Day Twelve: Making Out

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     His soul was pounding, the sound of it banging against his ribcage nearly deafening to him as he felt his lips press against him. His hands were the same way. Pale’s hands clung onto his short sleeves with such a desperate hold, only deepening the kiss further. By then Template had accepted and gave in to the kiss, his own hands having had placed themselves around his neck and securing Pale’s head up.

     Despite the passionate feeling Pale had consumed, the kiss was only a sweet one and so loving and with every touch succeeded to excite them both. Their feet moved with one other and staggered themselves to the wall to let the kiss escalate. Pale was pinned against the wall, pulling Template down and licking over his lips.

     Absentmindedly, Template parted his lips and let the kiss heighten into something a tad bit risqué. For a minute, it seemed things would be heading towards a certain direction. But before it continued further down that provocative road, an unforeseen jolt of shock panged in his chest and hurriedly spiked up Pale’s spine, causing him to suddenly part from him while putting his finger on his lips. He looked up at Template with a raised curious brow. Color rushed up to Template’s face as he covered his mouth.

     “What was that?~” Pale asked, a sneer widening across his face as Template’s blush only increased.

     “Don’t ask!” Template exclaimed in return. “That wasn’t what was supposed to happen! Just forget this ever happened.” Pale grin only grew as he lightly pulled Template’s hand from his mouth. Template pursed his lips and looked away from his piercing stare.

     ¨So that’s the reason why you had never kiss me in that way before?~” Template hid in his scarf, magic showing through making Pale chuckle under his breath. He hooked his finger on his scarf and drew it down, pressing his lips against Template’s once more. He was frozen still and kept his mouth closed off from Pale’s advances. “Come on, nobody else is here with us. Just let them out for me?” Template hands curled up into his palm, dubiously wrapping his arms around Pale’s neck and apprehensively kissed Pale once more.

     Pale kept Template close as he coaxed him further until finally he just gave it and eased himself. And as it progressed, the kiss deepened and went back to how it was before. Template was bashful, his breathing quick and felt as though his mind was jumbled and his senses dizzying. It felt so foreign to him, and this was something he purposely tried avoiding. But in a way, it felt so nice as well. He melted into the kiss, Pale’s back pressed up against the wall as they both simmered into each other’s arms.

     But after some time, Template couldn’t handle any more of this much physical touching even from Pale. So he withdrew from the kiss, his tongues noticeably showing while panting and leaning his forehead against Pale’s.

     Pale smiled warmly at him before pecking his nose, provoking Template to blush and hide his face once more prompting Pale to chuckle once more.

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