Imagine for Nikawillavegail (1D)

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Willow's POV:

I can see the light through my closed eyelids, and I know that I have to wake up now. Slowly, I open my eyes, and I smile when the first thing that I see is my wonderful boyfriend, Niall. I start to stretch, but as soon as I move, I feel a lurch in my stomach, and I run to the bathroom. I quickly end up throwing up in the toilet, then rinsing my mouth out with water, trying to get the vile taste of throw up out of my mouth. I hear a knock on the door and soon Niall calls out. "Willow, you okay in there? I thought I heard something?" Niall yells through the door.

When I hear Niall's voice, I quickly clean everything up, not wanting him to know that I was sick. If he knew I was sick, he would definitely want to take me down to his and his friend's clinic to see what was wrong. You see, both my older brother, Liam, and Niall are doctors and run a clinic along with their two best friends, Harry and Louis. I grew up with my brother constantly practicing his check-ups on me and telling me all the diseases that are around as well as what all that can go wrong, that now I'm terrified of doctors.

Once I clean the bathroom up a bit, I take a look at me in the mirror and notice that I look a bit flushed, and my eyes are kind of tired looking. I don't think Niall will notice but just in case, I put a bit of makeup on to cover my flushed face, and then I open the bathroom door. However, Niall is right behind the door with a concerned look on his face. "What are you looking at?" I ask him sweetly, and his concerned face gives a small smile. "Just wanted to make sure that my beautiful girlfriend was okay. I love you so much", he tells me as he leans down and gives me a kiss on the lips. It's very brief, but sweet none the less, then we pull away. "I just had to pee really badly. Everything's okay. I love you too", I tell him as I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest. We stay like that, with him holding me for a little bit, then we separate. "I need to get ready for work babe. Why don't you get dressed, and I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast?" he suggests and I nod my head in agreement and then walk back to our room.

My stomach is feeling a bit better, but now my throat is starting to hurt. Oh well, I still have to go to work today, so I can't take a sick day. On top of that, if I would take a sick day, Niall would know and probably take me in to the clinic, which I definitely don't want. Instead I'll just suck it up and take some lozenges to help my throat, and some medicine to help my stomach.

Once I take some medicine, I start to get ready for work. I work at a college as the soccer coach, so I just get into some running shorts, and a t-shirt, then throw on a sweatshirt because I'm a bit cold. I put my hair in a ponytail, then braid it to get it out of my way, and grab my running shoes. I head downstairs and I'm glad to see that Niall isn't there yet. This will give me enough time to drink some tea to help my throat, as well as make some breakfast, or at least some breakfast for Niall. I don't want to upset my stomach again, so I'll just tell him that I already ate.

A few minutes after I've drunken my tea, and cooked some eggs and bacon, Niall comes down in his blue scrubs. I may not like his profession, but I do have to say that he looks hot in his scrubs. The blue brings out his eyes, and you can see just how strong his arms are. "This looks wonderful babe, thank you", Niall says as he pours some ketchup on his eggs and bacon (A/N: this is actually how I eat my eggs ;)). He then sees that I'm not eating and asks, "Willow, why aren't you eating?" "Oh, I ate while you got ready. Thanks for the concern though hun. Now that you're out of the bathroom though, I'm going to go and brush my teeth and get some makeup on". My voice croaks a bit, but I quickly go upstairs again before Niall can question it.

I don't usually put on a whole lot of makeup, but I like to at least put on some concealer and mascara at the very least to protect me from the sun and highlight my eyes a bit. I also wanted to see if I could find any lozenges somewhere. I finally find some, when I hear Niall call out, "Babe, I have to go now. I'll see you after work. I love you and hope you have a good day". "Bye hun, love you too", I croak out and I hear the door close.

Now that I'm ready and I have some lozenges, I grab my soccer training bag, and start to head to work. On my way to work, I'm in an intersection when out of nowhere I hear a car horn honk, and the last thing that I see is headlights heading my way from another car heading my way.

Niall's POV:

I'm a bit worried. This morning Willow wasn't acting herself at all. Usually she will sit down and eat breakfast with me, but today she had already eaten. And when I called out that I was leaving, she didn't come down to give me a goodbye kiss like she normally does. I wonder what's going on with her. I hope she's not coming down sick or anything? She would tell me if she was, right? I would hope so, seeing as we've been dating for a few years. I'm sure everything's going to be fine though.

I walk into my friend's and my clinic, and see Liam standing by the nurse's desk looking at a chart. "Hey Li. Everything okay?" I ask and he looks up. "Hey Ni. Yeah, everything's fine. I was just looking at Willow's file. The last time that she came in it was noted that her tonsils were a bit swollen. I was thinking about calling her in and taking a look at them just to be sure that she doesn't have tonsillitis. I mean, I know that she hates getting check-ups and such, but I'd rather her be healthy than possibly have her be in pain", he tells me and it makes me confused. "I didn't know that she hated check-ups. She's never told me that", I tell Liam. "Oh yeah. I think it's partially my fault though. I used to have her help me study and she learned all kinds of diseases and what all could go wrong, so she's been freaked out ever since. She probably didn't tell you because she never had a problem with it with you. By the time you get home, you aren't Dr. Horan who could use scary tools on her to see if she's healthy, you're lovable Niall, her caring boyfriend", Liam explains, and I nod my head in understanding. "That makes sense. I-". Before I could finish my sentence though, I'm interrupted by the emergency service hotline. "Young female, in a car accident. Broken arm, and cuts and bruises on head, stomach, and arms. Found conscious on scene, but passed out on route." the dispatcher responds, and we all go into action.

Harry and Louis come out from the back room once they hear what's going on and they start setting up the x-ray machine so we can see just how bad of breaks she way have. Liam grabs fluids and pain meds that can be inserted through an IV, and I grab the suture kits to stitch her cuts.

Pretty soon we see the paramedics come running in and we start to go into action, but then I see who it is. "Willow?! Oh my God! Babe!" I cry out, and Liam sees this and then goes into hysterics. Harry sees this and takes control after that. He grabs the IV supplies out of Liam's hands, and takes her straight to Louis in radiology to see if there's any more broken bones, or what else might be wrong. "Definite broken arm, and will need stitches on her head and arms", Louis states, and this brings me out of my shocked state and I go into action. I quickly start the IV with pain meds, then start suturing the cuts on her arms, but when I get to her head, I notice that she has a fever. "Guys, she has a fever", I yell out and Harry comes over. He starts giving her a normal check-up while Louis starts setting and casting her arm.

Harry is feeling her stomach for any abnormalities, when Willow lets out a cry in pain. I quickly grab her hand in mine and she starts to wake up. However, when she wakes up, she sees where she is and starts panicking. I quickly remember Liam telling me that Willow is afraid of the doctor's and such, so I try to calm her down. "Willow, it's me Niall. I'm right here, and I won't let anything or anyone hurt you okay. I'm right here, and it's just Harry and Louis here with me, nothing to be afraid of. We just want you to be okay, and to see where it hurts so that we can help you", I tell her, as I caress her cheek and run my fingers through her hair to calm her down.

Soon, Willow is fairly calm again, so we try again. "Willow, can you tell me what hurts babe", I ask and she points to her stomach, arm, and throat. Stomach and throat? I didn't think she would have hurt herself in the car accident there. Then I remember what Liam said about her tonsils were swollen. "Babe, can you open your mouth for me? I promise, we are just going to take a look to see what I can do to help make your throat not hurt as much. We won't do anything but shine a light in there for a second", I tell her and I can see her eyes grow with fear. I grab her had to try to calm her down again, and she starts to calm down.

Harry then shines a light down her throat, and he nods in understanding. "Willow, it looks like you have tonsillitis. We are going to fix you up a bit, then we will deal with it after, okay? You also said that your stomach was hurting you? Can I feel it to make sure nothing bad is going on? I promise that I'll be gentle", Harry tells her and Willow closes her eyes, but nods her head. By this point, Liam comes back and grabs the other hand of Willow's to help comfort her, while I whisper sweet nothings in her ear, and run my fingers through her hair to keep her calm.

Harry starts feeling her stomach, and Willow whimpers in pain when he gets to a certain area. He gently presses it one more time to be sure, and Willow cries out in pain. "Okay Willow, it seems like you might have a stomach bug. I'm just going to give you some antibiotics through your IV and it should get better within a few days", he tells her.

"Love, I know you won't like this, but with tonsillitis, we will have to do surgery and get them out or else they could cause further damage to your throat", Louis gently tries to tell Willow, but as soon as Willow hears that she will need surgery, she starts crying again. "Babe, I'm right here. I'm not going to let anything hurt you. This is for the sake of your health though. If we don't do this now, then you could lose your voice forever, and I love the sound of your voice, so I can't let that happen. You know all of us, and you know we would never harm you in any way, shape, or form, so please trust us to take care of you", I plead with Willow as I give her kisses all over her face and neck to convince her.

After a bit of thinking, she finally nods her head and we all start to get her prepped for surgery. Liam and Louis head off to the operating room to get it all set up, while Harry and I get Willow all set for surgery. Once we are done and Willow is asleep, we head down to the operating room and Louis does the surgery with no problems what so ever.

Willow's POV:

I wake up with a beeping noise in my ear, and pain everywhere. I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm in a hospital bed, then remember what all happened. Niall is sitting right next to me, so I gently shake him to wake him up. He looks up at me sleepily, and asks, "Hey babe, how are you feeling?" I shake my head, not really being able to talk, and he understands that I hurt. "Okay babe, let me just give you some more pain medications then", he tells me as he messes a bit with the IV and soon I don't feel the pain.

He then feels my forehead, and states, "Well, your fever has broken, which is a good thing", he then gently feels my tummy, and states, "It seems like your stomach bug is cured too". I nod my head and he gets in bed with me, being extra careful of the wires and my broken arm, and pulls me close to his chest. "You know, there is one good thing about getting your tonsils out you know", he tells me and I look up to him with a question on my face. "Well, since your throat will be sore for a few days, you get to eat all the ice cream you want", he says with a smile and I give him a smile back.

I curl up in his arms once more, and go back to sleep, dreaming of all the ice cream I am going to eat this week. I may have to run a whole lot to burn off all the calories, but it will so be worth it, especially since Niall will be with me through it all.

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