I walked out into the clearing, spotting Ant and Dec standing together.
"Hello Jess! Welcome to your first trial" Dec exclaimed as I walked up to them. "This trial is called 'Floods of Fear'. You will have twenty minutes to collect all twelve stars"
"Okay, where is the trial?" I asked them both, as I looked around uncertainly.
Ant pointed to a hole in the ground with a ladder poking out of it. I bit my lip and looked at it nervously.
"If you do not wish to do the trial you may go back to camp but you will have to forfeit your meals. If you wish to stop the trial at any time just say the words 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here' and we will do our best to remove you from the trial immediately." Ant explained.
"So are you ready to take it on?" Dec asked in an excited tone.
"As ready as I'll ever be!" I smiled at them.
I stood, wearing my goggles over my eyes. Both of my feet were firmly on the ladder, and my hands were holding it so tight that my knuckles were going white. I could see water beneath me, which made me feel worse.
I took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out.
Do this for the camp.
The buzzer sounded and I quickly climbed down the ladder, into the cold water.
"Its so cold!" I shrieked. It was a claustrophobic tunnel, filled almost to the brim with water. It was like a cave, if I'm honest. I made my way over to a hole that started just below the surface of the water. It was black and easy to spot. I guessed that would be where some stars would be.
I could hear the faint sounds of Ant and Dec talking to me but I couldn't hear them clearly over the sounds of water and my own heart beating in my chest.
I sucked in a deep breath and swam through the hole, pulling open the flap of canvas. I surfaced in a small cave full of— frogs. I felt like I was going to throw up, there were so many. I whimpered slightly as I desperately tried to undo the three knots that were keeping me from getting the star. My hands were cold and shaky which made it harder and harder to do.
I eventually pulled off the star and fiddled to put it into the bag that was tied around my waist.
I quickly swam back over to the hole and ducked back into the main area.
Okay, I have got one star, how much worse can it get?
I swam to the next hole, and tried to peek through, by opening the canvas slightly. I caught a glimpse of one of my biggest fears, eels. I felt my heart leap out of my chest.
I couldn't do it— I couldn't go in there.
But I have to. If I wimp out, thats one less meal for camp. One less meal for someone to eat.
I clenched my fists and swam through, keeping my head tilting upwards, so that I couldn't see the slimy animals that were swimming along the bottom of the water.
I fumbled with the rope, and eventually, I pulled off the star and placed it into the bag.
I felt one brush past my leg, causing me to scream loudly and in a piercing high pitched tone.
I swam out of there was fast as I could, breathing in and out deeply, to try and calm myself down. I just conquered my fear. I smiled to myself and peeked through the canvas. I thought it was empty so I was getting prepared to swim through when I was spotted what was inside.
"No, you have to be joking!" I said to the cameras. "I'm not going in there with a Crocodile!"
After about two minutes, I decided to just pack it in, and swim into a tank with a crocodile.
I cautiously made my way in, staring down the crocodile on the other side of the small area. I felt as if the reptile was staring daggers through my head. Terrified that it would start swimming towards me, I ripped the star off the string and got out of there as fast as I could.
I climbed up the ladder, remerging, soaking wet,
"Well done in there!" Dec congratulated me with a small laugh to follow.
"You collected all twelve stars, but do you still have them?" Ant asked me, looking at the bag I had around my waist.
"Well we'll have to see then" I told them as I handed Dec the bag to count out the stars I collected.
He counted them out slowly. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and you have all twelve stars for camp!"
"You're back!" Jorgie yelled as she ran up to me and hugged me tightly. George, Vicky and Susannah followed quickly behind.
"What the hell did they make you do?" George laughed as he hugged me tightly.
I started to rattle on about the trial. "They made me swim underwater, and there were eels and crocodiles and—"
"How many stars?" Duncan cut me off as he called across the camp.
"All twelve!" I yelled, completely changing the topic but causing everyone to erupt in cheers.
//Jess' Confession— "Twelve stars for camp, twelve stars for camp" Jess sung. "Guess who got twelve, this girl!" She pointed to herself and chanted with happiness.//
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