Why are there so many people here? It feels like forever before you finally get to the door.
You practically throw yourself outside, desperate for some air. It's raining pretty heavily, but you're grateful for it. The cool water soaks your skin almost instantly and you start to feel a little better. Everything was too much at once. There were so many people, and Calum made you feel awful. It was too loud and too crowded and too warm and just too much.
The door bursts open to reveal Calum, but noticing the rain he doesn't step out, he just stares at you.
"Jeez, [Y/N], come back inside. It's pouring it down out here. You'll get sick." He shouts, the sound of the rain drowning out his voice.
"Don't pretend like you care about me. I heard what you said to Luke."
"Look- I just-" he stammers, his eyes pleading with you to go easy on him.
"Save it, Calum. You don't need to explain yourself, I knew that you were like this, I just forgot for a minute there. I shouldn't have let myself be fooled by your nice act. It's my fault for being so stupid."
You shake your head and turn away from him, walking in the direction of your house.
Moments later a strong hand grabs your arm and pulls you around, and then Calum's lips are on yours. You know it's stupid of you, but you let yourself get caught up in it. The kiss is so good. You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his around your body, pulling you tightly into him. The kiss is intense and passionate and you feel like you're flying through space. It's everything a kiss should be.
When it ends, your eyes connect and he leans in again, kissing you gently this time.
"I have something to say to you, but not here. Come on."
Calum leads you back into the bar and takes you to the front of the stage. "Stay here," he tells you, then disappears. Your eyes follow him as he makes his way onto the stage and grabs the microphone.
"Hey, guys," he says almost nervously. Everyone turns to look at him, and you notice that you go to school with the majority of these people. Some of these people are Calum's closest friends.
"Okay so if this wrecks my reputation or makes me seem like a pussy then I don't care. I have feelings for that girl right there," he announces, pointing to you. Everyone's eyes turn to you, making your cheeks heat up. Oh God.
"But anyway. If any of you have anything to say about that, then my fists will be more than happy to listen to you. That is all."
Luke approaches you before Calum gets back to you. "He's a nice guy deep down. You just gotta coax it out of him a little." He grins.
Calum turns up at your side. "I take what I said before back, Luke, you can't have her. She's mine." He smirks, and weaves his arm around your waist.
Luke grins and leaves to go talk to Michael.
"So," Calum begins, "was that okay?"
You smile at him and quickly plant a kiss on his lips. "That was perfect, Cal."
* * *
here you go! this was requested a lot so i hope it's a good enough ending for y'all!
next up is part 5 for Calum & Ashton's you get a boyfriend preference, yay 😀
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