Imagine for NiallersGirl20 (1D)

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Kristyn's POV:

I'm so glad that my husband, Niall, and brother, Liam are finally taking the well-earned break that they deserve. They've been touring, recording, and doing interviews and such for the past 5 years non-stop. Now that they have a strong base set up for their career, they can finally relax a bit and spend some time with family. The last time I saw Niall was when I went to one of their concerts in March, right after Zayn left the band. Niall and Liam were both bummed that Zayn left, and needed some cheering up, so I flew to Japan and we went out and had a night out. Afterwards, Niall and I went back to his hotel room and let's just say it was an amazing night.

Since then, I've noticed that I've put on a little more weight, but I think that's just because I've been stressed wondering if Niall's okay, and being a bit depressed that he's not able to be with me all that much while him and the boys are on tour, so I've been eating more. I also had a bout of the flu about 2 months after, which Niall was really worried about, and wanted to come home to take care of me. However, I told him that he had to continue on with the shows, and he couldn't let the fans down like that just for me, and soon I was all better and not throwing up.

Right now, Niall is in the kitchen, cooking dinner, while I'm resting on the couch. All day I've been having really bad cramps and I've been feeling sick, so Niall has told me to try to get some rest, and that if it wasn't better soon, then we'd go to Liam. Since coming back from the break, Liam has gone back to his second job as a doctor, since he got his degree while on tour. He is now the bands tour doctor, as well as my normal doctor when he's not on tour.

Another cramp comes and I try to ride it out by curling up into a ball and letting out a whimper. Niall comes into the room and sees me curled up in a ball and says, "Princess, I think we need to go see Liam now. This isn't getting any better and I'm really worried that something is wrong. I love you too much to let anything happen to you". Then he pulls me onto his lap and rubs my tummy, trying to ease the pain. I curl up as small as I can on his lap, and let him hold me and comfort me, then nod my head in agreement. "I can't take this pain Ni. Please help me get rid of this pain. It hurts so badly", I tell him and break down in tears in his arms.

I can feel him moving around a bit, and then I hear, "Hey Li, Kristyn isn't feeling well. She's been having really bad cramps all day, can I bring her in and have you take a look at her?" he asks through the phone. I hear a muffled response, and then Niall says, "Yeah, that's fine. Thanks, see you in a bit then", and then he hangs up. He turns to me then and tells me in a soft comforting voice, "Kristyn, I know that you're not feeling well, but do you think you can walk? I'm taking you to go see Liam, and he's going to make you feel better". I shake my head, informing him that I don't think I can walk because I'm in so much pain, and then I feel his arm under my back, and knees. He lifts me in his arms bridal style, grabs his phone, and carries me out to the car.

Niall drives to Liam's clinic, and once we get there, he lifts me into his arms again, and carries me in. I see Liam waiting for us inside, gurney, gown, and gloves ready. Niall lays me on the gurney, gets me in a gown, and Liam rolls me through the door to a room. "Hey little sis. I heard that you're not feeling too well. Can you tell me what's been bothering you?" he asks in a concerned tone, as he starts taking my vitals and listening to my heart. "My tummy hurts Li. It feels like something is tearing it apart, and is just getting worse and worse", I tell him, tears rolling down my face. Niall grabs my hand and brings it to his lips, giving it a kiss and trying to help calm me down. He then starts running his fingers through my hair because he knows that always helps calm me down and soothes me, while Liam goes into another room and grabs something.

Liam comes back a few minutes later with a new machine in hand and an IV. "Kristyn, this is an ultra sound. It's just going to let me see what's going on in your tummy and help me diagnose you. I'm also going to put an IV in to help with the pain", Liam tells me as he sets everything up. "Sharp pinch on three. One. Two. Three". Liam inserts the IV needle into my arm, and soon I can feel the medicine working and the pain dulls to a point that I can handle. Liam then grabs the ultra sound machine and some gel and lifts up my gown so that he can have access to my stomach, while still making sure that my bottom half is covered. He spreads the gel around a bit, and presses the wand to my stomach, then looks at a screen. I don't really know what he sees, but Liam's eyes grow to the size of golf balls, and he starts panicking, saying something muffled under his breath and starts grabbing supplies.

While Liam is buzzing around, trying to get things set up, Niall and I are confused. "Li, you're scaring me. What's going on?" I ask. Liam slows down a second and says, "Kristyn, I don't really know how this is possible that we could miss this, but you're pregnant and the cramps you've been feeling all day, yeah they've been labor pains. Your baby is already in the correct position, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were almost completely dialated and ready to push". Both Niall and I are in complete shock, not being able to say anything, just staring at Liam like he's a mad man. I break out of the trance first and say, "That can't be Li. I would have known. I would have felt it. Thank God I don't smoke, and I've kept away from the alcohol while you guys have been on tour. Oh my God! How could I have not known!?" I start crying thinking about all the things that could have gone wrong and how lucky I was, as well as how we are going to care for a child when we are only young adults ourselves, and how we haven't had any time to prepare for this child.

Niall comes to, and grabs my hand again. He gives it a slight squeeze, and I look up into his bright blue eyes. "Don't worry, we'll get through this, just as we always get through any adventures", he says and leans down and kisses my forehead. I nod my head and lean into him, just needing his comfort for a bit, which he's happy to give. Meanwhile, Liam has gotten everything set up and ready, and tells me, "Kristyn, I have to check how dialated you are. That means that I have to take a look down there. I know it may be weird, but just remember that right now, I'm your doctor, not your brother, and I have to do this to make sure that this baby is delivered safely". I nod my head, and Liam quickly checks my cervix, then tells me, "Okay Kristyn, you're at 10 centimeters. It's time to push". I start pushing, grunting in the effort that I'm putting in to get this baby out of me. Niall keeps encouraging me, and stroking my hair to help keep me motivated, and soon I can hear a little one's cry. "It's a girl!" Liam exclaims, already in tears from delivering his niece.

He clamps and cuts the umbilical cord, cleans her up, and places my daughter into my waiting arms. As soon as I see her blue eyes and cute nose, I start crying alongside Liam, which makes Niall start crying next to me. "She's so beautiful", Niall says and gives me a kiss. "I can't believe we have a child. What are we going to name her?" I ask Niall, in which he says, "Let's name her Kaelynn Rose Horan". "Kaelynn Rose Horan. I like it. Hello little Kaelynn. Welcome to the world", I say as I give her a kiss on the nose. Kaelynn looks up into my eyes when I say that and my heart melts. We may not have been completely ready for her, but now that she's here, I would do anything for her. "I look up into Niall's eyes and all I see is adoration and love in his eyes. "I love you", I tell him, leaning in to give him a kiss. He kisses me back and says, "I love you too. Thank you for giving me the best gift in the world. I love you Kaelynn". He then wraps his arms around both Kaelynn and I, pulling my head to his chest, and I fall asleep to Niall's steady heartbeat and my daughter in my arms.

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