VERY Important Author's Note *Please Read*

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Hi guys! This is my first author's note so I hope its not too boring. Um I know it's been two days since I last posted a chapter, and I might not be able to do it for another day.

The reason my updates are becoming longer then usual is that I'm on vacation right now with family, so with all the activities planned, it's hard to update.

My updates might take longer than usual, so if you guys could just stick with me for a bit, that would be great.

Wow, I imagined this note to be longer, but this is it.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

And one more thing before I go; I want to thank all the people who read this story, vote, comment, and follow me. It really means a lot and encourages me to write further.

If you guys didn't know, this is my first story, so I'm new to this. But I bet you knew that.....

Okay, I'll just shut up now.

Love you all.


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