Ashton: you groan as Calum suggests that you play dares. The game is like tradition at his parties - basically because he likes being dared to get naked.
You sit down next to Ashton, feeling the familiar rush that always comes from being close to him. At least you have him to make this game more bearable.
"Alright, I'm going first," Calum shouts over the noise, his voice slurring. You giggle as he unsteadily falls to the ground, acting like that had been his intention all along. From the look in his hazy eyes you can definitely tell he's been mixing his drinks.
"[Y/N], I dare you to take your top off!" He giggles. Easy. Calum enjoys picking on you - he knows you're not one to refuse a dare. You yank your shirt over your head, earning a chorus of cheers and applause.
"You're losing your touch, Cal." You joke, winking at him.
Now it's your turn.
"Alright... I dare Luke to do a belly shot from Ashton." You state, grinning mischievously.
Luke grumbles something about hating you, but he's not about to wuss out on you. He cringes at the taste of Ashton flavoured alcohol, but gets it over with quickly.
"Ashton. I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with [Y/N]." Luke smiles cheekily. Ashton blushes and turns his head to the floor, muttering something to Luke. Heat rises to your cheeks - he doesn't want to.
"You don't have to, Ash." You mumble. An ache forms in your chest, but you force a smile to your lips. The idea that maybe he could like you was just wishful thinking.
"N-no, c'mon." He stammers. standing up and offering you his hand. You're hesitant to take it at first: knowing that he doesn't want to kind of put a downer on things. But, when his cheeks fill with colour and his eyes widen in a plea for you to take his hand, you know you can't leave him like that.
He leads you towards the closet under the stairs, offering you a nervous grin. It'll be fine. It's just a dare.
You step into the closet next to him, pulling the door closed behind you and shutting out any light.
Your eyes adjust to the darkness quickly, but you can only just make out Ashton's features.
"You know you don't have to do this. I would understand." You tell him.
"N-no, I want to, i-it's just..."
"Just what?"
"Tell m-" he cuts you off with a kiss.
Ashton's lips move against yours gently, as if he's afraid to take things too far. He backs you into the wall, but keeps the kiss innocent. You wind your fingers into his blonde curls, begging him for more. The remnant of space between you is closed, and that's the push he needed to move things forward. His tongue slips into your mouth, exploring there while his hands explore your body. His calloused fingers make butterflies erupt in your stomach as they caress your bare skin. Fire burns through your veins and fills you with desire; you have never been kissed like this before - it's intense.
When you break apart for air, you're both panting and staring at each other with dark, lust filled eyes.
"D-d'ya think they'd notice if we stayed in here a little l-longer?" You breathe.
"What does it matter if they do," he mutters, connecting your lips before you have chance to say another word. He hoists your legs up around his waist and pushes you hard against the wall. All of your willpower hones in on staying quiet, but the way he's kissing your neck is making it extremely difficult.
A knock at the door interrupts the scene. Feeling Ashton's hot breath against your wet lips sends shivers down your spine, making you want him more. His eyes connect with yours as Michaels voice fills the small space.
"Guys? It's been nearly 10 minutes." He chortles.
"Piss off Michael!" Ashton yells. His lips graze against yours, making it all the more difficult to refrain from kissing him.
"Have you told her that you like her yet?" He replies casually.
"Michael!" Ashton snaps, his face noticeably heating up.
"Oops, I guess not." Michael giggles. Hurried footsteps in the opposite direction signal his swift dismissal.
Ashton's gaze falls to the floor, and he refuses to meet your eyes.
"You don't have to pretend you like me too. I know we're just friends."
"Ashton you idiot."
A giggle escapes your lips - you couldn't help it. There's just something so ironically amusing about him thinking that you don't like him.
His confused eyes glance upwards and meet yours. Obviously he hadn't expected laughter.
You don't give yourself time to convince yourself out of kissing him.
"I don't have to pretend anything. I like you too." You murmur against his lips, leaning your forehead on his.
He takes a sharp breath and allows a smile to tug at the edges of his lips. You expect a speech, but his mouth soon becomes occupied with kissing you. It's full of everything it should be - passion, lust, tenderness... It was everything.
Calum: bored is an understatement. You have been sat in the guys dressing room nearly all day waiting for tonight. For the majority of that time they've been glued to their phones, and you're going out of your mind with boredom.
You sigh frustratedly, hoping to get their attention. Not one of them even looks up from their phones.
"Guys," you whine, "I'm bored."
Ashton and Calum look up at you, whereas Michael and Luke just grunt something that sounds like 'so what?'
"I'm bored," you repeat, hoping that they would take the hint and entertain you.
"Wanna play a game?" Ashton suggests.
"Anything would be better than being sat doing nothing."
At this, Luke's head snaps up, a mischievous glint in your best friends eye. Worry scratches at your thoughts. You know that look.
"I have an idea!" He chirps.
Calum nods his head at him, indicating that we're open to suggestions.
"Lets play dares! It'll be fun." Luke grins.
Oh no. You were right to worry.
Luke is the only one who knows about your crush on Calum. He rarely stops pestering you about confessing your feelings to him. He ships you guys - hard.
"Okay! That doesn't sound too bad." Michael interjects, shoving his phone in his pocket.
That decided it. 2 out of 5 wasn't the majority, but anything Michael was down for, Calum was too.
"Alright then, dares it is." Calum smiles, moving to sit on the floor. He grabs your hand, pulling you off the sofa in a less than elegant way. He chuckles as you move to adjust yourself. At least you're sat close to him.
"Okay, I'm starting." Michael decides.
"This game is gonna be fun for you, [Y/N], considering you're the only girl." Luke states with a laugh. You shoot him a look, but don't respond. The thought had already crossed your mind.
"Alright - [y/n], I dare you to give Luke a lap dance."
Your eyes widen and Ashton giggles next to you. You feel Calum's hand squeeze your knee, pulling your attention to him. The look on his face suggests it was a completely subconscious act, but there's something about his eyes that makes you question that thought. After a brief few seconds of speculation, you choose to ignore the glamour in his eyes on the basis that you can't decipher it.
You groan and crawl over to Luke, missing the contact from Calum's hand on your knee sooner than you should have.
"Hey," you smile awkwardly at Luke, positioning yourself.
"Hey babe." He grins back.
"I don't know why you look so smug," you laugh.
"This is gonna kill him." He mumbles under his breath.
"You're so kind, Luke."
"Jealousy is the key to making him admit his feelings!"
Just as you're about to retort, Ashton speaks.
"Alright, I'm gonna put a song on and you have to keep going till it finishes." He explains, and you nod in understanding.
The music begins and you move your body awkwardly, unsure of what to do.
"Calum's watching babe, make it a good show. Show him what he's missing." Luke whispers in your ear. Your eyes widen but you don't say anything, instead you try to get more into it.
"He looks jealous," Luke whispers. You use your shock to spur you on. The less you think about what you're doing, the easier it is to relax.
When the song finishes Luke hold onto your arm, keeping you near him. You get the message and choose to sit between Luke's legs with your back resting on his chest. That's definitely jealousy flaring in Calum's eyes - it would take a fool to miss that. But you're still hesitant to let yourself believe that he could feel something for you. It seems too good to be true.
After you dared Ashton to send a dick pic to a random number - which he went through with - Ashton dared Luke to stand naked at the window for 3 minutes. Which means that now it's Luke's turn to dare someone.
"[Y/N]. I dare you to make out with the guy you're crushing on. There has to be tongue and everything. And it has to last at least four minutes."
"Luke!" You hiss, whacking his chest aggressively. He doesn't seem affected, instead he just smirks at you.
"What if he's not here?" You ask, trying to buy yourself some time. Luke smirks again.
"I know that he is."
You sigh deeply and decide that you may as well do it now while you've got the nerve.
Your heart pounds with each shuffle you take towards Calum. When you're halfway there you meet his eyes. He looks as nervous as you feel. A few seconds later you're next to him.
"Me?" He whispers in disbelief.
"Of course it's you." You mumble, a little more loudly than you would have liked.
You kneel in between his legs, having no idea what to do next.
"I'm sorry," you whisper to him.
"About what?" He replies quietly.
"Well I wouldn't wanna kiss me,"
"Yeah well I do," he winks, pushing the small of your back in order to bring you closer to him.
Your surprise is washed out by the overwhelming sensation of kissing Calum.
You have imagined what it would be like to kiss him plenty of times, but none of them compared to the real thing. It's mind-blowing.
After your 4 minutes are up you barely move from him. Thoughts of disbelief overtake your mind, but all you can do is stare at him.
"Y-you wanted to kiss me?" You choke eventually. Colour and heat floods your cheeks, but you're not concentrating on your embarrassment right now.
"Yeah. I have for a while now." He admits sheepishly. A small smile spreads across your face as you lean in to kiss him again, showing him that you feel exactly the same.
"Okay now that that's settled can we get back to the game?" Michael laughs.
Luke: Michael grins at you smugly as he saunters over to you, pulling your tshirt over your head in one swift motion. You blush as he pulls you closer to him, and a shy giggle escapes you just before he presses his lips to yours.
The kiss only lasts a few seconds before Michael resumes his place on the sofa across the room and you pull your shirt back over your head.
Dares is probably one of your favourite games. However, whenever you play it with the 5sos boys it has a tendency to take a sexual turn. Not that you minded.
Luke has a weird look on his face as you sit back down between him and Ashton, but you figure that's just because he still feels a little on edge after having to flash his dick to the whole room. You shrug it off and figure that he'll be fine in a few more rounds. Ashton is giggling next to you for some unknown reason, so you turn to him and give him a confused look. He smiles at you cheekily, as if he knows something that you don't.
"What?" You laugh.
"Talk to Ashton later, [y/n], it's your turn to dare someone!" Calum whines. You lick your lips as your mischievous eyes fell on Luke. He looks so helpless.
"Alright, I dare Luke to give Calum a lap dance for three minutes." You giggle. Luke grumbles but pulls himself off the sofa. Calum is glaring at you but you can't help but laugh.
Halfway through the dare you turn back to Ashton, waiting for a response from your earlier question.
He beckons you closer to him, indicating that he's going to whisper his secret. You lean in, waiting for him to tell you what was so funny.
"You like Lukey," he mumbles quietly.
Your eyes widen, and immediately you feel defensive. How the hell does he know?
"What?" You whisper back, hoping you sound casual, maybe even shocked.
"I saw one of your texts that your friend sent you the other day. It said: 'so have you told Luke that you're head over heels in love with him yet?' That kind of gave it away." He explains.
"Ashton!" You exclaim quietly.
"I won't tell him! But here's the thing, he-"
"Finished!" Luke yells. You cringe at the unnecessary loudness, but grin at him as he drops himself back down next to you.
You smile anxiously at Ashton, and he must have known that you're nervous about Luke because he sticks his pinky out to you, silently promising you that he won't say anything. You link your pinkies, smiling gratefully at him.
"Okay. Ashton, I dare you to go spoon on the sofa with Michael for five rounds." Luke dares Ash. That was easy. Luke must be losing his touch.
"Um okay." Ash agrees, clearly just as confused as you.
"Okay. Calum, I dare you to make out with [y/n] for a minute - there has to be tongue and stuff as well." Ashton says.
Calum shrugs and moves next to you, pulling you towards him and completing his dare easily. Calum is a really really good kisser, but you decide not to admit that, especially with the look Luke is giving you.
"Ashton I dare you to throw [Y/N] in the pool." Calum smirks. Your eyes widen and you're quick to try and get away, but Ashton is quicker. This is his revenge for Luke's lap dance earlier.
You kick and scream but Ashton is stronger than you, so a few minutes later you're completely submerged in freezing cold water, your clothes sticking to your icy skin. You surface after a few seconds, taking in a huge gasp of air.
"Ashton!" You wail, but he's too busy laughing at you, as are the others. Well, all except Luke. You would've thought he'd find this the funniest, seeing as he seemed to hate you tonight.
Luke sticks his hand out to you, a small smile on his face. You accept it gratefully and allow him to effortlessly pull you out of the pool. The cool night air hits your already shivering arms, causing your teeth to chatter loudly.
"C'mon, lets get you inside." Luke mumbles, ignoring the rest of the boys who still haven't stopped laughing.
Once inside Luke leads you to his room, quickly searching for a towel for you. He then grabs one of his shirts and hands them both to you with a sheepish smile.
"Thanks," you say through chattering teeth.
You're fast to yank your dripping shirt over your head, so fast that Luke doesn't get a second to look away. He turns around swiftly, almost falling over in the process. You can see even from the back of his head that he's beet red.
"You don't have to be embarrassed you know. It's just me." You laugh a little. You rub yourself with the towel, trying to bring some heat back to your body.
"But just you is really hot," he mumbles, just loud enough for you to hear.
"Why don't you turn around and look at me then?" You counteract. Normally you wouldn't have said that, but the adrenaline in your system is sending jolts of confidence through your veins. He gulps and slowly turns to you, his eyes drinking you in. The way he looks at you is mesmerising. It makes you feel like you're the only person in the world who matters to him.
You pull his shirt over your head and pull your soaking shorts down your legs.
"I don't suppose you..." You begin, but he's already ruffling through his draw.
"You can wear a pair of my boxers if you'd like?" He asks with a chuckle.
"Yeah sure, why not." You decide.
He passes you the boxers and turns away from you to give you some privacy. It's lucky they're elasticated or they would've been massive.
"Alright, done." You tell him, and he spin back to you, admiring you immediately.
"I like how you look in my clothes," he tells you, sounding a little far away. He then blushes as if realising what he had said and heads for the door.
When you get back downstairs the boys had managed to stop themselves laughing and had resumed their places.
You're still shaking from the cold a little, so as you sit down Luke pulls you towards him, wrapping his arm around your shoulder protectively. You try to control the butterflies, but fail miserably.
"My turn!" Ashton exclaims, shooting you a look. Oh no.
"Luke! I dare you to give [Y/N] a hickey on her neck."
You feel your cheeks flush. What is he going to say? Luke never refuses a dare. You turn your head slightly to look at Luke, who is also blushing. You smile sympathetically at him, and move a little so that it would be a bit easier for him. You still aren't close enough, so Luke pulls you onto his lap, his hand skimming the bare skin on your leg. His touch sends electricity burning through your veins and makes your heart pound. You hate it.
His lips connect to your neck, kissing it gently before getting slightly more rough. You have to bite your bottom lip harshly to prevent yourself from moaning. He sucks and nibbles, but makes sure to pepper you with some gentle kisses as well. You dig your fingers into his shoulders to keep yourself from groaning in pleasure. He moves up your neck, his lips making you feel indescribable things. This isn't part of the dare. When he reaches the edge of your lips he seems to realise, and pulls away slightly, meeting your eyes.
"I-" he stammers, but is at a loss for words.
"Don't stop now," you whispers, and the look of confusion in his eyes melts. He presses his lips to yours immediately, not wasting a second. He kisses you desperately and passionately as if this is the last time he would ever get the chance. Your hands lace into his hair, getting into the kiss before you hear Michael cough loudly.
You both pull away and meet the faces of three smug boys.
"So are you guys finally gonna get together now?" Michael laughs.
"You told them?!" You direct at Ashton. He puts his hands up in mock surrender.
"No! They must have figured it out for themselves!" He tells you.
"Told them what?" Luke asks you. You turn and meet his eyes, feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Ashton may have found out that I kiiindaa like you." You admit. He grins and leans forward to whisper in your ear.
"I like you too, if you hadn't guessed."
Michael: you sigh dramatically to indicate your annoyance about the boys' choice of game. Dares always takes an awfully embarrassing turn when you play with them. Still, you're not about to wuss out of playing. Maybe you'll get to make out with Michael or something - now that would make playing worth it.
"I dare Ashton to go and knock on the door across the hall from us and ask for a lemon," Calum giggled. You frown - that was definitely the alcohol talking.
Ashton jumps up and heads for the door, so you all follow suit.
"Guys, whoever's in there will suspect something if they see all of you," Ashton complains.
You roll your eyes but follow
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