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a rumor got out that the school's biggest nerd has a crush on the campus prince, after the rumor's got out, everyone started bullying seungmin and teasing him. they wanted to get answers if the rumors were true, eventually they squeezed the answer out of seungmin from all the bullying they did. it was true, the nerd does like minho

~ ~ ~

it's lunch time and every one was eating with their own group of friends. seungmin doesn't have much friends, his only friends are felix, jeongin, he isn't as close to jisung as the other two but they're in good terms.

his friends are already taken, guess who? of course minho's friends. they were once bullies and players but after meeting the love of their life, it completely changes

"min~ how are you? I'm surprised that you're not at the library" jeongin said as he made his way to seungmin's table, he was sitting alone obviously. no one wants to sit next to the school nerd.

"we have no up coming test or exams, so I will take a break from studying." seungmin said as he close his book when his friends have already sat down

"that's a a relief. we were getting worried that you are getting pressured again." felix side hugged seungmin burying his face into seungmin's neck, liking the younger's warmth

"lix... it tickles" seungmin giggled

"by the way min, good thing that they stopped bullying you after you told them you do like minho hyung"

"I had no choice. they started hurting me physically. I don't wanna go through that again" felix pulled seungmin onto his lap and continue hugging the younger. it was a normal thing for them to be this touchy with each other, specially felix

"felix... changbin hyung would get mad at seungmin again if he sees you like this with him again. and they're literally just a few tables down. what if they tries to attack seungmin hyung again?" jeongin said to felix.

"I don't care. I want seungmin"

chan, hyunjin, and changbin doesn't like it that much when their boyfriends hangs out with the nerd

"minho hyung!" seungmin's ears suddenly perked up at the name that came out of jeongin's mouth

"kim seungmin." seungmin pulled his head from Felix's shoulder. the moment he looked up, his eyes met the most beautiful eyes ever

"mi-minho hyung... are you talking to me" seungmin was a stuttering mess. he doesn't know why the older was talking to him. he looked around and saw that his friends boyfriends are already with them looking at the 3 (because seungmin is still sitting on Felix's lap)

"are there any other kim seungmin hear?" minho said as he rolled his eyes at the dumbness of the younger

"oh... i-is there so-something you ne-need?" seungmin slipped of Felix's lap because changbin already pulled him away

"go on a date with me" woah

the whole room got quiet... literally everyone stopped talking and looked at their table. seungmin stood up and faced minho properly


"can you not hear? I said go on a date with me" minho stepped closer to seungmin

"no... it's just, why do you want me to go on a date with you? I'm a nobody." seungmin's head lowered as he told the taller that he was just a nobody. tears are threatening to fall from the younger's eyes

"I like you. I've like you for 2 months now... so what is your answer?"

'are you sure you want someone that looks like me go out with someone that looks like you? won't you be embarrass by me? and I'll get bullied if you go out with me. it will ruin your reputation' seungmin started to overthink this whole thing. he thinks minho is no match to him

"...hyung, I don't think you should be hanging out with me, it will ruin your reputation if people see you with some one like me. I don't think you would like that very much" seungmin now felt the tear run down his cheeks and wiped it off immediately

"can you stop being selfless? who cares what other people think?" minho grabbed seungmin's cheek and pulled the younger's head up, making seungmin look at him in the eyes

"follow your heart seungminnie..." seungmin felt butterflies in his stomach at the nickname the older has already given him

"uhm... ok, fine. I'll go out with you hyung." minho hugged the younger and seungmin would be lying if he said this wasn't the happiest day ever

~ t i m e s k i p . a f e w w e e k s l a t e r ~

seungmin was right, people did bully him because of jealousy. they're just jealousy that a nerd like seungmin is dating the one and only, lee minho.

they weren't just teasing him... they hurt him physically too, seungmin tried his best to hide the bruises and wounds he got from them. he started wearing long sleeves and long pants, even when it's hot out, he also covers the ones still visible with makeup and thankfully his friends doesn't notice.

seungmin was just walking down the hall, on his way to the library, he has free because his class cancelled last minute. he knows that it's dangerous for him to go alone, usually he goes with felix or jeongin but this time he thought that they were busy and so he went by himself. he started to feel like a burden to his friends because they always needed to take care of him.

"hey nerd!" a voice called out for him. Yejun, she's one of those popular girls that thinks they're the queen of the school. she has been trying to get with minho since forever, so she felt raged when she found out that minho asked a nerd out and not her.

"ye-yejun" seungmin tried to back away but yejun's little minions won't let him pass

"I still don't know what you did for minho to like someone that looks like you. he's probably just using you because I'm sure he wouldn't date someone that looks like you"


a hard slap that echoed the halls stopped seungmin from speaking. the good thing is they're the only ones there

"shut up. just remember that minho will never like you, he wouldn't be caught dead being with you." yejun said after she slapped seungmin

seungmin held his hot cheeks as he felt tears streaming down.

"now, do as I say and stay away from minho" she yelled at seungmin's face, not caring if the fragile boy is already crying

"do you got that, nerd?" yejun pulled seungmin's hair making him look up a bit at her

"answer me when I'm talking to you!!!" she yelled even louder as she pulled his hair harder

"ye-yes!" seungmin cried out loud. yejun finally let go of seungmin and walked away, laughing with her friends

seungmin fell onto the floor when he got released, his legs completely gave up on him...

he sat there for a minutes until he heard the bell ring, it was lunch time. seungmin hurried and grab his things to run out of the halls. he doesn't want other people to bully him even more when they see him cry

seungmin ran to the nearest bathroom , hiding in one of the stalls.

he have been crying quietly for a few minutes now until he heard familiar voices enter the bathroom

"so minho, the bet is almost over." he heard chan's voice. bet...?

"yeah hyung, are you still gonna break up with seungmin""

"I don't know if I can-"

'I was just a bet...?' seungmin thought, he couldn't believe that he was just being played. he felt even more worst is that he fell for his lies

"but don't you really lov-"

more tears started to roll down his cheeks... he couldn't contain his sobs anymore and accidentally let out a kind of loud one, it wasn't too loud but enough for the people outside his stall can hear

"is some one there. come out" seungmin suddenly froze

"I would come out if I were you." he heard hyunjin's cold voice this time

seungmin didn't have a choice and did decide to go out of the stall. he packed his bag and swinged it over his shoulder, he opened the stalls door and slowly got out

"seu-seungmin" now it was their (hyunjin, changbin, minho, and chan) to freeze

"hi...I'll just go." seungmin gave them a soft smile and headed towards the door, but he felt a hand grab his wrist stopping him. seungmin turned around and it was indeed, minho. seungmin hissed at the pain from the bruises, minho thought that he grabbed seungmin too harsh so he had loosen his grip a little, unaware that his "boyfriend" was getting bullied


"it's ok minho hyung, I understand. I was just a silly little bet." more tears ran down seungmin's face, already tired from crying since morning but he couldn't stop. they would be lying if they said they didn't feel bad and regret right now

"it's not just like that-"

"hyung... you don't have to explain. it's fine, really. I'm just dumb that I actually fell for you, but that's on me, that one is my fault."

seungmin pulled his wrist softly as he took another look at minho and his friends, he smiled at them but you can tell it was sad and forced. he truly is a sweet, innocent angel. how can they hurt such a innocent person

before he walked out he said another thing to minho "and by the way, minho hyung? I'm sorry for being clingy too. I heard what you said earlier, I didn't mean to eaves drop but now you don't have to worry about thinking a way to break up with me" and with that, seungmin left the room. when he got out he faced another body, yejun

"did I hear that right? minho just used you as a bet? HAHAHA I was right, he doesn't really love you"

"are you happy now that we aren't together anymore? can you please just leave me alone. you got what you want right?"

"well... you are right... *SLAP* that's for talking to me rudely." yejun turned around and walked away with her friends but not before her little minions kicked seungmin in the stomach one by one.

seungmin collapse onto the ground, holding his stomach in pain, groaning in pain and rolling around a little

~ ~ ~

seungmin went to the school's clinic, claiming that he was feeling a little light headed, he wasn't lying, he really does feel light headed. they sent seungmin home early that day.

seungmin got home and checked his phone for the first time today. he got a few text from his friends, asking where he was and why isn't he in the lunch room. he was about to reply but he got a call instead, he looked at the called id and it's felix

he answered after a few seconds "seungmin!!!" that was the first thing he heard and he couldn't help but smile

"hi lix"

"why aren't you here? where are you? did something happe-" felix sensed that seungmin's voice was a bit dull

"I'm fine lix. I got sent home early because I'm feeling sick"

"why what happened to you minnie?"

"nothing. I have to go lix"

"minnie wait I have to tell y-" seungmin hung up on felix, now lost the mood to talk to anyone more

~ 3 d a y s l a t e r ~

everyone was wondering why the biggest nerd hasn't been coming to school, he never misses a school day before, even his friends couldn't keep a hold of the puppy boy

"daejun? you're seungmin's classmate right? did he attend class today?"

"oh, hi. no, I'm sorry but he didn't come to school today as well"

"oh... ok. thank you. sorry for bothering you junnie"

"no problem" they got out of daejun's hair feeling sad because their friend didn't come, they are starting to get worried

"what happened to our minnie... he hasn't come to school in 3 days tomorrow is friday already" felix asked the both of them but sure that they don't know that answer

"how about we go to his house tomorrow?"

"ok... I'm really worried about minnie"

they headed to the cafeteria. since seungmin wasn't there they just sat down with their boyfriend directly

~ n e x t d a y ~

they two rang the door bell and it took a while to open the door


"f-felix, jeongi-in" seungmin was surprise to see the two in front of his door

"why haven't you been coming to school?"

"I- uhm- nothing, I just haven't been feeling well" seungmin wasn't totally lying, he felt heart broken... it was his first "break up" if you can call it that, so he does feel a bit more worst

"we couldn't get a hold of you"

"sorry... do you need anything else? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but if you don't need anything else can you please leave?"

"min- you know if you need someone to talk to we're available"



"come in..." seungmin finally let the two come in

"so minnie, what's been bothering you?"

"uhm... well you know minho hyung, right? he asked me out right and asked me to be his, right? well... it was all a lie. changbin, hyunjin, minho, and chan hyung made a bet."

"wait what bet?"

" they made me the bet, they made a deal with minho hyung to make me fall in love with him by the end of the month. I don't know what the prize was though, better be worth it"

"what?! they did that to you?" felix couldn't believe it, his own brother did that to his best friend

"maybe that's why minho hyung wasn't even concern when his 'boyfriend' hasn't been coming to school lately" jeongin said, making a point

"I swear minnie, when I get home, I will beat the shi-"

"no, lix. it's fine, don't worry about it. I knew it was to good to be true that a guy like him will like me hahaha"

"oh minnie" felix pulled seungmin into a hug, placing seungmin on his lap

"don't worry, I'll start coming to school next week"

"what about minho hyung?"

"don't worry, I can manage"

~ m o n d a y ~

"minnie!!! you actually came today"

"I can't afford to miss another day lix"

~ @ l u n c h t i m e ~

since seungmin is back, felix, jeongin and even jisung this time to sit next to him

"minnie, can I tell you something?"

"sure lix"

"I'm worried about minho hyung, since the bet ended I have noticed that minho hyung has been looking down, yesterday he was just staring at his phone screen, when he left his phone to go to the bathroom, I checked his phone screen and he has you as his wallpaper minnie."

"and that proves?"

"I think he really is in love with you seung..."


"it's true seungmin" seungmin froze when he heard a voice behind him. he looked up was surprise to see chan

"cha-channie hyung"

"can you let me explain why I made minho do that bet?"

"ok... fine"

"ok so since the rumors of you liking minho got around, it got minho into thinking if he really likes you because when you transferred here minho couldn't take his eyes off you but he was in denial, he doesn't want to admit that he does like you. I got tired of him just staring at you from a far, so I made the bet. I'm sorry seungmin..."

"what if you're lying to me?"

"I can you prove you that chan hyung is telling the truth" another voice came from behind chan this time... it was minho


"ok, please stop stuttering around me"


"min, I'm sorry for not realizing my feelings for you well to the point that chan hyung need to make that bet."

"but that still doesn't prove anything." seungmin said as he stood up to face minho

"want me to prove it? to how you?"

"yes! how can I know if you're telling the tru-"

seungmin didn't finish his sentence because he felt a soft pair of lips crashing against him.

"was that enough?"

"hyu-hyung..." seungmin turned into a blushing mess, he can't believe that minho just kissed seungmin in front of every one

"I'm asking you if that was enough" minho looked down at seungmin


minho didn't expect from seungmin to whine so cutely and hugged minho by the waist. the action made minho giggle and hugged seungmin back

"do you really mean everything hyung? you're not doing this because you feel bad for me, right?" seungmin thinks that this is too good to be true and plus he doesn't want to believe minho yet because the older did indeed hurt him.

seungmin let minho go when he realize that he was probably being too clingy to the older after all they did to him

"no, minnie, I really do mean it this time. all jokes aside, I love you kim seungmin. if it wasn't for chan hyung I wouldn't have realize my feelings for you, if chan hyung didn't tell you the truth then I wouldn't have the balls to talk to you right now."

"you better not be lying again hyung, I don't want to go through that pain ever again" it was minho's turn to pull seungmin into a hug, seungmin bury his head onto minho's chest out of embarrassment because he realized that every one was still watching them

"hyung people are still watching~" minho really did find the puppy too cute or his heart

"let them look baby, I want them to know who you belong to. I won't let a single soul to touch you, my prince" minho placed a soft kiss on top of seungmin's head

"you were my first heart break hyung, hopefully the last as well. I don't want to go through that again, it really hurts, like hell"

minho and his friends has already sat the at seungmin's table by this time with seungmin being on minho's lap

"I'm sorry baby. if you didn't eaves drop this wouldn't have happened. but why were you at the bathroom, crying at that time?"


"you can tell hyung" seungmin didn't want to tell minho that he was getting bullied because of him. he doesn't want himself to be in any bigger trouble with yejun if she finds out he told minho everything

"I'm scared hyung"

"it's ok minnie. I will do anything to help you with your problem" minho said as he felt seungmin bury his face in minho's shoulder

"you know that girl, yejun?"

"the one that always tries to get with me? yea, I know her... does this have something to do with her?"

"yea, she uhm- bullied me... when we were 'together' the bet thing. she told me that I don't deserve you and stuff, she even hurt me physically with her friend. other people bully me too but they never hurt me as much as yejun noona does" seungmin felt great that he has finally got to tell it t someone

"I wil-"

"that's why I was crying in the bathroom. and so I heard you guys, about the bet and such, that's why you heard me because I couldn't stop crying anymore. after getting bullied and assaulted, I just found out the you were just using me for a bet"

"I'm still really sorry about the bet thing minnie" minho hugged seungmin tighter if that was even possible considering their position right now

"it's ok hyung, I forgive you now"

"don't worry, I will make everyone that hurt you pay. I won't make them see day light again." minho is scary when angry or serious, seungmin would be lying if he said he didn't got chills because of the tone of voice minho just used

"I will be right back minnie."

minho slid seungmin off his lap and called chan and changbin by his side and leaving hyunjin to take of the littles. seungmin didn't know what was minho gonna do.

"hyunjinnie, look after them, especially my baby"

"I will hyung. don't worry' minho smiled at hyunjin, knowing that the the Llama will indeed do his best to protect his boyfriend just for his hyung

seungmin saw that he was heading towards yejun's table. at first he saw yejun smile because minho was finally noticing her, what she doesn't know was minho was acknowledging her for a completely different reason

every one once again shut up and watch the trio walk towards the popular girl.

"minho oppa! I knew you would pick me at the end. I already told seungmin that you would never lik- *SMACK*" everyone was shock that minho just slap the shit

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