8. Snip Snip

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Eleanor POV

We sat around the dinner table, eating our meals in awkward silence. For one, all girlfriends and exes were in the same room, at the same table making it totally awkward.

I mean. I'm eating dinner with Briana Jungwirth, and Danielle Campbell. My ex boyfriend's ex baby mumma, and his new girlfriend.

And there was Danielle, who picked at her salad harshly, and had her now dry, blue hair up in a bun, with a beanie to cover. But you could still see some blue strands, and bangs.

"I'm not hungry." Danielle said breaking the silence, and stood up to leave to the table.

We all watched as she stormed off upstairs. Once she was gone, I immediately looked to Perrie and glared at her. She just shrugged cluelessly.

"We should have a routine." Gigi spoke up, and we all looked to her.

"What kind of routine?" Cheryl asked.

"Well...I know there are some people we can't stand here..." She trailed off, and her eyes landed on Perrie.

Perrie forced a smile to Gigi, and rolled her eyes. Briana's eyes flickered to me, and Cherly looked to Sophia.

"But if we're going to be staying here, we need some sort of routine. Like who does the dishes one night, and makes dinner." Gigi finished and we all took in the idea.

I just need to have a chat with Perrie.

"I agree. Perrie and I will do dishes tonight." I said quickly, and grabbed Perrie's arm, dragging her to the kitchen.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! El!" She whined in a hushed tone, and rubbed her arm. Oh my God, I didn't even pull her that hard.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"What do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh you know Perrie! I told you to throw that dye out! Now Danielle thinks I did it!" I yelled quietly to her.

"I don't know! I thought I threw it away but maybe I accidentally mixed it up with Danielle's! I don't know! And stop yelling at me!" She shouted lowly.

"Perrie! You dyed her hair blue!" I said.

"Not purposely. I was going to do that to Gigi." She said matter of factly. Is she crazy?!

"That makes it better?! Perrie! These girls have careers just like you! She's an actress! And Gigi's a model! Dye damages your hair! And you turned hers blue for fucks sake!" I shouted lowly to her, trying to get it through her thick skull.

"She's a bitch!" Perrie fired back.

"Because she's dating Zayn now?!" I asked shocked.

"No--you think Danielle is a bitch too! Admit it! You hate her!" Perrie said with a smirk.

"Maybe! But I'm not putting hair dye in her shampoo!!!" I yelled.

Gigi POV

I stood up and walked to the kitchen to put my plate and glass wine in the sink. As I got closer, I could hear quiet shouting.

"She's a bitch!"

That's Perrie. I peeked into the kitchen, and saw her and Eleanor talking intensely to each other.

"Because she's dating Zayn now?!" Eleanor asked.

They're talking about me? What?

"No--you think Danielle is a bitch too! Admit it! You hate her!" Perrie countered back.

"Maybe! But I'm not putting hair dye in her shampoo!" Eleanor fired back, and my jaw slightly dropped.

It was Perrie?! What a snake.

"I don't think even Gigi would go that low." Eleanor said finally, and I smiled.

But Perrie gasped, and her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.

Maybe this is my chance to win Eleanor over as MY friend now.

"I can't believe you just said that. It was hair dye! Eleanor! Hair dye! Not some disease or anything! It wasn't even that bad!" Perrie shouted.

"To some people it is!!! It is a big deal when you're in a business like hers! And now when she goes home to Louis, she's gonna tell him all about this experience, and blame me for what happened! Louis will hate me even more!" Eleanor shouted, clearly upset.

Ohhhhhh...She's worried about what Louis would think about her...

I decided to step in, and get on Eleanor's better side from here. Perrie and Eleanor both looked up. Perrie scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Want some help El?" I asked.

"Yeah, G. That'd be great." She said, and made room for me next to her, at the sink.

Perrie got a little pushed to the side, making her mad. She rolled her eyes as we began to wash dishes.

"Fuck you both." She said and walked out of the kitchen.

At first, we washed the glass plates and all without exchanging words, till I decided to break the silence.

"You ok? You're looking a little blue." I said, saying blue purposely because of Danielle's hair.

She laughed, and shook her head. "Real funny. And I'm fine I guess. Did you hear anything?" She asked.

Should I lie or tell her?

"Not if you didn't want me to." I said, and she sighed, realizing I heard.

"Was I too harsh on her? Maybe I am making a big deal of this." She said and groaned.

I quickly shook my head. "No, you reacted the way anyone would've. Imagine if it was your hair."

She sighed, thinking about, and nodded her head.

"So was she the one that put the dye in there?" I asked, because I was still a little lost on that.

"Ok, I'm gonna tell you but you can't tell anyone." She said, giving me a serious look.

Now I have something to use against Perrie.

"Of course." I said. She sighed, and looked back at the dishes.

"Originally, she was gonna put the dye in your shampoo and turn your hair blue." She started.

I slightly gasped, and a plate slipped from my hand. She was going to do what?!?!? That bitch!!!


"But I stopped her before she could put dye in anyone's shampoo!" She said quickly.

I could've been the one with blue hair right now...holy crap. I can't even picture it.

"I told her to throw the dye out right away, and then she said she could put in Danielle's too, since we're kinda...you know--"

"Yeah, I get it."

"I said no obviously, and she thought she threw the bottles out, but mixed them up I guess. And now Danielle thinks I did it." She said and sighed tiredly.


"Why don't you just tell Danielle the truth. Tell her it was Perrie." I told her. Rat Perrie out.

She was debating in her head, whether to or not. "I don't know, ugh. Because she's still my friend." She said helplessly.

Friend? I quickly shook my head.

"A true friend would have the balls to go and tell Danielle herself, and get you off the hook." I said seriously, and she frowned.

"I guess you're right. I don't know. I don't know. I'll sleep on it. If she doesn't kill me in my sleep." She said and we giggled.

"Who? Perrie or Danielle?" I joked, and we laughed. We continued to wash the dishes.

"I aslo heard Louis' name pop up. What's with that?" I asked gently, knowing it may be a tough topic.

She shook her head. "Oh it was nothing really. I know, Louis and I broke up. I shouldn't care what my ex thinks. Especially Louis and our situation. The baby, his new girlfriend." She said.

She still loves him...you can see the love in her eyes when she talks, but she also seems sad.

"I just don't want her to go home to him, and tell him about this whole mystery vacation. And tell him that I did all this terrible stuff to her because I was jealous. I don't even want him knowing I saw her. I just want to be out of his life, and him out of mine." She breathed out.

"Things will work out. I promise." I smiled to her. She smiled, and gave me a little hug.

Eleanor POV

I was sleeping peacefully, and dreaming when I felt someone nudge me.

I groaned, not wanting to wake up, and turned on my other side.

"El. Wake up. Wake up." I heard Sophia say urgently, and shook me again.

What does a girl gotta do to get some beauty rest ?!?!?!

I groaned and slowly opened my tired and heavy eyelids. Sophia and Dani P stood over me with wide eyes, and worried faces.

"Eleanor?" Dani asked cautiously.

I raised an eyebrow. "What? Is there a bug on me?" I asked scared.

They both shook their heads, and still held the same worried look. What is wrong with these two?

"What is it?" I asked them.

"You um...you might wanna take a look in the mirror..." Sophia said in a whisper.

My eyes widened. Oh my God. What happened?! What is it?! A rash?! A pimple?!

I raced out of bed, and ran to the bathroom. The girls followed after me, wanting to see my reaction.

I turned on the bathroom lights, and looked to the mirror.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed and gasped. Dani bit her lip, and Sophia covered her eyes not wanting to see.

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