibly being able to give Ash a little bit of pleasure - you had liked him for what seemed like forever now. However, you did your very best to conceal that shimmer of a thought.
"Right okay, Ashton, unbuckle your belt," you instructed him, not wasting anymore time. You shuffled next to him and rested your hand on his thigh, making him squirm already. He did as you asked, a nervous look splashed across his handsome face. His hands were shaking as he tried to undo the button of his jeans-you were fully aware of his anxiety. You gave him a small smile as you slipped your hand down the gap he had created for you.
As gently as you could manage, you placed your hand over the material covering his member and curled your fingers around it a little. Ashton gulped, his struggle to keep his eyes open obvious.
You sat back against the sofa, gently stroking your thumb up and down. The material of his underwear still covered him, but that didn't make the sensation he was experiencing any less euphoric. You smiled to yourself, knowing that this was driving him crazy. He was completely tense all over; his hands balled into fists at either side of his rigid body. He was nervous, but the look in his gorgeous eyes showed you exactly what you wanted to see. You tried to move your thoughts away from Ashton, so you asked Luke whether he would like a truth or a dare.
After he chose truth, your mind went blank. What could you possibly ask him that you, one, didn't already know, and two, would make his cheeks flush redder than Ashton's?
"Hmm... What's your top sexual fantasy?" You questioned him. His cheeks definitely reddened, but they still didn't match the bright shade of red of Ashton's.
After Luke gave you all a beautiful description of a threesome between himself and a couple of hot girls, his mischievous eyes flickered over to Ashton.
"Truth or dare, Ash?"
"Well I can't exactly pick dare now can I?" He snapped back, his eyes darting down to where your hand was and his voice sounding strained and flustered.
Luke grinned like he had been planning for Ashton to say that.
"How turned on are you right now? Like out of 10?"
Now it was your turn to blush. Ashton scowled at Luke, but answered immediately.
"9. It would be like 11 if you guys weren't here staring at me."
Your eyebrows raised a little before you remembered to conceal your emotions towards this subject. Conceal don't feel, don't let them know... Wow.
"Should we leave guys? I think Ashton is hinting at us that he wants some alone time with [Y/N]." Michael snickered.
"Yes! Let's go down to the pub! More alcohol for me!" Calum piped up.
"C'mon then. Have fun guys." Michael said, standing up and helping Luke pull Calum up.
"Wait what?! You guys are serious?!" Ashton exclaimed.
"Hells yeah. See ya." Luke laughed, winking in your direction.
"oh, and it hasn't been five rounds yet. If you remove your hand before we get back to resume the game, you lose. Unless..." Michael laughed, slamming the door behind him.
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds, and despite the fact it didn't last long, you felt the usual unbearable need to break it.
"um, so." You spluttered, gripping him a little tighter for his pleasure. You could tell he liked it from his eyes - they had darkened considerably.
"You know, if you wanna relax a little, you can..." You whispered in his ear, your lips grazing his cheek.
He moaned quietly, still not completely comfortable. He had already been getting hard beneath your fingers, but your lips resting on his cheek seemed to be the reason for his sudden excitement and almost immediate growth.
"[Y/N]..." He groaned, his eyes squeezing shut as he clenched and unclenched his fists repeatedly by his sides.
Seeing him like this made you almost as turned on as he was.
You used your free hand to pull his jeans down a little, however as he saw the difficulty, he rushed to help, pushing them down to his ankles.
You smiled at him nervously as you slipped your hand into his boxers and properly took him in your hand.
His eyes had closed once again, so you knew you were doing something right. It was easier to manoeuvre his boxers down his legs with just one hand - they were considerably lighter and less finicky.
You began to move your hand back and forth, back and forth, pumping him until you thought his clenched fists couldn't get any whiter. You knew he was close so you went a little bit faster to drive him over the edge and leaned into him, whispering 'I'm so hot for you right now,' in his ear before kissing down his jaw.
He groaned as he came, turning to you almost immediately afterwards and crashing his lips to yours urgently.
You had to remove your hand when he stood up and kicked his jeans off before pulling his boxers back up. He leant down and effortlessly scooped you up in his strong arms, carrying you towards his bedroom.
"C'mon, it's my turn to do something for you now."
Calum: "Truth or dare, Cal?" Ashton asked, continuing your game.
"Eh, I'm feeling daring, go for it," Calum retorted confidently.
"Alright, I dare you to..." He began, his face contracting into deep thought for the duration of his brief pause. "I dare you to go do sexual things in the bedroom with [Y/N]." He decided, grinning.
"What?!" You yelped, surprise lacing your tone and etching itself into your expression.
"You heard babe. You know you want to," Mike smirked at you with a wink. You stuck your middle finger up at him and returned to staring in shock at Ashton.
"You call that a dare? We would've ended up doing that anyway." Calum smirked. His confident persona only had the tiniest fault that only you appeared to notice - his shaky hands. Nerves shook at his long fingers, and despite his best efforts to keep this hidden, you could tell. You seemed to be able to see things in Calum that nobody else could, and that you could see in nobody else. His hands shaking was an example of this.
You didn't really have much say in the subject as the next events that happened were Calum standing up, grabbing your hands and pulling you into him. Not that you minded - you had liked Calum for ages. Plus, he was extremely hot.
"Just keep it down guys, would ya? It's late." Luke giggled as you followed Calum upstairs.
"C'mon, [Y/N]." He giggled, his hand grasping yours nervously as you followed him up the stairs, an anxious smile plastered across your face.
When you got into the bedroom, Calum found the most efficient way to close the door was slamming your bodies into it while you heatedly made out. He didn't waste any time being gentle or shy, he just got into it as if it were something he had been looking forward to for some time now.
"Calum..." You moaned as he laid you on the bed and ran his fingers up your thigh, stopping when he got to the waistband of your leggings. He pulled them down easily and had your eyes not have been shut, you would have seen him throw them across the room.
He rubbed you over your underwear for a few seconds before removing them as well. He then continued to move his skilled fingers around your most sensitive places; causing involuntary moans to fall from your lips every few seconds. Two of his long fingers plunged inside you without any warning; eliciting a gasp from you.
"Oh god Calum..." You breathed, barely able to control yourself.
Your voice was barely audible; you discovered this when you attempted to gasp out how good this felt. He then began to rub his thumb over you again, pushing you over the edge. You screamed his name in pleasure; forgetting about trying to stay quiet. He kissed you roughly to suppress your moans, his hands now moving up your body as you scratched down his back passionately. After you had come down from your high, you felt the unbearable need to satisfy his desires. You pushed him back a little, smirking as a confused expression washed over his lustful features. You moved to straddle him, and then effortlessly removed his shirt so you could begin kissing down his chest as painfully slowly as you could go in order to drive him crazy.
"It's your turn now," you murmured onto his skin, pulling his jeans down as quickly as you could manage.
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