Ashton: you didn't know how to react to his reappearing act, so you acted like he was just any other person.
"I'm sorry, we're closed." You stated firmly.
His slight smile dropped completely.
"C'mon, [Y/N], I just want to talk. I've got some stuff I really need to say to you. Please?" He pleaded.
"Ashton I think ignoring me for four years has said everything that you needed it to. I can't think of anything else that you could possibly have to say."
Hurt flashed through his eyes, causing a momentary pang of guilt. Even if he had caused you endless amounts of pain, surely lashing out wasn't the option here.
"Fine. When I finish we'll talk." You sighed, giving in to him. It couldn't hurt to find out what he had to say, could it?
Calum: you were almost rendered speechless.
"What? Why?" You questioned him.
"I... I have some stuff I need to say to you." He replied quietly.
"What stuff? Why can't you just say it over the phone?"
"Because... Well because I just can't, okay? You'll understand."
Thoughts rushed through your mind at a million miles an hour. Should you give him your time? Or should you just hang up on him without giving him an answer? As much as you couldn't bear to be hurt by him again, especially since he seemed to be the only person in the world that could actually effectively upset you, part of you was curious to hear what he had to say. You would regret not hearing him out.
"Yeah, okay, fine. You know where I live, come over in an hour."
Luke: you completely panicked. He hadn't gotten up yet, so instead of acting like a regular human and greeting him, you just composed yourself and started walking again, as if he hadn't shocked you at all. It might have gone better if you hadn't tripped over his legs in an attempt to get past him, but heyho.
He stood up hurriedly, clearly confused as to your reaction.
"[Y/N]?" He said quietly while you were fumbling with your keys, your shaking hands making it next to impossible to open the door. You shook your head. You had nothing to say to him. In the corner of your eye you could see his heartbroken expression and it almost made you want to forgive him. Almost.
"Talk to me [Y/N], please!" He begged.
"I have nothing to say to you!" You suddenly snapped, "you haven't even bothered with me for four years; I'm quite clearly not good enough for you so why are you even bothering me now?"
Michael: his eyes were wide and apologetic and he looked just as good as always, but somehow that bothered you more. He looked like he had been doing fine without you. It had been four years and you still weren't doing fine without him, but obviously that feeling wasn't mutual.
"[Y/N]... I've missed you."
"Fuck you Mike-" you slapped your hand over your mouth. You refused to call him Mikey. Only his closest friends called him that, and you no longer categorised yourself as his friend, let alone as his close friend.
"Michael, sorry."
He frowned and looked down at the floor, anger and annoyance in his eyes.
"Fuck, I'm such a dick. I'm sorry. You're my best friend, [Y/N], I should never have said what I did. Please let me explain myself." He pleaded. To anyone else you would have said no, but this was Michael, your best friend. You could never truly hate him.
"Fine, go for it."
"No, let me take you out for dinner tonight. Please?"
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