Racap the TV Series Ep6

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#From Chapter 14

#Wayo's POV

At the beach resort, P'Pha, Ming and I are sharing a room. We are very tired from today photo-shooting....not to mention i was carsick during the road trip....

P'Pha asks me what kind of song will I will be playing for the competition with the piano. I have to think of something that is so profound in that way. Something that's very popular so i can get many votes.

"Hmm," P'Pha said, "Let me recommend you some songs."

P'Pha brought his iPad to me....yeah his iPad is in my hand Mmmm! Now i know why he's not looking at me but staring at his iPad all the time. Bad doc!

These songs that P'Pha played from his iPad match my feelings the most right now. They are.............

and all the 3 songs that P'Pha picked are about unrequited love. What is unrequited love? Ok i am going to google its meaning later because of the feelings for the guy right besides me..... is so cute.

"I'm hungry," P'Pha asked, "What do you want to eat?

"I am still full....why not you call a room service? "

"But it is not good. I do not want to pretend to...." P'Pha is really hungry because he walks to the closet to change.

"Okay, what would you wanna do?"

Ming is sleeping like a dead dog and i am hesitant to wake him up. Though I am a bit sleepy too in my striped pajamas and with big round glasses....

"Ok let my grab my luggage from the closet"

"What are you doing? " he asked....

"I need to get changed" I answered very quickly

"What's wrong with this? " he pointed out my clothes

"Pajamas,? "I argued back and not listening ... Yes ...

Cute, right?


"You don't need to change"

So I was slowly getting off the bed.....where I'm so happy to be...

Okay, I'm going to go out and walk around with my pajamas right?

I am not a goddess that i can wear anything right?

But it was like living together and going to meet up late ... about that ...

"Hurry up i am hungry," P'Pha hurried out the door.

***Seven Eleven***

There must be a better place than this 7 Eleven store. The wind is breezing because it is right opposite the seaside. I stand still inside the store (because i have no money) and P'Pha just tossed a lot of things into the shopping basket.

Is he buying for himself or raising a pig? That's a question i wanna ask him....and certainly i am not a piglet...I am Wayo...and Yo means wind, not a piglet... >_<




Then we meet Gukgai (she spoke the villagers' language) and her roommate, Sandy. They are in the room right in front of our room. I can not express myself like her ... That's what made me jealous of her.

Sandy told me about how Gukgai said that P'Pha likes Gukgai and they're probably gonna be sharing a room tonight so Sandy will probably be with Ming and me...what the hell.

When I came to the room, I was like a spirit out of the body.

"Go into the room first. " The opposite room was opened both doors. so I went into my room.

I felt brokenhearted and sad with a long face ......

I do not know what happened inside the opposite room. I just realized that I was irritated. Irritated everything I heard and saw. I'm not his man and I know that very well ....

But I do not really get it is how he takes a woman he just met to be close to him like this. It's like stepping on my heart with its big toes. It hurts ...

I went to get some fresh air from our room balcony and ... now when i stepped inside my room i did not see Sandy to my surprise. It's just P'Pha while the door is closed. P'Pha looked at me.....and I wonder what kind of indies I come up with?

but P'Pha came back alone, without Gukgai. idk what's the truth....




*********Enjoy It**********


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