Chapter 19

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"Suga-San can you bring me my bag?"
"Sure Hinata I'll be right there" Sugawara went to the coat closet where everyone put their things. He noticed the bright orange duffel bag at the top and quickly pulled it down. The bag fell to his side and something inside of it sounded like a pills rattling. He opened the bag to see what it was (curiosity getting the best of him). There were 3 different orange bottles of medium size. They were mid full and Suga recognized one name and it was depression pills.
'I wonder what the other ones are' Sugawara had half a mind to google the pill names but remembered that Hinata was waiting for him.
'I'll ask him about it later' .
Suga knocked on the door softly but loud enough for Hinata to hear.
"Hinata I got your bag"
"Thank you Suga-San is it okay if I take a shower?"
"Of course I don't think the others are going to wake up any time soon. Let me know if you need anything"

Hinata POV
After Suga-San left I instinctively locked the door and started to draw( I think that's correct¿?) my bath. While the batch is running I look for my medications. I took the prescribed dose when a voice came into my head. A voice that I've never heard but oddly sounder familiar.
Just from the mysterious person calling my name I felt relaxed and sleepy.
'Who are you?'
'All you need to know is that my first name is Yuki'
'Do you trust me Shōyō?'
I responded without thinking 'Yes'
'Would you trust me with your life?'
'Do you promise to listen to my every word'
'Yes I do'
'Take another dose of all of your medications'
It was like I was in some sort of trance and I did exactly like she said. The room started to get brighter and in front of me I saw a beautiful woman with long orange hair and hazel eyes she had a comforting look about her like her voice and it made me trust her even more. I felt warm water start to reach my feet. But for some reason I wasn't worried about the fact that I was flooding the bathroom.

'Do you feel sleepy yet darling?'
I felt my energy draining but for some reason I didn't pay attention until she mentioned it.
'Stop fighting it'
I was confused about what she was talking about because I wasn't fighting anything. My limbs felt weak and I just collapsed, falling onto the wet floor. It was comfortable. The warm water felt like a blanket and the restless night I had before finally caught up.

'It's okay. Join me Shōyō"
I lost any energy to respond I closed my eyes listening to this oddly familiar woman. Helping me fall asleep.

'Join your mother Shōyō'

That's the best I could explain it sorry if it doesn't make sense.

Hinata isn't dead,,

Vote on the ending of this one because I couldn't decide what to do



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