I'm right on schedule this time! Anyway, just a heads up that this is the third last chapter of Forget Me Not. I have a vague idea of what my next project is going to be, but I'll keep it under wraps for the time being. Just know that I'll still be on wattpad, as long as I have stories to tell!
Enjoy! x Noelle
ps: slight trigger warning for violence and abuse.
- 4
l i l i u m
For innocence.
(then: -4)
"I CAN'T BELIEVE it's finally over."
She smiles at the obvious relief in Dylan's voice and adjusts the strap of her bag further up her shoulder. "I know, I was beginning to get tired of it."
He grins and nudges her. "Not of me, I hope."
It's a playful nudge, almost teasing. Her smile fades a little and she shakes her head. "No, just of the project. And a little bit of your voice during the presentation," she can't help but add.
"How dare you," he mutters, but there's no real malice in his voice. She feels him cast a sideway glance at her as he asks, "So, are you hungry? Want to grab supper together? I'll drive."
Her feet come to a halt. It's a very, very tempting offer. "No," she says quietly, "I don't think I can."
He stares at her for a moment, and it's that soft light of understanding in his eyes that cuts straight to her heart. "Right, I understand," he says, just as softly as she did. He runs a hand through his hair and offers her his usual sunny smile. "See you Monday."
"You too."
He heads down the empty hallway; his footsteps loud in the silence. It's way past evening, and the glow of the lights overhead cast long, lonely shadows across the hall. She watches until he disappears, before she turns on her heels.
She freezes.
"Keith?" His name escapes her lips in a quiet gasp. The tall figure comes out from within the shadows; his footsteps silent like a ghost. She didn't even hear him come up behind her. Instinctively, she falls a step back. "Wh-what're you doing here? I thought you were at a party."
He stares down at her; his eyes heavy and half-lidded. It's a look of indolence that he's mastered so well; a façade of nonchalance. But she's been with him for long enough to recognize the angry glint in his eyes; the corded muscles in his neck tense and jump.
"You should be so lucky," he says in a mild voice. "But I thought it best not to miss this...thing you two have going on."
"I told you, Dylan and I are lab partners. We've been working together on a project—"
"Bullfuckingshit," he hisses. "I've seen the way that asshole looks at you. Don't tell me you haven't noticed how he's always smiling at you, and watches you from halfway across the cafeteria when we're at lunch. There's even a rumour going around that he dumped Flo Aryton for you!"
Her eyes widen. There's that little traitorous voice in the back of her head wondering, did he? But she firmly drowns it out and shakes her head. "Why would you even listen to the rumours?"
"Because it isn't just a rumour, is it?" Keith fires back. "He benched me ever since the start of football season. Coach has the final say, but I know he had something to do with it!"
"You were benched because you're too angry on the field! Everyone knows it. You've been picking fights with the other players for absolutely no reason."
"Too angry? That's just a cover. Do you know what Torres said to me the first time he benched me? He said that I'd be left on the bench for as long as you continued wearing sweaters. Which means that you told him what was going on."
"I didn't."
"Don't fucking lie to me!" His sudden shout has her falling a step back. "You obviously gave him enough hints to piece everything together, because that's what you wanted all along, isn't it? For the knight in shining armour to save you, and you can fuck him in your gratitude!"
"How dare you?" she snaps, pushing him back. He immediately grabs her by the wrist to stop her, his grip growing tiger by the second, but still she presses on. "If I were any other self-respecting person I would've said fuck all and left a long time ago. But I stayed and became the quiet little doormat that you wanted. I stayed for so long that I began to hate myself, but even then, I still stayed because we had a deal. I put up with all of your shit, so how dare you accuse me of cheating?"
"Because you would if you could!" he shouts back and shoves her to the ground. She tries to scramble up, but he's over her in a flash. His hands close around her throat in an iron grip. She begins to gasp, her hands come up to claw at his, but he shoves a knee into her stomach and she keels over.
His eyes gleam and he lets out a dark chuckle. "I know you," he says softly. "Everything you do is an act. You pretend to be some quiet, shy little thing, but I know the tricks you play. I know you dope my drinks hoping I'll get caught. I know you've been following my friends around to see if they'll give me away. I know you're trying to find dirt on me to get the upper-hand. I know you, all too well, and that's why you can never leave me."
Tears blur her vision, and her world grows dark. That familiar blanket of sheer helplessness threatens to drown her. Every time she's stuck in this position, she's reminded of just how much stronger he is. Bigger. Faster. She can't outrun him, can't outsmart him, can't outdo him. But even when she feels like she's dying, she won't beg for her life.
This time, however, she will.
"Let me go," she gasps. "Or you're going to kill me."
He only smiles. "No, I won't. What would be the fun in that—"
And then, suddenly, his weight is off her.
Oxygen fills her lungs once more, and she quickly pulls herself up. She clutches her chest, willing herself to breathe. As her vision clears, she slowly becomes aware of the shouting in the background. She looks up, still dizzy as hell, and her eyes widen in shock.
She stares, dazed, as he tackles Keith to the ground. "Emma," Dylan calls sharply. Gone is his good humour; the light in his eyes, replaced by a dark fury that she's never seen before. "Get the fuck out of here!"
The words are barely out of his mouth when Keith shoves him off. Dylan is swifter, quicker on his feet. For a moment, it seems like he has the upperhand as he throws punch after punch at Keith. But the latter quickly recovers and throws him against the lockers. A brutal punch to the gut makes Dylan buckle over, and her shock gives way to desperation.
"Stop it!" she screams, stumbling to her feet. A sharp ache rips through her—Keith must've broken a rib or two in their fight earlier, but she shoves her pain aside and grabs his arm. "Stop it, you'll kill him!"
Keith spins around and backhands her. Fresh blood explodes in her mouth, but she barely registers it as he twists her arm behind her back. A muffled cry escapes her and she struggles against his grip. It's over in a flash as Dylan drags Keith away from her, and she watches helplessly as Keith readies another punch.
"Security! Stop what you're doing and stay where you are!"
Relief sweeps through her as two men in white campus uniforms come running down the hallway. Dylan immediately pushes Keith away and rushes towards her. Through blurred vision, she catches a glimpse of his worry as he frames her face between shaking hands.
"Emma," he breathes, "are you okay?"
But before she can respond, Keith yanks him up by the collar of his shirt. "You asshole," Keith snarls, as he throws a glance down the hallway where, behind the campus security, are several more people in blue. "You called the cops?"
Dylan shoves him off. "I didn't. But you deserve to rot in jail."
"He didn't," Emma says quietly. They both turn to her, and she reaches into her pocket. She pulls out her phone and turns the screen to them. The voice app is still open. And it's still recording. "I did."
A look of dawning horror flashes across Keith's face. He scrambles back, only to stop short when one of the policemen places a hand on his shoulder. As the police lock handcuffs around his wrists, Keith throws Emma a deadly glare over his shoulder.
"You bitch," he hisses, the cruel promise of revenge in his voice, "You'll regret this."
(she does.
but in order to slay a monster, one always has to pay a price.
it's dylan who pays it,
with his memories of her.)
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