June 1st: #TeamZeeThursday

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My name is Robin. Normally I write mostly teen fiction and romance, some of them are new adult. I've never before written a zombie story. I've recently become seriously interested after watching The Walking Dead. I've watched a few other zombie movies like Zombieland and World War Z. I think the real reason I might like zombie apocalypse is that everyone comes together. They tend to put all differences aside and come together to fight for survival. Also, it's not just fighting against the zombies themselves, it's about each other too. The mind is a powerful thing, it can creep up on you at a moment's notice. It's incredibly powerful how people that don't really know each other are forced together by something that's happened to each of them.

This is the first chance I've gotten to write something zombie related. I've had a few ideas but nothing concrete. With this challenge I can make small ideas come to life. They might not be big things or huge, but maybe something might transfer over to entire novel. Who knows?

I welcome this challenge to discover a new part of me.

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