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Lady C left to do her trial. We all watched as her white hair disappeared through the trees.

Everyone went about camp, doing their duties, savouring any moment that we were relieved of Lady Collin Campbell.

George walked up to my, holding a rectangular basket. He put it down on my lap.

"Its the hamper that we won." He explained. "Brian and I don't want it, so you and Jorgie can pick and choose what you want"

I nodded slowly. "Thanks George"

He smiled widely and walked away, to go and collect logs, I assume.

I called Jorgie over and we sat and picked through the basket, picking up the stuff that we liked, giving the rest away to Skylar, Yvette, Vicky, Ferne and Susannah.

"Get out of the way you little bitches" I heard Brian say from the other side of camp. He was talking to the emus again.

"Brian!" Jorgie stood up quickly. "Given my duty as emu keeper, I would appreciate if you didn't speak to them like that" She sat down and burst out in laughter, making me giggle as well because of the look on Brian's surprised face.

Lady C arrived back at camp, with no stars, surprise, surprise. She had refused to do the trial, for no particular reason.

The rest of the day in camp was a free say, do I decided it would be a good time to take a nap, since I hadn't had a full night of sleep since I started this show. I curled up in my sleeping bag and wrapped myself up in my hammock.




"You'll never guess what just happened" George said, his voice waking me up from my light sleep.

I opened my eyes slowly as George jumped into the other side of my hammock. He started nattering on about Lady C, and Kieran and Chris and his conversation with them. Out of nowhere, whilst he was talking, he started to rub my feet. I didn't object, my feet really did hurt after days of walking and running around. But I had to admit, it was kind of odd for someone to do that to me. He obviously didn't notice because afterwards, he looked at me and realised what he'd been doing.

"Lol oops sorry" He laughed. "But anyway, its like Lady C and her minions, its getting proper weird around here"

I made a 'mhm' noise in response and snuggled back down into the hammock.

"Wake up and listen to me" He groaned as he practically jumped on me, making the hammock swing violently.

"Get off George" I grumbled in the same voice as I tried to push him off.

//Ferne's Confession— Ferne rubbed her head. "I don't know whats going on" She paused. "Between Jess and George, but I don't like it. She's obviously just leading him on. I just don't want him to be heartbroken"//

In less than a second, the hammock was upside down and I was face first on the floor. "George!" I shrieked as I rolled over and tried to wiggle out of my sleeping bag, since I tied it so tightly around me. "That was uncalled for"

"Guys, Duncan and I have an announcement" Skyar called across the camp, signifying that we should all meet around the fire so that we could listen to what they had to tell us.




"So, we've had to split everyone into teams, so please, please, please don't take this personally, we tried to do it as randomly as we could." Skylar explained.

Duncan read out the teams, and everyone was given designated shirts and bandanas that they had to change into.

The pink team consisted of Vicky, Duncan and George.

The yellow team was Ferne, Kieran and Chris.

The purple team had Brian, Jorgie and Tony.

The last team was team green, which was Yvette, Susannah and Lady C.

I listened to everyone's names being called out, accept Skylar and I.

Why weren't we in teams? Was it a mistake? Surely not.

I waited until everyone had left to continue what they were originally doing before I walked up to Skylar.

"Why aren't we in teams?" I asked her, anxious to see if I was actually meant to be in a team or not.

"We aren't in teams, because we've been voted to face a trial tomorrow morning" She told me with a sigh. "I just hope its nothing too terrible"

I nodded slowly. "I'm sure it'll be fine" I reassured her as I gave her a quicky hug.

Oh god— Not another trial, the last one was absolutely terrifying.

I looked down at my nails and picked at them as I walked over to Susannah.

"Whats up buttercup?" She asked as she adjusted her green bandana that was tied around her head.

I sighed. "I've been nominated for a trial tomorrow"

"You'll be great love" She told me. "You aced that trial a couple of days ago, and you'll still be the same person tomorrow. Just do it for me and Yvette, okay? We're stuck with Lady C"

"Okay" I nodded as I hugged her. "You'll do great too, just put aside your differences and do your best"

"Thanks Jessie" She smiled as she kissed my forehead and left to go to the dunny.

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