Hey people of the world…. Or wherever you’re reading this from, how’s life? Anything exciting happen? I can’t wait for summer! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! Well here’s chapter 6! BTW, sorry for my weirdness, I just ate a LOOOOOOOOT of sugar. Hee, hee. Sugar. Hee, hee *Snort* hee, hee………
Chelsea’s P.O.V. (Recap)
Louis gave a me a sheepish laugh in return, before Liam asked, “Hey Chelsea, want to play Truth or Dare with us?”
I stared at him in shock. That was not something I was expecting. Where were the teasing comments and rude gestures? Or the crazy stares? “Oh C’mon Chelsea, live life a little.” Niall said after seeing the indecision on my face.
I glared at him, offended by the comment. “I do live life. I’m a happy girl.”
I avoided Harry’s “yeah right” gaze as Niall snorted. “Then come on and play!”
I huffed and plopped down next to Zayn. “Okay, let’s do this. Chelsea, truth or dare?” Louis asked.
Truth or Dare huh? I’ll show them how much I can live life.
Still Chelsea’s P.O.V.
“Hmm, truth.” I answered.
Louis looked deep in thought as the boys stared at him, waiting. I on the other hand was freaking out. What did I do? What is freaking wrong with me? What if he asks about what Harry said at the park? Or why I do those thing? Holy crap! I’m gonna die! We’re all gonna die! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Okay, I got it.” Louis said, a small smile spread across his face, “Do you have a boyfriend?”
I flushed a deep red as the rest of the boys made kissy faces and puckered their lips in my direction. Harry looked a little disturbed as I nervously played with my fingers; almost like he didn’t like my reaction to Louis’ question. “Um, no. We broke up a couple of weeks back.”
The boys dropped their immature faces and looked at me. I could feel my face drop considerably as all five boys stared curiously at me. “How long were you together?” Harry whispered, noticing my visible change in expression.
I shot daggers at Harry and he cringed back. “Only one question.” I spat icily at him. If only looks could kill.
“Okaaay than, Liam, truth or dare?” Niall asked, breaking the heavy atmosphere in the room.
Like that, we played truth or dare for an hour. Yeah, you would think that playing truth or dare would get boring after 15 minutes or so, but no. The boys asked and did some very…. interesting things. Truths like “what was your first kiss like?” or “do you still wet your bed?” Some dares like go run outside with your pants—or trousers like Brits call them—around your head. Or go mix peanut butter and milk, and eat it.
A very cheeky Zayn asked me whether I was a virgin or not. With my cheeks flaming, I told him the truth. No. Louis, Niall, and Zayn had quite a laughing fit before teasing me until my face looked like I was twins with a tomato. The only people who didn’t were Liam and Harry. Liam was trying to stop the boys, but I saw him fighting back a smile himself.
And Harry, I don’t even know what is up with him. He looked pleased with my answer, before mouthing an “I’m sorry,” at me when he realized I was looking at him. I felt my insides melt as he gave me puppy dog eyes and pouted, his plump bottom lip jutting out. But I kept my act up. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Fudge off loser. You broke my trust. You hurt me. I’ll never forgive you.” I mouthed back, and his reaction was amusing. He looked like a train just hit him, before being crushed by a bulldozer. To be honest, I felt bad. But then, his next reaction wiped the satisfied grin right off my face, leaving me confused. Harry puffed his chest out as I shrunk back from his intense gaze, a smirk gracing his face.
I glared at Harry, hoping to intimidate him like I did before, but it only caused his smirk to grow wider. I groaned in frustration as he mouthed “virgin” at me.
Harry P.O.V.
I felt like a thousand weights had been dropped on me as I comprehended what Chels mouthed back at me. It hurt me so bad, to know I had hurt Chels. Then, I grew frustrated. Why can’t she just forgive me? What did I do wrong? I know I let out her secret, but it just slipped out. Why can’t you forgive me already Chels? It was just a mistake!
My head hurt as I thought things through. I just wasn’t a person who was okay with people being mad at me. I had to fix the problem I created, even if it meant going the hard way. Hard way? That gives me a thought. Hmm. If Chels won’t forgive me the nice way, we’ll go through this the hard way. After all, no one can really resist my charm. Even if I think of Chelsea as a sister, getting her to forgive me was something I would do, even if it’s the last thing I do. Even if I have to seduce it out of her…..
Chelsea’s P.O.V.
We played different games for a couple of more hours, before it was time for me to go to bed. “Good night guys. I have to go sleep now. I have school tomorrow.” I said while getting up and yawning.
A series of good-byes rung out to me as I walked up the stairs, navigating my way through the twists and turns of my big house. As I left the boys, I didn’t miss Harry giving me a wink and a quick dart of his tongue over his lips as his eyes trailed down my body. He had been giving me these looks all night, and it was driving me insane. When Harry would do something seductive, I would get a fluttery butterfly feeling in my stomach. My hands would get clammy, and I would have to look away before the feelings got too much for me to handle. I knew he was trying to seduce me to forgive him, but it won’t work.
I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. What was wrong with me? I recognized these signs, and I had to stay as far away from them as possible. I will only end up hurt, like Josh. That means I have to stay away from Har—
I didn’t get to finish my thoughts as I was gently pushed up against the wall. I gasped, the breath temporarily knocked out. I looked up to see a curly haired boy staring back at me. Anger instantly flared up in me as I glared at Harry. “What is freaking wrong—“
My voice was cut off as Harry pressed his body against me. He tilted his head down until he was my eye level. His minty breath fanned my face as I frantically remembered how to breathe again. “W…What are you d…doing?” I stammered as Harry leaned in, only a couple of millimeters away from my lips.
Harry didn’t answer me. Instead, his large head slowly traveled up my body, carefully tracing the side of my body. My heart rate sped up as he repeatedly massaged my thin hips. Harry’s other hand reached up and cupped my left cheek. His rough thumb gently rubbed soothing circles on my cheek, making a rosy blush spread across my face. I stared up into Harry’s sparkling green eyes, the dim light casting a shadow around us. The curly-haired boy leaned in and gently brushed his plump pink lips against mine. The simple touch was enough to make my stomach do flips and have an unclear haze settle down in my mind. My eyes fluttered shut as my hands instinctively trekked up to his curls. They fisted into his hair as Harry pressed his lips harder against mine. The kiss was hot and needy as Harry forced me harder against the wall, each trying to dominate one another. His arms encircled around my body, lifting me up to wrap my legs around his sturdy waist. Harry nipped slightly on my bottom lip, trying to make me open my mouth. I denied his access as the boy in front of me growled slightly in frustration. I felt the cheeky boy sigh in defeat as I rejected to take the kiss further a couple of more times. We made out for a couple of more minutes, before Harry pulled back from our heated kiss, both of us breathing heavily. “Do you forgive me?” Harry breathed out.
“W…What?” I asked confused, a little of the haze clearing from my mind.
“I said do you forgive me for the slip-up?”
Just like that, all the fogginess slipped from my mind. Everything came rushing back to me. I abruptly pulled away from Harry’s grasp and roughly push him away. I can’t believe I let him play with me like that. I glared at him, a low growl emitting from my throat. Harry smirked as I grew angrier and angrier. “I’ll take that as a no. Oh well, more seducing for me to do then. See you later sweet cheeks.” Harry said before spinning on his heel and walking down the hall.
I stared at Harry in shock, until I saw his back disappear from view as he turned at the corner. My breathing slowed down eventually as I tried to process what just happened. I touched my swollen lips, a tingling feeling left there from Harry’s lips.
What the hell just happened?
Hey guys! What did you think? This is the first time I wrote something like this, so tell me your thoughts! For the last chapter, I got three votes, but only 2 comments. So, for the next chapter, can I get 3 votes and 3 comments? Pretty please with cherries on top!
BTW, doesn’t Harry look simply adorable? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I could just eat him up! Okay, now that just sounded weird.
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