Chapter 21

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HEELLLOOOO! Sorry I didn’t update sooner, my school just started two weeks, so lots of stuff was going on, so sorry once again.

One more thing… HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALL HORAN!!! I love you sooo much! This chapter is dedicated to you, love. :)

Chelsea’s P.O.V. (A few days later….)

            “I said I could do it myself.” Harry snapped once again, yanking his arm away from my grip.

            My eyes narrowed but I kept my lips sealed. If I said anything now, we’d get into a huge fight, I could just feel it. Ever since a few days ago, Harry’s been so cranky, it’s hard to do anything without him snapping at you.

            Well I couldn’t really blame him; it was my fault as well; I was the one who…. well ya know….

You see, remember when Louis said something about management chopping their heads off if they missed a concert? Well he wasn’t really lying. Their manager called the hospital bright and early one fine morning, yelling at each of the boys so loud; I’m still surprised China didn’t hear it. The boys had to come up with some excuse to tell their manager, and the world about why they weren’t coming to one of the biggest concerts of their career.

            Want to hear what their brilliant lie was?  Well apparently, Harry was randomly running around and smashed into a tree.

            I know right, what good excuse-makers One Direction is.  

            Ever since the two hour yelling session, Harry kept quiet and didn’t say a word. The other boys, of course were worried about him, so they attended to his every need and helped him everywhere on everything. I guess Harry got sick and tired of being confined in the blank hospital and being treated like a baby, so today, he decided to unleash his stored up energy.

            I reached out to Harry again but he pulled away, making a dirty face at me. My teeth grinded together to keep me from lashing out. I watched Harry take slow steps across the room to the connected bathroom, a small smirk slipping on to his face. He was almost there when he spun around and threw his arms up into the air victoriously. “Ha, did you see that Chels? Did you see that? I can walk to the bathroom all by mys—Woah!”

            My eyes widened as I saw Harry trip over one of the stuffed teddy bears one of the fans have given him as a get well present. His body tipped backward and a look of horror was on his face as he tried to regain his already bad balance. I quickly rushed over to help him but I was already too late. Harry’s back hit the ground and a loud groan escaped his mouth. I almost cried in relief though when I soon saw little fluffy fake animals lying crushed underneath the boy’s body. Where did those things come from, you ask? Well when the word was out about Harry being in the hospital, the fans went CRAZY! They sent sweet stuff to him every day, created worldwide trends and uproars on twitter, and started camping outside the hospital. By now, the whole world knew about Harry’s condition. It was hard to go anywhere with getting bombard by fans outside the hospital, screaming to know about Harry, but the boys somehow managed. And they also somehow managed to not let the paparazzi or fans see me yet. I was glad in a way, I didn’t need any more hate then I already get.

I crouched down and placed an arm underneath his back, ready to lift the curly-haired boy up when he pushed me away, again. “I don’t Need. Your. Help. You don’t need to baby me, I said I could do it; you don’t need to be here.” Harry hissed harshly and carefully sat up.

            I felt like I had been punched. Like all the wind had been knocked out of me. My mouth parted slightly in shock and I fell back onto my butt. Pathetic, I get it, but the guy who stole my heart and called me his, didn’t want me here. He didn’t want me with him.

            Now before you guys tell me I’m overreacting, could stop for minute and think. I get bullied every day in school, by people who hate me and wish I was dead. My boyfriend of three years whom I loved very much went and cheated on me with one of my bullies. Then out of nowhere comes my knight in shining armor. He called me his girlfriend, took me to dates (three to be exact), and was a rock for me ever since he came. He saved me from depression and cutting. He’s my hero, as cheesy as that sounds.

            But my hero, my own boyfriend doesn’t want me. Tears filled up my eyes and I could tell Harry instantly regretted what he said. “Chels, I—“ Harry started as he touched my cheek with his warm hand.

            I shook my head and pushed his hand away. The hurt that was once inside of me was now replaced by anger. How dare he! I knew I had to be strong; I wouldn’t let him do this to me after Josh.

             I went for the smartest option I had available; pushing him. With all my force. Harry flew backwards and hit the small bed of stuffed animals. He looked up at me in shock and I just stuck my chin out as an answer. “Chels, what was—“

            “No Harry,” I shook my head, “I’m not going to stay here and let you get on my nerves like that! And how dare you say you don’t need me, because it’s not me that needs you, but you that will learn that you need me. And you’re going to learn the hard way.”

            With that I stood up opened the room door. “Wait, where are you going?” Harry asked.

             “Out.” I answered and slammed the door shut.


            “Which one of you ordered 4 burgers, two plates of fries, seven milkshakes, and 3 slices of cake?” The waitress asked.

            Niall raised his hand and stared greedily at his food. Before our server could even leave, Niall started gobbling his food down. Right in the middle, he opened his mouth wide and moaned, some pieces of un-chewed falling out. I don’t even want to describe what was in his mouth because children, you will be scarred for the rest of your lives. And I know you do NOT want the same fate as me.

 The waitress quickly put my salad down in front of me and scurried away. Fudge, that girl got away. Lucky her. Suddenly, the diner door opened and a boy walked in. I couldn’t see his face, but his back seemed oddly familiar. Butterflies filled my stomach and I frowned. Why was I reacting like this? I think he felt someone watching him, and he spun around. I quickly glanced down and began eating my salad like I was doing that the whole time, instead of watching a random boy.

A familiarly random boy.

My eyes trailed causally around the diner until I “accidently” found myself staring the mystery boy again. BIG MISTAKE. His brown eyes were already trained on me, and it didn’t take me long to figure out who it was. My eyes widened and my gaze quickly snapped back towards Niall, who of course, was still devouring his food. “Hey, Ni? I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick. I’ll be back.” I said in a rush and clumsily stumbled to the bathroom, not even bothering to wait for Niall to respond.

I pushed open the door and headed straight to the sink. My palms pressed against the cool countertop and I stared at myself. What was I doing? Why didn’t I have the guts to sit there like a regular human being?

Oh that’s right, because he’s Josh.

I shook my head angrily. He shouldn’t have this kind of control over me, it’s just not fair. We’re been broken up for a long time now, but I still don’t have the courage to look at him. Disappointment washed over me and I sighed. I’m never going to get back my courage to face him. Never. That’s just the kind of loser I am.

I sighed once again and wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans. Just before I could open the door, it opened from the other side, and the person I least wanted to see right now, walked in.

Josh looked at me determinedly and walked over with his usually cocky confidence. My breath hitched and I felt my lower back press against the sink counter. Josh was right in front of me now, pressing his body fully against mine, and putting both hands to the side of my body to keep me from going anywhere. His model worthy face looked down at me, and I boldly looked back up. He cupped my left cheek, causing me to flinch harshly and tingles to go down my spine, not exactly the good kind. Josh narrowed his eyes as they slowly lowered down to my slightly parted lips. He licked his own unconsciously, and I froze.

Uh oh, this meant trouble. My ex-boyfriend lowered his head and barely grazed my lips with his own when I snapped out of my daze. I wiggled in his hold, using my hands to try to push him away. My efforts were useless though, but I didn’t stop trying. If it had to do with getting away from Josh, I’ll never stop trying. Josh sighed and rolled his eyes as my hitting and pushing became weaker and weaker. I raised my fist to hit his chest again, when he grabbed both of my hands. I pulled on my arms, but he just stood there calmly like I was something smaller then a fly repeatedly smacking into him. “You done yet, babe?” His smooth tone whispered.

Tears gathered in my eyes and my body slumped. I looked down at our shoes to avoid eye-contact. “Josh, let go, I’ve moved on.” I whispered, hoping he would let go.

Instead, his grip tightened. “He’s not your boyfriend.”

I looked up, pure anger coursing through me. “Who the hell do you think you are?” I yelled and momentarily, Josh let me go. “He IS my boyfriend and you have no say in that! You broke my trust Josh, you cheated on me! Do you have any idea how much that hurts?!?!” I screamed, tears rushing down my face and only God knows where they came from.

Josh stared at me after my little speech with a blank look on his face. After a few moments of silence, excluding my heavy breathing, my past boyfriend walked to the bathroom door and opened it. Just before going though, he turned around and looked at me with an annoying smirk. “You’ll come back to me Chels, I know you will. He’s nothing but a prick, but you don’t see it. When he breaks your heart, my arms will always be open.” And with that, Josh left the bathroom leaving me confused and broken.


            I sat back down at the table, VERY aware of Josh’s burning gaze. Niall didn’t even look up from his food, even though he was almost done, but just gave me a small nod of acknowledgement.

 I took another deep breath and stuffed another piece of my unappetizing food and glanced at Niall again. Another BIG mistake. Now all I wanted to do is run to the bathroom again before my lunch makes its grand reappearance. His eating skills never seem to stop startling me. “Close your mouth Chels, you might catch flies.” The blonde boy smirked as he stopped wolfing down his food and looked at me.

            I closed my mouth and crossed my arms over my chest. “Well sorry I’m surprised that my friend eats like a pig. No, worse than a pig.” I huff.

            Niall’s eyes narrowed. “Take that back, missy.” He hissed.

            I shook my head; it was my turn to smirk. “Pig, pig, pig, pig, PIG!” I screamed, earning some weird looks from—well everyone.

            Niall turned red from all the stares and glared at me. Apparently, the Irish lad didn’t like having his eating habits insulted. And I decided to take advantage of that. I needed to get my mind off what happened in the bathroom. “Have you seen the way you eat? I bet you could eat the entire restaurant’s food!” I cried throwing my hands up ridiculously.

            Niall growled. I grinned. “And have you seen the way you eat? Poor waitress, she— AHH!!”

            I screamed and shot out of my seat. The cold milkshake Niall was finishing was now all over my face. I gaped at the laughing blonde as I wiped the cold substance out of my eyes. “Oh, you’re so going to get it.” I said and grabbed my ice cold water and splashed it all over him.

            Niall’s laugh immediately ended and he let out a not so manly squeak as I laughed at his shocked expression. Not before long though, my laughs were cut off as creamy cake hit my stomach. I gasped and to my surprise, Niall stood on a table. “FOOD FIGHT!” He screamed and the whole diner erupted into chaos.


            I bent over laughing with Niall as he dragged me out of the dinner. “GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK, YOU IDIOTS!” The manager shrieked and slammed the door shut.

            I laughed harder, clutching my stomach as Niall fell to the ground in laughter. After the whole place became a war zone, I could tell you that the manager was NOT happy. That’s the second manager I upset this month.

            And thankfully, Josh was the last thing on my mind.

            But as always, our laughs were cut short. “There he is, come on!” A voice shouted.

            I opened my eyes and saw Niall get up. Before we could even say anything, we were both surrounded by flashing cameras. I yelped and covered my eyes and the crowd started coming in closer and closer around us. My hand somehow got detached from Niall’s and I was pushed around by paparazzi. “NIALL!” I yelled and I could faintly hear him screaming my name out, blocked by the swarm of paparazzi shouting out questions.

            “Niall, Niall!”

            Stop screaming, he can hear you, moron!

            “Are you dating Chelsea Cowell?”

            What do you think?!?!

            “Does Simon know about this?”

            No, idiot, we are not even dating!

            “Niall, what happened to Harry?”

            Well judging by the way you sneaked up on us; I’m surprised you don’t know. Ever think about joining the FBI?

            “We heard you live with Miss. Cowell, is this true?”

            What do ya think, dipshit?

A hand reached out and pushed me roughly backwards. I fell back and cried in pain as I harshly hit the cement. “Chelsea!” Niall cried out.

Black began bordering the edges of my vision and I struggled to keep my eyes open. My breath quickened and my heart raced. Sweat quickly covered my face as the flashes came closer and closer. Uh oh, I knew what this meant. The last thing I saw was a certain Irish boy crouching down next to me and yelling at the paparazzi to screw themselves before my whole world elapsed into darkness.


How was that for a chapter?

Okay, I just want to say that I kind of found a guy now for Josh, but I don’t know. If you guys find a better guy, please tell me, I would really like to know.

SO HOW DO YOU THINK JOSH LOOKS? (To the right) His real name is Francisco Lachowski, a Brazilian model. Also to the right is one of the songs I’m obsessed with right now, Outlaw by Selena Gomez. >>>>> 

Have a nice day guys! Love you!


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