Shell Game

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{Silver's POV}

I was looking at my photos of my family, and I looked at the doorway after the familiar feeling, that came back that feeling of being watched.

I looked up, and Jayden stood in the doorway. "Training time?" I said, and he nodded. "Give me a second."

I said quietly, and he nodded at me, and I slipped the albums of photos in and under my pillow.

I quickly changed, and walked outside, and he stood with a wooden sword, and I caught the other.

"You're getting a lot better." Jayden said, and I held the sword up, and he swung at me, and I knocked it aside, and ducked under his return swing.

I didn't see the kick when I was blocking a swipe, and I fell on my back, and grunted. "You okay?"

Jayden asked, holding his arm out, and I grabbed my sword, and flipped up onto my feet, and swung at his feet.

He jumped up to avoid it, and then he knocked my sword completely now it was out of my hands.

I rolled backwards, and I reached and barely picked it up again in time, only barely blocking the strike.

"You're definitely improving."

Jayden said, and I looked at him.

"Learning to fight is good, but learning from the best, is always the fastest way."

I said, and he looked at me.

Suddenly, I kicked out hard, and sent him down, and he hit the ground hard on his side. "Ow. Man."

He said, and I smiled, and stood up.

"Karma's a brat." I said and he looked up at me. "No kidding." He said, and I smiled as he took my offered hand up.

I pulled him up, and he looked at me.

"We should be practicing more." He said, and my stomach rumbled, and he looked at me. "Really?" He said.

"Sorry." I said, and he just chuckled, as he followed me to the kitchen. "Did you eat all the cereal again Mike?!"

I yelled.

"Sorry! I was hungry!"

Mike shouted back at me. "Well now I'm hungry!" I shouted at him, and Ji snorted. "Nicely done." He said.

I grabbed a bunch of granola and milk, and dumped it together into a big bowl, and went into my room.

I shut the door behind me, and I almost screamed when I saw that Darren and Liana were waiting.

"What. The. Hell?" I asked, and they looked at me. "Sorry." Darren said as I shook my head. "Call ahead next time around."

I said, and Darren shook his head at me. "I was just wondering if I could.. you know... maybe finally now have the eaglezord?"

He asked, and I looked at him.


I said, and Liana looked at me. "Why not? We're your family." She said, and I looked at her. "No. Not anymore."

I said, and Jayden knocked gently on my door. "Hey Silver. Everything okay in here?"

He asked, and when he saw both Darren and Liana were in the room with me, his eyes were narrowed immediately.

"We're just leaving." Liana said coldly at his look, and they both disappeared into the shadows on my wall.

"Silver." Jayden said. "Darren. He wanted the eagle." I said, holding my wolf foldingzord block in my hand.

"Hey. Let's go catch Mia before she can get all the stuff that she needs, for her new perfect dinner recipe."

Jayden said, and I shuddered, as he left the room, and I threw on some of my normal clothes, and laced up my shoes before quickly throwing a zip up hoodie on over the shirt.

"Oh, hey. Can I take that for you?" I said, grabbing the bag from Mia, and she smiled. "Sure. Thanks."

She said, and I looked at Jayden, and grimaced at the contents of the bag. I looked at Jayden, and his expression, was one of disgust.

"Ick. Oysters, chocolate sauce, brussel sprouts." I said. "You sure you got also everything you need for this recipe?"

Jayden asked, now holding the bag, after seeing my expression that said I was going to be sick, just thinking of the food recipe.

"Sure am." Mia said.

"That sounds, um, interesting." Jayden said and I grabbed his other hand, as I walked with them.

"The secret is to mix all of the ingredients in just the right way, and then voila!"

She said, and I looked at Jayden, horror written all over my face that Mia luckily couldn't see.

"Explain that to the paramedics." He said, and Mia looked at him, eyebrows raised. "What?" She asked.

"Oh, um. Nothing." Jayden said, and we both ran off with the bag. I heard my Samuraizer beep, and so did Jay's.

"Got it." He said, and looked at both Mia and I. "Let's go." He said, and we all ran off.

"Nighlok!" I shouted loudly, and the Nighlok turned to see us all lined up, and my eyes flashed brightly, my aura now glowing with the extra power.

"How dare you talk to me like that?! I say now, how dare that you talk to me at all!" The Nighlok said.

"No more talking's fine by me." Jayden said, pulling out his spin sword. I held my own spin sword, and I watched, as a wolf does, a predatory stare.

"Maybe I'll have some fun with these lousy lame-os before I take them all in and down." He said.

"You're the one going down today in our world Nighlok." Mia said. "We all think so. I suggest that you just leave to go back to your polluted world."

I said, and he laughed. "A young girl, thinks herself the last one in her line, but there are others who could pick, up your sword and mantle kid."

He said, and I looked at him. "So it may be, but I am still now the Silver Ranger."

I said, and my sword was on my shoulder. "Imitating your boyfriend again Storm? Ha Ha! You're nothing but a joke! Now let's see what would be the funnest way to mash them all to bits?" The Nighlok said.

"Enough of this!" Mia said.

"Right!" I heard Jayden and I say at the exact same time yet again, for the umpteenth time.

"Hyah!" We all shouted, hoping that Mike, Kevin, Emily, and Antonio will all show up soon.

"What? You are really going to attack me? Check this out!" He said, and he's now a metal boulder like ball and our swords just bounced off of him.

"Ha! Your swords feel like pillows!"

He said, and punched us all back, and I hit the ground first, and my sword is sent flying.

After a few more minutes of rather one sided fast fighting, we were all in the process of staggering up quickly onto our feet.

"How can we stop him if nothing we do even slows him down?" Kevin said as I leaned on my sword to stand up.

"And where is Antonio?" I asked, as we all began the long walk home back to the House.

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