Ashton (death of a friend)

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\•this might be sad a little, so go get the tissues•\

I was playing my new video game I just got at game stop, when my phone rang. I picked it up and the voice I heard was very shacky "Um is this (YN)" they asked.

"Yes and who is this" I asked.

"Well, I'm (FN) sister" they said.

"Wait, lily is that you" I asked.

"Yah, and um well I have bad n-news" she said.

"What happened" I asked.

"Well (FN), d-d-died in a c-car crash" she sobbed. And with that I dropped my phone and just started at the wall.

"(YN) I'm sorry, but I gotta go" she said hanging up. Wait (FN) died! I shared everything with her, and we were like sisters. This can't be! I could feel the tears start to begin. And soon as I new it I was on the floor crying for life.

"Honey what's wrong" said Ashton from the door.

"S-she died" i cried.

"Wait who did" he asked sitting next to me on the floor.

"(FN)" I cried harder.

"Honestly I'm sad for you, but look you still have me, and we can go and do something to get it off your mind" he asked.

"I guess, we can watch a movie" I said.

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