The drawing isn't finished, and I am definitely not the best with fashion, but I think Template might like his own version of Ink's loveball outfit-
“Here…” Template was sputtering and trying to compose every ounce of his being not to just perish at the sight of Pale wearing a suit tailored to his exact size. A sky blue top and cream white bottoms, with a red tie around his neck. Pale pointed to himself. “Match…” Template placed his hand on the outfit Pale handed him, already seeing a bit of what it had looked like.
“You want me to wear this?” Template questioned, more timidly then what was normal for him. Pale nodded and pushed the outfit until it had pressed up against his chest. Template sighed softly and set the fancy outfit aside to undress.
When he slipped on the outfit, the fabric was soft but not too soft to be bothersome. It was quite comfortable and well-fitted like it was made for him.
He had a new scarf, stripped and aligned with pixelated yet jagged lines of black. blue, red, and yellow, with the end of the scarf looking like it was growing out in pixels. The tailcoat was something you would expect from a prince AND princess charming in a fairytale, a light blue top with black buttons accompanied with two puffy yellow sleeves as well as a deeper blue tail skirt connected to it. His pants were black dress pants, and his blue boots that barely reached above his knee had some two-inch heels and two yellow velcro straps.
Template fell in love with the outfit.
“Pale! This is amazing! It looks like it was supposed to be for me! It’s my size and just look at it! It’s something I would wear! Where did you find this?” Template eventually asked after gushing over the outfit, twirling around in the extraordinary outfit. Pale looked unfazed.
“Gauge,” Pale answered utterly. Template eyes lit up at the familiar name.
“Gauge? Our daughter? Wow, she must have a knack for your clothes hunting!” Template grinned, proud that she had gained one good and beneficial skill in life. Pale only nodded. “Tell her I love the outfit the next time you spot her if you will.” Pale nodded again, sitting down on the floor and staring into space. Template chuckled, rubbing Pale’s head gently. “And of course I love what she found for you too~”
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