I sat cross legged on the canvas bed. I was wearing my brown hair in two french braids that finished just below my boobs. I had a bandana tied around my forehead, it was white, green, red and black camouflage print. I had the usual khaki coloured vest with my name and voting number on the back, but it was covered by my luxury item, which they altered for me to wear in camp. It was a red military jacket with my name and voting number on the back. It ended at my waist and I had the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. I had khaki coloured shorts and red knee socks, with black military boots.
I clasped my hands around the ankles of my boots. The new campmates should be here any time soon. I was nervous to meet them— everyone had become so close over the last couple of days, I didn't want anyone to come and ruin it now.
I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my hear as the rustling of bushes interrupted the calm silence of the jungle.
"Aight!" I heard a voice erupt through the camp.
Everyone that was currently sitting in the camp at the time yelled, a mix of 'heys' and 'hellos' and cheering.
I watched as a blonde girl with a hooked nose and a brown haired girl walked into camp. My campmates started to greet them so I jumped up and decided to join in.
The two girls were called Ferne and Vicky.
They explained about their friend Spencer, who was still staying in a camp called 'Snake Rock'.
They then explained that since they had been sent here— three people had to be sent there. To Snake Rock.
"We're really really sorry, but we've decided to send Brian, Jorgie and Jess" Ferne explained. "We're really sorry!"
"No thats fine!" I smiled. "Its like i'm going to summer camp!"
Lets just say I didn't want to go to Snake Rock.
We got to Snake Rock and met Spencer, who sadly had to leave only an hour later due to family problems, leaving just Brian, Jorgie and I in the camp.
I sat watching the fire, as Brian cooked the rice and beans we had been given.
"Could this really get any worse?" Brian thought aloud as he stirred the food.
"Yeah, we could be stuck here with Lady C" Jorgie giggled as she sat next to me.
"I guess" Brian laughed slightly as he dished out the food.
Jorgie and Brian had been picked to compete in a Bush Tucker trial against a campmate from Crock Creek, meaning that I'd been wandering around Snake Rock aimlessly for the last couple of hours because I had nothing better to do.
I was laid, with my fingers laced together and resting on my stomach, staring at the jungle canopy when I heard footsteps.
"Guys! How was it?" I asked as I sat up quickly, fixing my bandana and walking up to them. I was eager to hear exactly what happened.
"We were against Lady C— and she won" Brian sighed.
"Oh god, what did they win?" I asked them as I stood up and hugged both of them.
"Well they got a meal" Jorgie told me. "And they have to send a campmate here, and we asked Lady if we could have George"
"Guys thats great! We have George go keep us all company!" I smiled as I smoothed down my plaits.
She looked down at her boots. "Yeah" Her voice cracked.
"Jorgie? Whats the matter?" I asked as I pulled her in for a long hug.
"Its just, this is a lot tougher than I thought it would be— I just didn't expect it to be this hard" She sniffled. "Yesterday I felt like I wanted to go home"
"Awe its alright Jorge, I'm very proud of you" I squeezed her tight. "I'm gonna go and sit in the confession cam room for a little bit, ok?"
"Ok" She nodded as she pulled away and walked over to help Brian start to fire.
I walked up the slightly steep hill and into the confessions room. I sat in front of the camera and sighed.
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