HI EVERYONE!!! Guess who’s birthday it was 14 days ago?? THAT’S RIGHT!!! MINE!!!
Haha sorry for that, but I turned 14 and I just wanted to share that with you guys!
IMPORTANT: I’m planning on ending this book in a couple of chapters, so hang in there my loyal readers!
Harry’s P.O.V. (SURPRISE!!)
My tired eyes drifted to the passing scenery outside as we drove by. My lifeless hair hung above my pale skin and I sighed again as I ran my hand through my hair. My chest still hurt. My head still hurt. Everything hurt.
Funny how the hospital was where people heal and get better, but that’s the place I hurt myself and damaged Chelsea even more.
Chelsea. The name vibrated through my skull and my heart painfully clenched. Chelsea, Chelsea. I hurt her. I promised I wouldn’t. I promised I would cherish her. But I didn’t. I broke her, and it made her—
My chest throbbed again and the sharp sting in my eyes made the passing trees outside blurry. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. That night when I went to visit her and saw…
Even during the interview we just had it was noticed; my lifeless answers, uninterested gazes. If only I could talk to Chel—
*Slap* My head was forced to the head and a painful ache came from my cheek. I cupped the injured part and opened my eyes in surprise to see Niall staring at me angrily. The rest of the band stared at us in surprise, but I could also see relief and satisfaction in their eyes. “What the hell Niall?”
Niall glared at me more. “No, what the hell Harry!? Why the hell are you acting like this? I know certain stuff happened but get over it! Or, talk to her would you? We all hate seeing you like this! Broken, guilty, helpless, STOP! Can’t you see everyone is suffering? The fans, the band, YOU. You better man up and get that misunderstanding cleared or so help me it will not be pretty.”
Niall’s chest was heaving heavily by the time he was finished and his face was all red. I stared at him in shock. It was the first time I’ve seen him get this worked up about something. My head slowly moved up and down in a nod and Niall sat back in his seat relived. The van was quiet before Louis spoke up. “Excuse me mister, but can you please turn the car around? We’ve got a couple that needs to get back together before they drive the sideline cheerleaders crazy.”
It was the first time in two weeks that a smile formed on my mouth and I let out a small chuckle as the whole van burst into laughter. With a determined gaze, I looked forward. This is it. I’m going to get her back.
Hang on Chels, I’m coming for you.
My eyes widened greatly as Josh closed his eyes and leaned forward. No, this needed to be stopped. So I brought my head closer to his… and head butted him as hard as I could.
A loud groan of pain filled the air (A/N: That sounds dirty O.o) and my head felt sore. I groaned as well and fell backwards on the floor. “CHELSEA… Ow… the f*ck man… sh*t…”
A laugh bubbled up in me but I stayed on the floor with a straight face. I slowly got up in a sitting position and rubbed my head. Josh was rolling around on the floor moaning about his head splitting open and mumbling about just wanting a kiss.
All humor died in me as I remembered why I did that stupid move in the first place. Josh was…going to kiss me?
Um, ew much?
I grimaced and got up to go get an ice pack for me when the front door burst open. I jumped a foot in the air and spun around toward the door. My heart dropped to the floor and the ache in my head no longer mattered. “H-Harry?” I called out hoarsely.
Harry’s eyes watered, matching my own and slowly walked towards me. His hands met me before he did. They traced my arms, my hips, my face, and my lips. He gently slipped his fingers over my bandages and sighed in relief.
Then it clicked. It wasn’t Josh or Simon that out those. Harry did. I looked up at his face and almost broke out in tears. Why? Why would do that? But as I looked closer, my thoughts about that vanished. He looked worse than I did, and it’s the first time over weeks I’ve seen him this close. So close I could smell his scent and gently brush his jawline with my lips if I wanted to. A bittersweet feeling filled me as I gazed over his features. Why Harry? We could’ve been so happy together. Why?
Before I could voice my thoughts, a hand clamped on my shoulder and roughly yanked me back. I stumbled into a hard body and cried out in surprise. I looked up to see Josh looking at Harry with a murderous look on his face. “She’s mine, get away from her,” Josh snarled.
Harry’s previous soft look hardened and his hands balled into fists. “Get your filthy hands off her you f*cker.”
Josh roughly pushed me to the side and raised his fist. “What did you say you little sh—“
My eyes shut tightly. I didn’t want to see Harry getting hurt. But instead of hearing a cry of pain from him, another sound filled the air. It was a sound of more than one fists raining down. My eyes slowly opened and I gasped. Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Niall were all beating the crap out of Josh. “Next time you want to raise your hand on someone, make sure they don’t have a bunch of angry friends ready to kick a$$ behind them,” Louis yelled.
“Guys stop!” I screamed. Slowly but surely, they gradually stopped and backed away. Josh lay unconscious on the floor; his body containing patches of blueberry colored bruises. My mouth gaped open and I looked the boys. “Well that escalated quickly,” I said. They all looked at me sheepishly and shrugged. “Oh, I’ve missed you guys,” I breathed.
All four boys beamed and they ran to me. “We’ve all missed you too Chelsea,” Liam said as they all hugged me.
I let out a little laugh. Oh how it felt good to have these guys back in my life. Well except for one. The boys let go of my one by one then stepped back and pushed Harry forward. “Go on mate, talk to her. Tell her what really happened,” Zayn said.
My eyebrows furrowed as a little flame of hope lightened in me. Maybe everything was a misunderstanding and it was actually just me not listening? My mood darkened with that thought. Did I seriously give myself weeks’ worth of pain just because I didn’t stay and listen?
I shook my head and told myself not to get ahead of myself and looked at Harry. He gave me a little smile and I shuddered. Oh how that sweet smile could get me all shaken up. I gestured Harry to one of the sofas and he looked at the boys. They all nodded and waved goodbye to me before turning around and leaving. I went and shut the door after them and then led Harry to the sofa. We sat at opposite ends while facing each other and I grabbed a pillow for… support and pulled my knees to my chest. Harry chuckled at the gesture and crossed his legs. “So, get started,” I said.
All laughter wiped from Harry’s face and he looked at me seriously. “Chelsea, listen to me all the way and don’t interrupt. I want to tell you the whole story before you say anything.”
I nodded. Harry nodded at me as well and then took a deep breath. “Well, what really happened was…”
Hey guys! Happy late Valentine’s Day my lovelies! Love you all! Don’t forget to hit that vote button and comment so I know what you think! And don’t forget to view the media on the side or top (depends how you’re reading)!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. The YouTuber on the right is Superwoman!!! I love her sooooooo much, she’s my favorite YouTuber. Check her out on YouTube, she has over 5,000,000 subscribers and plays as her parent roles as well in some videos. She’s hilarious!!! XD
P.P.S. The guy on the right is one of my future husbands. XD *Le Mind* Psshhh yeah right, keep dreaming little girl. :(
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