Chapter 2

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"is that a hicky?" The Deputy Chief asks after staring at Schmidt's neck for over an hour. You and Jenko look at Schmidt's neck and he turns to the side to give us a clearer view.

He points at it "oh this? uhh...this was actually a octopus related incident- uhh I opened a crate and the octopus had lept on to my face and it has- apparently they have many many arms umm" Schmidt explains.

"they have eight tentacles" you and hardy said in sync. You exchange looks before concentrating back on Schmidt.

He continues, "yes and uhh-"

"look" hardy exclaims in a serious tone "ladies... nobody gave a shit about the jumpstreet reboot when you first came out. Anyone with half a brain, myself included, thought it was destined to fail spectacularly. But you got lucky. So now this department has invested a lot of money to make sure jumpstreet keeps going. We doubled their budget as if spending twice the money guaranteed twice the profit"

Jenko snickered at that "like that's gonna work" he remarks.

The deputy continues "yeah, well the commissioner is convinced this debacle happened because you weren't doing the same undercover student thing you did the first time. She doesn't get that its always worst the second time around! You settle into worn out roles, one gets possessive *points at Schmidt* the other runs away *stares at Jenko* you begin a slow painful unravelling, as all of the good things that came before begins to be crushed By the trash compactor of sadness"

You looked at him worried, "Is he talking about us?"

Schmidt rebuttals "that doesn't sound like us, i mean heh-"

"I'm getting a divorce" the chief butts in.

This silenced the two boys. An awkward silence.

Jenko clears his throat, "We don't want to do the same thing. We wanna burst through our ceilings. You get another ceiling and you burst through that one, and you just gotta keep hammering the ceiling-" Jenko's TedTalk was stopped by a concerned Schmidt.

While you simply stared at Jenko. "Hot himbo" you thought to yourself.

Jenko went on "what if we join the Secret Service? Try to protect the White House. I think I'm saying-"

Schmidt shook his head immediately disagreeing with him "I don't think that would work-"

"I'm gonna ask you to stop talking" The deputy announces, annoyed.

Jenko leans his head towards you and quickly mutters , "I thought that was a pretty good idea"

"DO the same thing as last time. Everyone's happy"


"I can't believe the Koreans bought their church back" Jenko exclaimed leaning on his new not so exclusive car "Yeah! I mean... good thing there was an even bigger abandoned chruch directly across the street" Schmidt says facing the new Jump Street

"Yeah. That's really convenient"

"yes it is convenient" agreed Schmidt.

"Guys..don't break the forth wall" you said walking ahead. The guys stared at you weirdly but didn't press on. They followed behind you, slowly walking towards the building

Jenko turns back to look at the land next to the old Jumpstreet "next year I bet we'll be right across the street just next door"

Schmidt chuckles "let's not get ahead of ourselves"

"I'm not ahead of ourselves, we are right next to each other"

you giggled at his remark "its a metaphor Jenko" Then you entered the building.


As you walked in you were completely blown away by many upgrades they brought to the place.

You sighed, "woah"
"this is awesome" Jenko exclaims.
"it looks like the bat cave" you remarked "looks way more expensive for no reason" he adds.

Smidth then points ahead "look at Dickson's office, looks like a giant cube of ice"

Dickson steps out of his office and puts his hands on the railings like a boss "how you sons of bitches like jumpstreet now?"

Schmidt replies "hey" while you and Jenko move up the stairs.

"y'all see this shit?" Dickson says showing us around "22 jumpstreet is the lick and I've got a big ass raise to babysit you three fuckers again." He walks around his office and points at a few things, "Designed it myself we've got an espresso bar, thinking about a shark tank over there"

"I love sharks" Jenko says quietly. You smiled at his remark, "cute" you thought.

Dickson goes on, "Fuck a 21 jump street and fuck a Korean Jesus"


"oh come on man Cap, Korean Jesus is right there" Jenko exclaims staring at a Jesus statue. "thats Vietnamese jesus, see this is a Vietnamese church you racist sacrilegious sack of shit. Look at that! Vietnamese Jesus is just dripping swagger. And we got some new dumbass interns. Hey! Hey! look alive!"

You look down and see the highschool kids from the last undercover mission and you still don't know their names but Jenko surely should..

"haha boys!" He calls them. The blonde haired one calls out to him "yo yo Jenko" he chokes the air towards Jenko and Jenko acts along and air chokes blondy back and the Asian guy with glasses who then, "schmidt" he calls him and air chokes him but schmidt doesn't play along.

Schmidt shook his head uninterested, unimpressed, embarrassed and disappointed. "Don't do that" he mutters.


"So you want the same shit? So here we go. Same identities same assignment" Dickson passes the file to Schmidt, Jenko then you.

"We're going back to highschool?" Jenko asks and Dickson gives him the 'are you serious look' , "your ass looks like you're about fifty except for girlie over here she looks 25"

"thanks Boss" you wink, smiled.

"You're going to MC State"

Smidth looks at Dickson in shock "we're going to collage for real?"

Dickson fixed his jacket and gives a briefing "somebody's out there cooking up a new drug its adderall mixed with ecstasy mixed with god knows what else" you read the file and hear Jenko try to pronounce the word "Whipey, Wifey?"

"no You dumb motherfucker WhyPhy. Stands for Work hard yes play hard yes, now these kids take this shit and they get laser focused for 4 hours of studying and then they party like its the goddamn 1999" he explains.

Schmidt flips through the file and stops, "who's this?" he points at the picture of a girl, "that's Cynthia Watson, she was a student at MC state, took some whyphy got locked out of her dorm and ended up falling off the roof, now she's dead" Dickson explains.

He passes a new file to Jenko who opens it and there's a picture of Cynthia with a guy in a hood "That's her buying drugs on campus, and that's the dealer, find him and we'll find the supplier"

Then you Raise your hand

He makes a face, "This isn't elementary. speak"

You asked, "you said, same case same identity. So does that mean I have to work separately again? Or are we past that whole unnecessary bull?"

He gives you a different file "Well now that you mention it with your bitchy attitude, yes. You investigate on the lady's side. Your room is right next to Cynthia's, that should help you get info. Search her easy, in and out or go around, get social"

You sighed.


After the mission briefing, you and the boys exit the building and enter the car, ready for the investigation.

"I'm so sick of this. Would it really be suspicious if I spent a lot of time with you guys? I mean. It's college, that's a common occurrence" you complained as Jenko opened the car door for you and you got in. Schmidt thought about it for a bit and then answered, "well, if we get into trouble, you won't."

"I don't like you when you make sense" you sit comfortably and stretch your arms.

Jenko sighed, "I would actually like to be able to interact with you while on an undercover mission, you're more fun when you're acting"

You turned your body towards him and playfully kicked him, "Is that supposed to be a compliment?" You giggled as he tried to tickle your feet. "NO! STOP THAT!!!" you giggled and turned your body and laid your head down on his lap.

He suddenly got quiet but you didn't mind you were sleepy anyways. It didn't take much time before you were completely knocked out.

Jenko's POV

"when are you telling her dude?" Schmidt whispers-yelled at me

"I don't know, I'm not sure If I should tell her" I muttered, while combing y/n's hair with my fingers.

"What do you you mean?" He asked me again. Why couldn't he just get it?

I thought for awhile and then gave him a short answer, "I could potentially ruin our friendship"

"Jenko, you know what? It's on you man, either you tell her or someone else swoops her away before you. And trust me, that happens a lot. A lot"

"I'll tell her when I think it's the right moment! And why are you saying it like that? Don't say stuff like you're foreshadowing things, it makes me anxious."

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