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The group sped away from the scene of the explosion, trying to get away as quickly as possible. They knew the sound of the explosion and the fire would draw walkers near. They didn't want to be there for that.

Natalie pulled her knees back into her chest and cried silently into them.

Shane couldn't bring himself to comfort her because he was so pissed at her.

"How could you do that, Nat?" Shane asked suddenly.

"I just want it to stop hurting," Natalie whispered into her knees.

"You just have to keep fighting, Nat," Shane said.

"I don't know if I can," Natalie said quietly, her voice breaking.

"Why not?" Shane snapped.

"I don't have anything to fight for anymore. So what's the point? You should've just left me. It would've been better for everyone," Natalie said quietly.

"And how's that?" Shane snapped, trying not to raise his voice at her.

"It would be one less thing you have to feel guilty about. With me out of the picture, it's only Rick that stands in the way of you and Lori. It would've been better," Natalie said quietly, tears streaming down her face.

"What makes you think I still want Lori?" Shane snapped.

"I see the way you look at her. You used to look at me like that," Natalie said softly.

Shane was silent. He looked away from Natalie and glued his eyes to the road in front of him.

"You love her. And I get that now. I'm just a piece of the past. And that's okay. We're all becoming new people. And if the new Shane wants to be with Lori, I just have to accept that. I'm not gonna try and stop it anymore. I'm gonna be okay without you," Natalie said strongly, wiping her tears away.

Shane just remained silent.

"I'm not crazy, you know," Natalie said.

"Did I say you were?" Shane snapped.

"Oh please, Shane. We've been married for 16 years. I can read your mind. You're thinking it," Natalie sighed.

"And so what if I am?" Shane snapped.

"I made a choice. And you just couldn't accept that. I get why you did it," Natalie said.

"Did what?" Shane asked.

"Saved me," Natalie replied softly.

"And why did I?" Shane snapped.

"You weren't ready. You're still not ready. And that's okay," Natalie said vaguely.

"Ready for what, Nat?" Shane snapped.

"To lose me forever. Even though we're not together, I'm still around. You still have me, in a sense. If I die, I'm gone. I'm nothing more than a memory. I don't think you could make it without me, especially without Nicky," Natalie said gently.

Shane was silent.

"Remember our wedding vows?" Natalie asked suddenly.

"Yeah I remember," Shane said, thinking back to their wedding day.

"Let's make a new vow. Not of marriage or even of love. Just mutual survival," Natalie said.

"Nat--" Shane started, ready to shoot down her idea.

"Just take my hand," Natalie interjected.

Shane sighed and grabbed her hand.

"I promise to save you as long as you keep on saving me. We don't have to love each other or even like each other because I sure as hell don't like you, but I don't want you to die, so don't let me die," Natalie said.

Shane sighed.

"I promise to always save you. I promise not to let you die," Shane said.

"No matter what, I'm still your wife and I care about your wellbeing. We're just not together anymore. We're defining post apocalyptic marriage right now," Natalie said with a small smile.

"In our wedding vows, I promised to protect you. I'm still gonna do that Nat. I promise you that," Shane said.

Natalie nodded.

"I know," she responded.

The pair stayed in silence for the rest of the trip. They both felt at peace for the first time since Nick's death. They felt like their marriage finally had some kind of closure.

All of a sudden, Shane's car ran out of gas and they were forced to stop.

They ditched the Jeep on the side of the road and loaded up into the RV with Dale and Glenn.

Glenn glared at Shane, angry about the fact that he cheated on his close friend.

"I hate to leave the Jeep," Natalie sighed.

"Why?" Glenn asked.

"I just have so many memories in that car. Shane's had that Jeep since we met. He picked me up for our first date in that car. We had our first kiss in that car. I--" Natalie started, quickly cutting herself off.

"You what?" Glenn asked.

Natalie started laughing hysterically.

"What?" Dale asked.

"I gave up my v-card in the backseat of that Jeep," Natalie said, laughing.

Shane smiled to himself, remembering the moment.

Glenn blushed bright red.

Dale chuckled to himself.

"Don't tell me that Careless Whisper was playing in the background," Dale said, laughing.

"Oh, you know it was," Natalie said with a laugh.

Everyone broke out in hysterical laughter.

"Look at that up there! There's tons of cars up there. I bet we can siphon some gas for the cars we have left," Natalie suggested, pointing to a church up ahead.

Dale radioed to Rick and the whole caravan pulled over into the church.

Natalie hopped out of the RV and hooked up one of Dale's hoses to one of the abandoned cars.

"I'll get it," Rick offered, taking the hose out of her hand.

"I got it. Besides, I've always been good with my mouth," Natalie said with a sarcastic wink.

She was able to quickly suck gas out of the large van.

She didn't notice that the entire group was watching her suck the gas out of the hose.

When she removed her mouth from the hose, she realized that almost all eyes were on her.

"What? Did y'all think I was lying when I said I was good with my mouth?" Natalie said with a sarcastic smirk.

Shane chuckled lightly.

The group averted their eyes quickly, trying not to act perversely impressed.

Daryl clapped Shane on the back as a congratulations.

After a little while longer, the group took off again.

• • •

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