22. You Had His ♡

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Eleanor POV

The sun was setting, and it was a bit breezy outside. So Louis and I raced to the house, where it was warmer.

"Careful. Don't want to start world war three." Louis joked as we ran up to the house. I laughed.

"I think we're way past that." I said, and he chuckled.

He opened the door for me, and we walked in. Sophia and Perrie were playing ping pong, while Dani watched and kept score for them.

No Briana. No Danielle C. Good.

"Cheryl and I call next!" Dani said.

Louis closed the door, and they heard, turning their heads to us. Once they saw us, they all either grinned, or had a smirk.

"Oh hey you two." Soph said with a wide grin. My cheeks began to heat up.

"Where you two been running off to?" Perrie asked teasingly, and they all giggled. My God help me.

"Ladies." Louis greeted with a smile, and they all giggled and made oooooo noises as we walked to the stairs.

I could already tell what they're thinking. My goodness. They need to calm down. We ran upstairs.

"I call the shower first!" He said running to the bathroom, and I whined.

"Ughhh, fine! But don't take all the hot water." I said with a pout and he chuckled.

"Well, we wouldn't have to worry about that if you just showered with me." He said flirtatiously, and I blushed.

"Tempting. Very tempting. Cold water it is." I said, and he chuckled before kissing me and heading to the bathroom.

I don't want to have sex just yet. I wanna wait a while, and see just how serious we get.

I heard the shower turn on, and decided to go back downstairs where the girls were playing ping pong.

"Els." Soph called me over, and I went next to her.

"Hey guys." I greeted them all, and they smiled, and said hi back.

"What's the 411 with you and Louis?" Perrie asked.

"Details please!" Dani said, and we all laughed. I knew they would ask about us.

"Nothing." I said, and Dani actually lost a point to give me a shocked look. I laughed.

"Hell nah, girl. Obviously there's something." Perrie said with a laugh.

"Come on! Tell us!" Cherly begged, and they all began to shout in agreement. I giggled at them.

"Yeah, Eleanor. Why don't you tell us about how happy you and Louis are sneaking around." Danielle C cut in, walking down the stairs with Briana, and Gigi.

The room went quiet, and it was like two cliques against each other in high school.

Me, Perrie, Soph, Dani, and Cheryl


Danielle C, Briana, and Gigi.

Awwwwwwwwkward. Where's Louis when you need him. I could really use his backup right now. But I can't always depend on him.

"Helle whore." Gigi greeted, but was referring to Perrie. Perrie gave her a fake smile, and flipped her off. Ok, I don't know what that was about.

Danielle was still giving me a hard, and cold look.

"Oh, please! Don't stop your story telling just because we came! Although, I'm sure it's pretty boring, and I guarantee he'll never be as happy as he was with me, with you. But...oh well." She said with a smile, and shrugged.

My jaw dropped.

"Maybe he is happier with me, considering he chose me over you." I pointed out.

"Doubt it. Seeing you just brought up old feelings." She said with a shrug.

Since when were her and Briana besties?! I thought they hated each other...

"Why do you hate me so much?!" I asked, because I was honestly tired of all this bullshit.

"Is that a trick question?" She asked sarcastically, making me more mad.

"No!! Why?! I was his ex girlfriend while you had him!! You had him Danielle!!" I yelled to her.

"And you!!" I shouted, pointing to Briana. Briana straightened up a bit, clearly not expecting for me to call her out.

"You had his baby!! I had him before both you!!! I was in this fandom before both of you! Then you had Louis!! And you had his freaking baby!" I yelled to them.

Suddenly, the air grew thick, and we all looked to each other like oh no, what's gonna happen now?!

"Ok, first off! You have no right calling me out! Freddie was totally unplanned, and you're just jealous!!" Briana yelled. "Both you and Danielle!"

"Shut up Briana!" Danielle C yelled to her, annoyed with this crap already.

"No! No I'm not gonna shut up! You won't admit you're jealous! Because whether he loves Eleanor, or you, he'll always be tied to me!!" Briana shouted at us.

I was fuming now.

"You know what Briana! You're absolutely right! Whether he loves Danielle or I, he'll always be tied to you. We can't change that! And you know what! Maybe I am a bit jealous! Are you happy?! I am jealous!!" I yelled to her, and she jumped.

Now I'm pissed. There's no stopping me now.

"I am jealous because that's something Louis and I planned to do together!! If anything, I have a right to hate you both!!" I yelled to them.

Zayn and Liam must've heard all the yelling and shouting because they rushed downstairs, shocked. Clearly they haven't been here long.

"Ok, guys. Let's give them so privacy." Sophia said, pushing everyone out of the room.

God, the last thing I wanted was to be in a room alone with these two.

"Call if you need back up." Perrie whispered to me with a wink, and I forced a smile.

They all left the room, leaving me alone with the one and only Danielle Campbell, and Briana...What's her last name? Ohhh, right. Jungwirth.

"We were together for years and years! We planned our lives together! Then he gets you pregnant!! And starts going out with you!! I should hate you guys!!" I yelled to them, and Danielle rolled her eyes.

"Why?! Why why why do you hate me so much?!" I asked them, tiredly.

Danielle shook her head, and everyone went silent. You could hear the ocean outside.

I rolled my eyes, my throat hurting, and eyes watering. My heart was racing, and I wanted nothing more than to go upstairs with Louis.

"You're right." Danielle C spoke up when I began to walk to the stairs. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face her.

"You're right, I did have him. I had Louis for over a good year. Great year, wonderful even." She said, her voice breaking.

What is she getting at?

"Briana had the baby. And yeah, I was jealous that I'd never be able to connect with him that way. But it's not like he actually loves you." Danielle said, directing that last part to Briana. She rolled her eyes.

I waited for her to continue, so I could just get the hell away from them. Danielle hugged herself, and sniffled.

"I may have had Louis, and Briana may have had his baby, but...all along you had Louis' heart." She said, and my heart stopped.

I couldn't believe a part of me actually felt bad.

"You had his heart all along. I could tell. Anyone could. Sure he treated me well, but...whenever someone mentioned your name, or he saw a photo...he just...lit up. Then get sad, and brush it off." Danielle said looking down.

Part of me felt sort of bad, but the other part felt happy to hear that Louis was thinking of me, like I was thinking of him.

"It's pretty obvious. I think you blocked him, but after Freddie was born, you were the first person he called...I thought it'd be his mom, or even Danielle, but it was you. His ex girlfriend he hadn't talked to in so long." Briana said confused.

I remembered that. Louis called, but I didn't want to talk to him. He left me a message saying that Freddie was born, and he was healthy. It broke my heart, and all I could do was text him 'congratulations'. Just the word, no emojis.

"And after I told him I was pregnant, he panicked. I thought he would be scared that he was gonna be an actual dad, which he was, but he was more scared of what you'd think of him." Briana said, rolling her eyes.

I gasped, my heart hurting at the news.

"And your face. My God, it's all over the goddamn Tomlinson house. You're in half the family photos, and wedding photos. You're freaking everywhere." Danielle snapped, wiping tears before they could fall.

"I guess I just never wanted to believe it. There were moments where I was so sure, he loved me and only me. But it was always so clear. He's always gonna love you." Danielle said with a sniffle.

We heard someone coming down the stairs, and all looked up to see Louis with his wet, messy hair, and pajamas.

Danielle rolled her eyes, looking down. Briana just sighed.

"Hey love, where--" He shut up, when he saw the three of us alone. He had a quizzed look on his face.

He gave me a look like what the hell is going on here?

I shook my head, and just walked up the stairs past him and to our room. Danielle went to the kitchen to be alone, and Briana went anywhere but there.

I threw myself on the bed, and hid my face in the pillow. The door to my room opened, then closed.

"What was happening down there?" Louis asked confused, and crawled next to me.

How was I supposed to love him the way I do, when those two girls down there make it feel so wrong.

Louis could tell something was off, and placed a hand on my stomach, pulling me a little closer to him.

"Love, what's wrong?" He asked.

I sighed, taking my face out of the pillow, and met his beautiful blue eyes.

"This. Us. It feels...I feel guilty." I said, gesturing to the two of us.

Louis cocked an eyebrow, and his face held a little worry.

"What are you talking about? Guilty?" He asked, drawing circles on my side with his thumb, soothing me.

"Yes. It's just...Danielle and Briana, they make us seem so...ugh! I don't know! I just feel guilty to love you so much, and be so happy!" I said annoyed, and face palmed myself with both hands.

Louis chuckled, and pulled me closer if possible.

"What? What are you talking about? You shouldn't feel guilty love, they're just trying to make you feel bad." He assured me, and kissed my forehead.

"I still feel bad." I told him.

"How did this even come about? As far as we're concerned, we're keeping it low key, so it doesn't seem like we're rubbing it in their faces." He said.

"True, true..." I said uneasily.

"And that was your idea. You're not as bad as they make you seem, babe. We're not doing anything wrong." He told me, and kissed my cheek.

I sighed, and smiled to him.

"See. Told you, ya shoulda taken that shower with me." He teased, and I giggled.

"I know, I kept telling myself that." I said and we laughed.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I said, and smiled as he leaned in to give me a sweet kiss.

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