Chapter 14

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"Are y'all ready for sleepover hell?"
"Is it too late to leave" Narita asked
"You can leave but you will be cleaning the gym by yourself for a month and you will have 3x the practice then the others." Suga said calmly
"Can he do that?" Kinoshita questioned
"I think so because Daichi is scared of him also so he pretty much let's him do whatever" Enoshita said calmly
"Yea Daichi is pretty much whipped for Suga-San" Naruto said
The other two agreed and started I talk about random things like school and grades.
"Okay everyone follow me to the guest room/game room" Everyone followed Suga to the room that was skillfully decorated. There were 2 king sized beds with matching comforters and pillows. The walls also had sheets hanging in the wall and in the far corner of the room were more forts that were already there. The forts back here was bigger than the ones up front and could probably fit about 8-10 people in there without it breaking.  On the opposite side of the room had a dresser between the matching beds with a big box that covered most of the wooden surface. The box had the words 'Party Games' in big bold white letters probably written with a wide tip marker.
"Inside this box there is strips of paper with names of party games along with the materials if needed for the games"
"How many games are there?" Lev asked
"You don't need to worry about that. Do you want to pick the first game?" Suga had a scary aura around him but he smiled all sweetly and innocent like he didn't plan to make everyone suffer.
Lev walked away from his short ankle bitter of a boyfriend. He picked the folded piece of paper and written on it with perfect handwriting 'Couples Monopoly'
"Okay so the first game of the evening is Coupled Monopoly. The rules still apply but you and your partner are going to share everything that's including money and property and if you land on someone else's property you have to pay the whole team."
"What is it Bokuto?"
"That's not fair because Tsuki and Hinata (I can't remember what he called him) and the other two have a team of 4 so they would get the most"
"It's fair because they have two idiots and a salt shaker on their team so their teamwork would suck" Kuroo explained
"Okay that makes sense"
"Words can hurt you know" Hinata said faking to be hurt
Kenma walked behind Kurro and kicked him in the leg
"Stop corrupting my Shoyo you dramatic rooster"
"CAN YALL SHUT THE FUCK UP AND START PLAYING THE GAME??" Suga yelled before Kenma could respond
"Mr. Refreshing isn't so refreshing now right Iwa-Chan~?"
"Shut up Shittykawa stop provoking Suga"
"Let the odds be in your favor because the loser gets punishment"

In the middle of the game~
"Oi Kageyama Tobio watch your mouth no cursing"
"Like you didn't curse when you got a go to jail card"
"Tsukishima Kei 20 laps around the gym on Monday!"
It was Kenma's turn he landed on Oikawa's property
"Pay up pudding boy~"
"Kurro give the door his money" Kenma didn't even give Oikawa a second glance as he went back to playing his Switch.
Oikawa just laughed as he collected his money from the couple
Next it was Kurro's turn and he landed on Suga's property but he didn't have enough money to pay for the hotel.
"God damnit Kurro why did you make us go bankrupt and to Suga-San of all people"
"I'm sorry kitten but Shoyo's team pretty much wiped us out"
Suga cleared his throat and asked "So how are y'all going to pay for the hotel?"

Kenma and Kurro were quite because they could follow the rules and go to jail (I think that that's how it goes I haven't played in a while) but they don't have a get out of jail card or they could do whatever crazy idea that Suga had that would probably end badly
Kenma scooted closer to Kurro and tapped his shoulder. When Kurro looked down Kenma just gestured
"*Well I'm not going to jail Kurro*"
"*But it's not like we can trust Suga-Chan right now either*"
"*Well what do you think we should do Kurro??*" Kenma loudly whispered clearly annoyed that Kuroo didn't have a plan. His sudden 'outburst' made a couple of people look at them slightly concerned for Kurro because when Kenma was mad it wasn't pretty
"*We could just see is there an alternative*"
"*Well you do that because I'll be damned if we are the ones that lose*"
"*Okay Kenma just remember this was your idea*"

"Is the couple done thinking of a strategy?" Suga inquired in a playful tone
"*Why do I get the feeling that Suga-San is a sadistic person?*" Hanamaki whispered to Matsukawa
"*I think he is bro you know you can't always trust the quiet ones*"
"*'Bro' that hurt I thought we were soulmates*"
"*We are I love you bro*"
"*No homo*"
"*Yeah no homo*"
(FYI they just playing)

Back to the game
"So the alternative to not going to jail is to pick a dare from the dare box"
"It can't be that bad right?"
Suga doesn't respond he just shrugged his shoulders and passed him another black box but it was smaller it had an identical box to the left of it. The only difference where one was labeled 'Truth' and the other was labeled 'Dare' Kurro closed his eyes and looked away from the tiny box of doom he rummaged through the tiny slips of paper picking one from the bottom. He opened the folded sheet of paper he read the following aloud "Serenade the person to your right"
"What does Serenade mean?" Hinata asked looking over Kenma's shoulder to eye the bed headed male his eyes filled with curiosity
"I think it means like singing a song outside of someone's window" Kuroo answered honesty
In case you were wondering the person on his right it was the one and only Bokuto Kōtarō.
"AKASHIIII! Do you want me to serenade you instead?"
"No thank you Bokuto-San"
"Okay so Kurro go outside and sing to Bokuto I guess" Daichi said clearly over everything and just wanted to sleep
"But what about the game?" Bokuto asked getting sad because him and Akashi were actually doing good they were in 3rd place Tsukiyamakagehinna were in 2nd. Daichi and Sugwara-Senpai~ was in first.
"Yeah what my bro said I think we could make a comeback"
"Kurro Tetsurō go outside and sing to Bokuto for the love of FUCKING god so we can get this over with." Daichi said calmly but rubbing his forehead.
"But aren't I older than you-
"I- Hai."
Kurro still shocked walked out the door and went to the back of the house. It was probably around 3-30in the morning and all of the sane people were sleeping but not for long because Kurro pulled out his phone and opened any music playing app.
Play Music
Kuroo starts singing seriously until the second verse that's when he switched the song and instead of a beautiful song about friendship he belted out
"There's Hydrogen and Helium. Then Lithium, Beryllium!!"
Bokuto recognized the said song but he only knew one line so he just said
"Noble gas is stable!!"
Kuroo sighed in annoyance with his best friend just as he was about to go back into Suga house but he felt a cold shot of water. And then another. And another. And another. They were all back to back so when he was trying to confront the shooter he was met with a whole lot of water in his face.
"Stop yelling I have neighbors Baka!" Suga whispered yelled
"Aren't we the same age why is he scolding me also?"Kuroo asked himself questioning his authority.

I'm sorry for the late update it was supposed to be updated on New Years but I got lazy and kept putting it off
Have a good day/night

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