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[6:00 a.m. Lisbon, Portugal]
[3 more days until back home]

I was currently in the hotel bedroom writing more and more songs, it seems as it's all I do. I love it so much though, with a passion.

I leave Portugal three days from now and honestly I am looking forward to it to go back home to see my family and friends of course, but I'm kind of dreading it because I'd be leaving Delaney.

Throughout these two weeks of knowing her, she already met the world to me. Maybe it's to soon or maybe not, but I have feelings for her spreading throughout my stomach, my heart and all throughout my lungs. I just want to breathe her in and never let go.

I knew these feelings would soon have to go awayI mean I don't even know if she feels the same! Especially because I'll be 300 miles away from her...it would be hard to see her whenever I want to or whenever I craved her. I don't know if I'd be hurt in the end or not but I don't want these three days to end.

I heard my phone ringing and I look down to see her name. I smiled a cheesy smile even though she couldn't see me.

"Hello Delaney" I say in a sing song voice, oh how bad I want to call her beautiful and all these sweet names to her but knowing I couldn't have her was what stopped me, but my music on the other hand didn't. I could write down every thought I had towards her if I wanted to, which I mostly have been doing. I minds well name the new album 'Delaney' but that'd be a little too direct.

"Hey shawn" she seemed a little down by the tone of her voice.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing" that was such a lie.

"Bull crap, something's wrong I can tell it in the time of your voice...what's the matter?" I could almost hear her roll her eyes at me on the other end.

"Woke up with another nightmare...also it's because we leave in 3 days and I know I won't see you ever again" that broke my heart.

"Delaney...so what if we leave in three days, I'll visit you whenever I can so I can see you, so don't you dare say it would be the last time I'd see you. I promise I'll never forget you either." I wanted to tell her more but I had to keep it somewhat subtle.

"Thanks shawn...that means a lot coming from a ugly piece of pig fat" she jokes around and laughs.

"Ha ha ha, very funny" I roll my eyes with a smile.

"So what are you doing Mr. Mendes?"

"The usual, what about you?"

"I'm going to get lunch with my cousins but that's all I know for today"

"That nice, I don't know what I'm doing for sure later, but I might be busy and I might be not, maybe we could hang out together if I'm not" I asked her.

"That'd be great!" She excitedly says.

"Well I'm going to go now I am probably going to fall back asleep or whatever and then I'll be getting ready" she told me and i nodded my head it i realized she couldn't see me.

"Okay have fun bye!" We hang up and i put my phone down with a cheesy smile on my face.

I can't believe one person can just make me smile by just talking to me, I mean of course my fans they make me smile like no other. But this is different. I don't know how or why but I think I truly am falling for her.


I ended up not going to sleep again but it didn't matter much anyways. I got up and straightened my hair and put on skinny jeans and a long sleeve maroon shirt that may or may not be showing some cleavage, but not much or my brothers would kill me. Also a black leather jacket to top it off.

I heard the doorbell rang and I immediately ran downstairs to get it.

"Hey!" Sofia and Noela say excitedly, of course they looked beautiful as usual, with their almost black thick hair and hazel eyes.

"Are you guys ready?" I ask them as we got into their car and the nod their heads. I wasn't for sure where we were going but whatever it was, I am starving.

"So what have you been up to?" Noela asked me and I shrug I didn't want to tell her 'oh yeah I've been hanging out with Shawn mendes every single day' because I still have to stick to my plan that I'm only a fan.

"Nothing really just been hanging out with that cute dude I met" I chuckled a bit.

"We still haven't gotten a name.."

"Oh his name...um his name is...uh Sammy!" I say aloud I couldn't think of a name.

"Ooooh, is he from here?" Sofia asked.

"No he's from New York, I met him on the plane" I was somewhat lying but I also was telling the truth.

"That's not...that far from where you live, but that's cool!" Noela said and I forced a smile.

We got to the restaurant and we already ordered our food and we were just talking about life, boys, school, and pretty much all of that. It was so nice to spend time with them, it's going to be as leaving them once again.

"Yeah...my boyfriend Hayden has been so distant lately...he says it's family issues which I know is true but it just makes me sad because I haven't seen him in about a week" Noela looks down.

"Aw I'm sorry to hear about that but I'm sure everything will turn out okay" I reassure her and she nods her head and smiles.

"Yeah school has been very tiring, I'm not looking forward to going back other than to see my best friend Lilly though." I tell them and they nodded their heads.

"Yeah me being a senior in high school it's been crazy I still have to find a college and all of that it's already going to be the second semester after this week!" Sofia exclaimed.

We talked about more school after that and than our food came and I ate my fajita in piece until I heard a familiar voice coming from a couple seats away from me. I flipped my head to where it was coming from and of course shawn is here! I couldn't talk to him here when I'm trying to keep everything on the low and for no one to see us in public. I didn't know what to do at all I began freaking out because sooner or later Sofia and Noela would notice him.

I hurriedly finished the rest of my fajita and took a long drink of water.

"Hey guys I'm going to use the bathroom...girl problems" I bit my lip and they nodded. I bolted to the woman's bathroom without passing shawn, luckily he didn't see me.

I went into a stall and sat down on the toilet with my heart hammering in my chest. I don't know how I'm going to get out of here.

My phone went off after about 2 minutes of being in the bathroom which scared me since I wasn't expecting it.







I rolled my eyes a bit, but honestly I was nervous because if they mention me or anything Shawn's going to say something, should I text him? I wouldn't know what to say though.

I decided not to text them and to eavesdrop on them instead. I carefully got out of the bathroom and luckily shawns table was out of sight from the bathroom and there was this little wall barrier thing  where you'd have to turn the corner to be able to see shawn and my cousins. I stood behind there making sure no one saw me and I listened.

"Hi shawn!!!!" I hear Noelas voice.

"Hey girls!" I hear Shawn's voice.

"H-how are you shawn!" Sofia stutters.

"I'm great, how about you guys?"

"Were amazing now that we met you...again" Sofia chuckled.

"Oh yeah!! I met you girls at the mall you two are very beautiful! What's your names?" Luckily I never told shawn my cousins names.

"I'm N-Noela, and she's Sofia" noela stutters.

"Sofia and noela, nice! Would you guys like another picture?" I didn't hear any words other than snaps on the photos.

"Shawn...can you kiss my cheek for the picture" I bear Sofia say and I felt a pang of jealousy go through my stomach. How am I going to approach them so that we could leave.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot I have a friend well a cousin in the bathroom but she's a big fan also!! You met her to!"

"I did? what did she look like?" I hear shawn say. Oh crap.

"Oh she's gorgeous! She has dark brunette hair and piercing ocean blue eyes, he hairs long and thick she has a very nice body to she's also just so kind and sweet uh I love her!" Noela rambled and I blushed a bit but if she shows him a picture i swear.

"I have pictures of her and her Instagram" oh no! What do I do?!

"You should see her model...I mean wow...makes a guy SWOON!" I hear Sofia say I was about to kill both of them I had no clue what to do I couldn't have shawn see!


I text so fast and send my heart was racing.

"Girls I'm sorry, but I have to go I have uh a interview that I'm going to be late for...thank you for all he support I love you guys!" My heart beat slowed down.

"Oh okay...have fun shawn love you to!" They yell and i sighed.

I walked out like 5 minutes later so they wouldn't suspect anything.

"Girl!!! Where have you been!!! You missed it!! Shawn mendes kissed my cheek and wow I am so in loveEeeeeeeee" I hear Sofia chuckle.

"He was here?!?! How did I miss him!!!" I lie.

"We texted you like 100 times! What took you so long?" Noela asked me.

"I had stomach issues... but I can't believe I missed him...but at least I got to meet him before" I chuckled.

"We had a full blown like 5-10 minute conversation. I've never been HAPPIER!!!!" Noela said.

"I'm so jealous, we should get going can you drop me off at my house?" I ask them.

"Of course" Sofia said and we got into the car after we payed and drove off to my house, i was praying that shawn wouldn't get there the same time we were or he wasn't already there because that would be awkward.

"Here we are! Well we have to go but love you tell everyone I said hi!" Noela said.

"Love you to" I walk out of the car and rush inside.

"Hey I'm back I'll be upstairs." I tell my mom and she nodded her head.

I hear the doorbell ring like a minute or two later and I rush downstairs to answer.

"What happened? Are you okay!?" Shawn panics and comes inside checking to see if I'm okay and I smile.

"Shawn I'm fine...just wanted to see you" I laugh and he let out a deep breath.

"Gosh you scared me! I thought you were hurt or something but I'm glad to hear that you just wanted to see me because I want to also" he smiled a bit and blushed.

"What have you done today?" I asked him.

"Went out to eat...met fans, life's great" he chuckled.

"That's great!" I tell him.

We don't do much other than talk about everything and laugh, I felt so...at home. I never thought someone could mean this way to me other than now.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have gorgeous blue eyes" shawn stared into my eyes and my heart beat quickened and I began blushing.

"maybe a couple times" I whisper and hide my face so he wouldn't see me blushing.

"Someone's blushiiing" shawn mocks me.

"No I'm not!" I obviously lie.

"We'll see about that" he smirks and he began tickling me to death.

"Shawn STOP!" I was laughing uncontrollably and gasping for air as shawn tickled me so much I was out of breath.

He got on top of me, straddling me. I pushed with all my might onto his chest but he was to strong and wow I guess he had a 6 pack because he was rock hard.  (that sounded dirty omg)

"ShaAAWN" I squealed and he wouldn't stop!

"Only if you admit that you were blushing!!" He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"O-okay, I was blushing, okay get off of me now!!" I pushed him harder off of me and he laughed.

He was sitting on my waist but not putting too much pressure on it and wow, what a view this was.

I swear in that moment it was like he was going to kiss me because we were both staring into each other's eyes for what seemed like for hours, my heart almost stopped. I guess I was thinking to in to things because it didn't happen he just laughed, it kind of hurt but I shook it off.

"I should probably get going....it's uh it's getting late see you later" he hurriedly gets up and I furrowed my eyes brows, why suddenly was he acting like this?

"Okay I guess, I'll walk you out" I tell him and he just simply nods his head and we went outside.

"Bye best fraaan love you girlie" I joke with him.

"yeah....uh you to, bye Delaney" he started walking and I watched him leave, why was he suddenly acting so weird. Maybe it was the fact that we weren't going to see each other again.

I think we both knew.

{2:09 pm}

Authors note:
heyoooo, so I just wanted to say that I might be

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