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Jaemin sigh and lean his back to the sofa. He put his phone next to him. Taeil saw him and sit next to him.

"What is wrong with you?" He ask Jaemin. He look at Taeil.

"I'm dying. I haven't see her for a few days now." Jaemin said to him.

"Oh. I thought you're bored because you got no mission to do." Taeil said.

"And that too." Jaemin said. Taeil pat his back and just left him alone. He suddenly stop and turn back to Jaemin.

"Jaemin-ah. Can you invite Y/N over at weekend? Taeyong ask her to come. Well, we still need to know more about her since you are closed to her. She can bring along her friend." Taeil said. Jaemin nod.

Jaemin wait for a few minutes before she reply him back.


"What with the long face?" Wonwoo ask Y/N. She look at him.

"Which one do you want to hear?" Y/N ask him.

"Either one." Wonwoo said.

"Taeyong invite me to come over to their house this weekend." Y/N said.

"The other one?" He ask.

"He also said I can invite my friends with me. You know that I don't have any girls friend. I do have but not closed enough to be call friends...?" Y/N said.

"You can just ask them if they want. Try to hang out more with the girls, Y/N." Y/N glare at Wonwoo.

"Try to tell the bosses to give me less missions for me to hang out with the girls." Y/N said to Wonwoo, making him laugh. She will try to contact either one of her girl friends if they want to hang out with her.

"I will just ask them if they want." Y/N finally said.

Y/N was happy that Lisa accept her invitation. At least she tried to be more socialized with other people.

At least she tried to ask other friend. But never mind, she will just go with Lisa this weekend.


Y/N pick up Lisa at her house. Lisa get in her car when Y/N arrived in front of her house.

<What Y/N wear>


"You should go out often like this, Y/N." Lisa said when she get in the car.

"Hahaha. Told that to the bosses of mine that keep giving me missions." Y/N said to her. They laugh. They talked a lot during the ride and finally they arrived at the destination.

"Isn't this NCT house?" Lisa ask her.

"Yes. Taeyong told Jaemin to invite me over and I can bring my friend which turn out only you that have free time." Y/N said before ringing the door bell. They wait for someone to open the door.

"Oh, Y/N noona. Jaemin hyung! Y/N noona is here!" Jisung said and let the two girls enter.

"Hello, princess!" Jaemin greet Y/N with a wide smile.

"Jaemin, just Y/N." Y/N said and greet him back. They sit at the living room talking with Jaemin.

"The hyungs will be back soon. They still have works that need to be done." Jaemin said. That is why Y/N did not see any older members at home except for Kun, Ten, Winwin, Lucas, Hendery, and Xiaojun.

"Lisa?" Ten said when he come to the living room. Lisa look at him and smile.

"Ten. You're here. I thought you were out." Said Lisa.

"Nah. I'm being lazy to get out for now." Ten said, taking his seat next to Lisa. They both talk leaving Y/N in awkward because Jaemin is out of sight and gone to the kitchen. She look at her phone to avoid the awkwardness and she got a message from Woozi.

She excused herself for a few minutes from Ten and Lisa and go out to her car. She saw Woozi was waiting for her.

"What is it?" Y/N said, leaning her back to the car.

"We will be out of town for a huge mission. But Dino will stay here at the base." Woozi said. She look at him.

"When?" Y/N ask.

"We will leave today. And this. Take it." Woozi give her a USB flash drive.

"So, what is this?" She look at the flash drive or should she say a very cute flash drive.

<The Flash Drive>

"This, take care of this like it was your own life. All important things are in here, every information about us including yourself. If anyone come for this, don't give to them." Y/N was surprised with the sudden command he give.

"But- This is... I mean why?" Y/N is speechless, that she cannot continue her words.

"Remember what I said earlier? We have a huge mission and this time is not an easy mission. We only left Dino out of this since he is still recovering from the last mission. If something happen to any of us-" Woozi being cut by Y/N who look worry.

"No, you will have to come back alive. All of you. Please." Y/N said. Woozi's eyes softened when he saw her worried eyes.

"We will be fine. It just, if we didn't make it, take care of yourself and Dino. You hear me?" Woozi look at Y/N that has her head down.

"A hug would be fine?" Woozi said again. They both hug and Woozi pat her head.

"We will come back." Woozi said and release her. Woozi then left and she look at him until he was out of sight. She lean at her car and look at the flash drive before put it in her pocket. She need to calm herself before going in. Little that she know, some people saw what she did and talk with Woozi.

"Y/N, they will be fine and come back to you and Dino. Trust them, Y/N." She said to herself while calming herself down. At the same time, the people that aevesdropped her, feel bad  about her. Well, not all since they do not know her real intentions to get closed with them. But they are more surprised when Jisung coming out to her.

"Noona." Y/N look at him and smile weakly.

"What is it, Jisung?" She ask. He lean to the car.

"Is that Woozi hyung?" Y/N nod her head.

"He seems nice to you. I like him." Y/N look at Jisung. The other member who are eavesdropped them surprised to hear what Jisung just said.

"Hm. He is." She said.

"But why did you look sad? No, rather than sad, it was unmotivated." He said.

"Hoping for them to come back alive. Seriously." Y/N said. Jisung turn to look at her.

"Noona, we didn't involved in this dark world, would our life be better? Would we live like a normal people do?" Y/N sigh. Jisung just blurted out what she is thinking.

"Jisung, I love the idea of living in normal like everyone else out there. And you wouldn't find your new family which is NCT and I'm will not meet Seventeen. If mom and dad were still alive, the possibilities for us to live as a normal people would be higher than now. Besides, I just love to see them adore you so much which I can't give you everything." Y/N said.

"But they being killed and let us having the pain and I was only 11. And here I am as 19 years old boy, living the life that we don't desire but have to survived the cruel world. 8 years. Not so easy but not so hard. I thanks the hyungs that took care of me in place of you. Like, you were all there to be with me even you're not physically with me." Y/n nod at him. She pat her brother head and smile.

"If we could turn back time, we should save our parents. But what can we do? It just in the past and a bad memories to remember. Not easy to forget everything when it's literally happened in front of our own eyes, with you in my arms." Jisung lean against the car and look to the sky.

"You joined this because you want to find their killer. And you have to let me go to the other that can treat me well which is NCT. Because you can't risk of me to get hurt." Jisung said.

"Everything has it's own reason. Everyone has their own stories. A canvas will stay blank if we didn't paint any color. Once you paint it black, that convey how dark your life is. But if you decide to add more color to the canvas with black color, you still have hope to continue your life to the fullest. And I'm glad that I choose to color the blank canvas with beautiful color along with black because I know, it's not just me who is having a hard time, but everyone does including you." Jisung keep his mouth shut. He listen attentively to his sister. He never seen this side of her sister before.

"And... Actually I have mission and it's about your team. The mission is to get information from Mark and Kun. Why did I tell you anyway? But... I decided to ignore the mission and start to think of a way for both team to be allies. Know what I mean?" Y/N said.

"Yeah, I understand. You don't want to break the trust you have with your team but at the same time you want both team to be allies so we could work together in the future." Jisung said.

"Yes. I was planning to tell Woozi, Hoshi and S.Coups about this tomorrow but they have mission to be done and out of town. Jisung, I'm worried that they will not make it." Y/N said. Jisung take his sister hands and look into her eyes.

"They will come back safe and sound. I'm sure they will. Should we go back inside? I literally said to them that I will get you for a few minutes and we've been outside for like 20 minutes...?" Jisung said. They just had a deep talk outside and Y/N feel relieved that her brother still the same brother that she loves since young.

They both get inside the house. The other members soon went inside a few minutes after them and make it look like they just come back from somewhere else.

"You two take a long time. What are you doing outside? Did the pathway to the main door get longer than usual?" Lisa ask Y/N. She laugh a little bit.

"Yes, the pathway to the main door get longer and we literally had to walk for minutes to get to the door." She return Lisa's joke with another joke, making Lisa to laugh. And that was the most genuine laugh and smile she ever had.

🌕To be continued🌕

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