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I was outside the Manik hospital room as he was still unconscious under medical influence but I wanted to see him if he was safe I wanted to meet him and hear his voice he still like me.. I can't help but just stay here till he wakes up it's already 3:15 am .. my eyes are feeling bagy because of the lack of sleep but whenever I close my eyes I can't only see his face

"So Nandani I will get going , you take care yourself". Kabir said

I nodded in return

"Dr.!"the nurse yelled

I can see them going inside he must have come into concious

"Manik have fully alright you can talk to him now"
The Dr said

I grabbed my purse and entered the room the room was filled with darkness and light were only coming through the window

Whiled Manik was there trying to get up

"Don't force yourself" i said .. I came up till his bed and comfortably made him sit

"What you doing here?" He asked me

"That should be my question..and then too in this condition".
I questioned him back

He chuckled

"It was a small incident.. you don't have to take tension about it.. I will ask Kabir to look into it"

"Kabir had already look into it .. no employer was harmed in this fire ..some are just need to take can rest."

"Ohh.. thanks.. you too can go , I am alright now it's totally fine".

"No you are not.. if you were you weren't going to be admitted like this "

"But why are you here you show go .."

"I am staying here tonight..don't feel special..when I was in hospital you were I am just returning the favour "

"It's okay.. and it's dark you should stick to my side"

"I was worried for nothing you seemed fine .. I shall get going "

"I Love You "

He said as I turned to go make me realise this is the first time he actually confessed

"I know it's probably not the best time and place ..but I don't even know if we met again.. so I just.. wanted you to know how I felt .. I know it's how hard it must have been to be with me and I appreciate that and if I am lucky enough in another life .. I got a chance.. again to be your husband I will try more harder.. will love you more passionately..will cherish you more beautifully.. i can't imagine how i ignored your wishes when you were wish someone would wish for..I know sorry is too little for what I did but even if I tried my best to please you I think I will just broke you more.. I wanted us to continue this relationship but not on the price of you hating yourself your forcing yourself into this relationship.. I..I .. I hope you can found someone who would love you as much as you do to him"

He said while I was still face my back towards him.. my eyes where tearing down while I can sense his too as for his breaking voice .. I don't have the courage to turne.. but I can't loose him ..tears started to roll down on my cheek while I start crying.. is it late .. can i accept him now..can we both.. accept eachother after what has happened between us

"Is it .. to late Nandu"

He asked while I finally turned just to see him crying as hard as I was.. I don't like how unfamiliar my house was without him..but..

"Do you.. do you..really think.. we can make ..this work through " but can we really pull this through or we are attached to each other sufferings

"I don't think we could have been here if we weren't willing to".he said

"I am a very insecure person .. can you deal with me .. I get insecure even when it doesn't make sense" i said while crying and taking a step forward

"I have trouble expressing my emotions too.. you accepted that part of me so why I can't accept you for all what you are"

"I will have busy working hours .. that can lead to cancellation of many plan ..can you deal with that?". I said stepping more close to him

"I go to foreign meeting almost every week.. I can understand "

"I sometime is an struggle to love .. will you love me even when it's hard ". I said

"Who said it's hard to love you"he said while taking my hand and making me sit on the side of bed while I started crying in his arms and he hugged me while crying

Was it's the wishes I made on Christmas

Or the wishes I made on the shooting star

The only wish that I had has finally came true

The wish to be with you ..

Epilogue (30 day)

"Ladies And Gentlemen I would like to share a toast to our 1st wedding anniversary ".

While the family cheered can someone say the two love birds that was the ideal couple was facing a huge problem in their relationship just 30 days ago .. everything can be solved just with a pitch of love .. the situation may not be in our hand but how we choose to react does just like how these beautiful love bird are staring at each other with all the love they had in their heart right now.. the past ,the future, the memories,isn't in our hands what in our hands is the present so let make this present a pleasent one


This story may be just about the 30 day but it took me a patientfull five years to complete this and ofcourse credit goes to my lovely reader who supported me and waited for whole five year and my so not frequent update on this story hope you like it .

Have a lovely life


Note : do check my other work

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