Hey guys. I changed a few things up. THIS IS A FILLER CHAPTER! Not a very exciting one, but this chapter really helps to get to the drama. Kinda like the bridge ya know?
Pain. That was the only thing I could feel. In fact, that was the only thing I could ever feel. All my life I was broken and in pain. Pain of being alone. Pain of being rejected. Pain of being worthless.
But that was before Harry came.
He came into my life like a knight in shining armor. A Superman. A hero. He was always there for me, like a sturdy rock; arms always wide open and a steady shoulder to cry on. He saw through my broken smiles and gradually began fixing my cracked heart.
I used to think fate put us together. That Harry and I were meant to be. Like the heavens watched my struggles and sent an Angel to rescue me. Save me from myself.
But if I only knew I wrong I was.....
(Kinda like an Intro/Suspense thing for this chapter and future chapters..... ya know)
Darkness. That's all I could feel, or see for that matter. It surrounded me in a, almost comforting way. Ever since my mom's death, darkness was all that was in my life, so I was used to this darkness. But this darkness was better in a way, more peaceful, if that made sense. It didn't weigh me down or crush me to the extreme, it was just there.
Suddenly, the darkness was gone and in its place was a picture of a hospital room. More like, Harry's hospital room. I could feel my surprise. Why am I in Harry's room? I watched the room and nothing unusual happened for the first few moments. Then, as I scanned the bed, my eyes widened. Lying on top was a girl. Her back was to me, but I could make up some of her features. Blond hair with a slim but curvy body. She was wearig a costly blue sundress and her skin was a beautiful tan color. In all, she was the type of girl every popular guy would want as his girlfriend or in bed. It seemed like she was lying on top of something though. Something with brown curly hair and green eyes.
I froze and watched the heart-breaking scene in front of me. The girl (now my worst enemy, more then Beatrice and Rebecca) tangled her hands into my boyfriend's hair and tugged on it. A moan was forced out of Harry's throat as he tightened his grip around the girl's waist. He pressed the girl's body harder against his own and ran his big hands all over my enemy's body; finally slipping them under her sundress.
Tears burned in my eyes as my hands clamped over my mouth to muffle my broken sobs. I guess I was just a tad bit too loud. Harry eyes snapped open and met mine. The same eyes that I could stare into all day contained an evil glint as his mouth curved into an vicious smirk. Still keeping eye contact with me, Harry broke away from the kiss, making the girl whine in annoyance. The curly haired boy finally looked at the girl as he cupped her face. "Emily, you are the most beautiful girl in the entire world, and I thank the heavens because I met you. You light up my world like nobody else, and I know this is not the best time, but will you be my girlfriend?"
Tears trailed down my face and the sobs that I once held back began escaped my mouth as I slid down the white wall. The girl didn't look like she heard me, but I know Harry did. He was holding back laughter.
The girl smirked but her mouth quickly turned down at the corners. "What about your girlfriend now?"
At the mention of me, I quieted down to hear his reply. "Nah, she's just a fling, ya know? Just a one time thing. I wanted to get in her pants, but she was too weak, had an horrible body. Not to mention she was so ugly! Unlike you baby." Harry purred the last sentence and they were back to sucking each other's faces off.
I could feel my heart ripping into two as Harry's hospital gown was pulled off. His well defined body stood out against the bleak hospital colors and the tight black boxers that stuck to his skin was barely visible as the girl straddled my boyfriend that was once perfect in my eyes. The girl's sundress was slowly coming up, up, u--
"Get the oxygen mask, quick!"
"Her heart beat is going out of control!"
"Her blood pressure is going higher, doctor!"
"Get the--"
I could feel myself slowly coming back to conscious, as the last person that spoke began shouting at the doctor. My heart was pounding too fast and I could feel adrenaline streaming through my veins. What is going on?
Then everyone went silent. No one moved or touched me. I could faintly hear someone speaking, but I couldn't make out the words.
But when I strained my ears to hear what was going on, I only heard one sentence that sent the nightmare flooding back into my head.
"Yes, she is fine, but I would like to ask you, do you know a girl named Emily?"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE PAPARAZZI HURT HER?" I screamed at the blond boy in front of me.
Niall winced at my volume but stayed rooted to his spot, his gaze on his shoes. I grabbed the boy's shoulders and shook them. "TELL ME!" I yelled.
Niall shook his way out of my grasp and sighed. "We went out together since I was hungry and when we were coming out, the paparazzi found us. I don't know ho--"
"GET OUT! I SAID GET OUT!" I screeched, pushing the Irish man towards the door.
Niall's eyes widened at quickly scurried out in fear. Good. He should have. When I lost my temper, Hulk seemed like a mere puppy.
I groaned, tugging on my curls as I plopped down on my bed. How could I have snapped at Chelsea and say those horrible words? I was wrong, and she was right. I do need her. Every since Chels' left, I couldn't function properly. It's like my body shut down and it was as if I was in a dream-like state.
Then stupid Niall had to take her out and get her hurt. Stupid Irish guy. I swear, when I see Chelsea and if there is even a single scratch, I will personally come and behead that paparazzi. Jeez, I sound like a possesive werewolf that just found his mate. Don't ask me where I learned that, okay?
I chuckled. The boys were right as well. I was whipped. But at least I am whipped over the right girl. Come to think about it, I may even be in lov--
My door suddenly opened, snapping me out of my thoughts. My head whipped up and my eyes widened. In came a girl in a blue sundress. Her sun kissed skin went well with her blond hair, but that's not why I was surprised.
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