"Aww! You look adorable like this!" Template cooed.
Down in his lap was the smaller curled up with loose-fitting and comfortable clothing hanging off his bones. It definitely wasn't anything too special, but being the lover of the embodiment of cliqué-ness is bound to give you comments like those at least on a daily basis.
"But I feel like there is something missing... Wouldn't you agree?" he hummed, the edge of his index finger rubbing against his own chin as if he was some sort of detective trying to solve a special case. Of course, there was something missing, and Pale knew Template was already thinking of that something missing, but that missing thing precisely, he had no clue. Nonetheless, he still looked up at him, ever so patiently for a response.
He soon got his answer when he felt the soft textile curl around his neck vibrant blue in color and soft to the touch. Pale brought his finger over to the blue scarf and pulled it up over most of his face, his eyes locked up at Template's.
Template still had his signature scarf around his neck, it was just trailing down until the end of it went over to adore onto Pale's shoulders. It had the familiar feeling of being close to him; rather it was the texture that subtly reminded him of the soft feeling of every hug that brushed against his cheek. Or the smell that had hints of fresh air and earth in what was mostly the scent of fresh and clean linen. Or just some sort of aura it was giving out was something he never paid much mind to think about, but all it had reminded him of was that this was surely Template.
Pale took a few seconds of stillness just looking up at him, but he clearly didn't hesitate to nestle into the scarf as well as against the person who it reminded him of. His head rested against Template's chest and closed his eyes, not falling asleep, but just letting himself completely relax against the person who he was on.
This all gained an amused reaction from Template, who had slowly placed his hands around him and pulled him a bit closer. He let out a lighthearted giggle.
"I honestly didn't expect you to be so cuddly from that!" he said over to him. "I would do it more often if I knew that was going to be the case!" Pale barely cracked an eye over at him before snuggling deeper into his chest, letting out a forced and blank hum.
Template let out a few more giggles before he snaked his hands down lower.
"I think that's enough for right now," he explained as he briefly lifted Pale up and set him down the floor. Pale was not so fazed, as too be expected, his only reaction was just to cuddle the end of the scarf a little more. Template frowned a little and grabbed the scarf lightly. "Pale, I'm going to need this." Template lightly tugging at the midsection of the blue cloth until Pale stood up and tugged the entire scarf and unraveled it off and off of his possession, walking away with it to its owner's disbelief. Template quickly got up, calling out the other's name in annoyance as he went after his boyfriend in attempts of taking back the article of clothing that was his once more.
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