"Template...~ Oh Template, please...~"
"Pale," Template raised his voice sternly at the flustered, now a violent shade of violet, skeleton. Magic has long since formed itself into a solid female body, and it was obvious that he was soaking and desperate for any amount of relief.
But Template wasn't in the mood for any of that, all he was in the mood for some peace and just rest. So, to try to not make Pale desperate enough to do something too stupid, he decided the best course of action was to give him more contact than usual by spooning him with him being the big spoon so Pale didn't end up humping him.
Even with that precaution, it was not the best idea. Or at least the best idea in his favor.
Pale pressed himself back against his chest, whimpering softly as he held his the gloved hand. His chest rose and fell with every pant, sweat coated his skull and hands, his feet fumbled with Template’s as his mind tried to do anything other than soak in the feeling that he had consumed and think of a twisted version of events where Template would have slipped his hand under his shorts and slide his fingers in and out of his dripping cunt and whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he did so. Pale squished his thighs together, feeling the thumping inside.
“Pale, I swear-” Pale squirmed, looked up at him with a desperate look in his eyes. The striking purple magic glowing vividly. “You’re lucky I am not sending you to the couch on this point, let alone this.” He didn’t seem to appreciate though as his body tried to rub up against him, tears brewing up in his sockets as the emotions overwhelmed him in the highest peak of pleasure and torture.
At this point Pale had broke, he couldn't talk this teasing any more. He forced his hands out of Template's hold, backing up his body so that he was grinding against his pelvis his own hand going down to rub himself down there. A soft moan escaped him, only going harder and harder with the reverse dry humping, desperate to feel Template's magic bundle up and to feel it rub against him at last.
With glitches buzzing around him and with him thoroughly pissed off at his boyfriend’s advances, Template already had enough. He shoved Pale off of the bed, sending him tumbling off the bed and onto the carpet with a harsh thud upon collision. Pale whimpered, perking himself up to peek over the bed. Template curled himself inside a blanket burrito, repelling Pale off and ignoring his advances. Pale crawled on the bed, attempting to get back on Template before a sudden ding rang in the air, an object came flying over with a blue glow around it over to Pale and knocking him off the bed once more.
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