Imagine for MikyTomlinson824 (1D)

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Miky's POV:

"Next up for the under 14 figure skating completion is Mikey", I hear the announcer say and sigh because as usual, the announcer pronounced my name wrong. My name isn't Mikey, its Miky, like Mickey Mouse. I've been completing in figure skating completions since I was 6 years old, and every year the pronouncer pronounces it the incorrectly even though I've told them multiple times that they are pronouncing it incorrectly. Oh well, I can't be thinking about that right now, as I'm just about to go on the ice and perform my routine. I'm a bit nervous so I look up into the crowd and see my big brother Louis sitting in the stands. He sees me and smiles at me, giving me the confidence that I need. Next to him is his best friend, Niall who my brother has known practically forever, and is like a second brother to me. He gives me a thumbs up and I smile.

My name is called, and once again they don't pronounce it correctly, and I step onto the ice. Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved the feeling I get when I'm skating. It literally feels like I'm floating. I feel powerful and invincible like nothing can knock me down.

Once I hear the music start, I fly around the rink, smiling and doing tricks that no one would think that a person could do, especially at my age. I'm just about to so my signature move, a triple salchow. This is where I start from the back inside edge of my foot, spin three rotations, and land on the back outside edge of my opposite foot. It's a really difficult move but I've probably done this hundreds of times in practice, and it's the one jump that I love doing. I skate backwards for a few seconds and get my momentum, and bend my knee a bit to give me the power needed to get me into the air. I can feel myself twirl in the air as I tuck my arms in and enjoy the few seconds of weightlessness.

However, when gravity brings me back down, I land on the wrong foot, which makes me wobble and I feel my leg give out. I land sprawled on the ice with a thud, and immediately I feel embarrassed that I just fell in front on hundreds of watching eyes. I try to get up and finish my routine, but when I try to move my leg I scream out in pain. Tears start to fall down my face while I'm just laying down, not able to move. I can't hear what's going on around me from the thumping of my heart in my ears, but i know that pandemonium is happening in the rink.

I lay on the ice, which is making me feel really cold, for what feels like hours later, but was probably only a few minutes at most, before I can see people around me. Their mouths are moving, but I can't hear what they're saying from the adrenaline in my system making my heart race and the sound is echoing in my ears.

 Someone picks me up and carries me off the ice, but all that can go through my head is just how cold I am, and the pain I'm in. I try to curl up into this person's chest to get warm, and that's when I recognize a smell. It smells like apples and chocolate. It's Louis' smell! I look up and I see my big brother's worried expression as he gently carries me across the rink. I don't know how he was able to swing it with the rink directors to be able to go out on the rink, especially since he's not wearing skates but instead he's wearing his signature Vans, but I'm eternally grateful that he's here.

Louis carries me off the ice and to a bench where I can see Niall waiting for us with a medical bag and blanket in hand and a worried expression on his face. You might be wondering why Niall of all people would be waiting for us with a medical bag in hand, and the reason is that Niall's a doctor. He is in his second year of residency at Mercy Hope Medical Hospital, and is specializing in Pediatric Orthopedics, or better known as a kid bone doctor.

Louis lays me down on the bench with my head on his lap, and throws the blanket over me so that I can get warm while Niall immediately starts checking me for injuries. "Miky, can you hear me?" he asks as he shines a light in my eyes. I roll my eyes at his question but say, "Yes I can hear you, but you're blinding me with that light". Both Niall and Louis smile at my sarcastic response, and all I can think is, well I am Louis' sister. "Okay Miky, did you hit your head when you fell? Can you tell me what hurts?" I shake my head and say, "I don't think I hit my head, but my leg really hurts. I think I landed on it wrong".

He nods his head, and then I can feel his hand start to feel my leg. He barely touches it and my whole leg erupts in pain and I scream out. "OWWW!" I yell and Niall stops what he's doing. He looks to Louis and then tells me, "Miky, I think you might have broken your leg. We have to go to the hospital so that I can be sure, but you're not going to be able to skate for a while no matter if it's a break, sprain, or fracture". I nod my head, but start crying. Skating is the thing that I love most, and I might have ruined my chance to ever skate again. Niall does a quick splint so that my leg won't be injured further, while Louis helps calm me down a bit. After a few minutes of Louis petting my hair and whispering kind words in my ear, I'm finally calm enough that they can move me. Louis picks me back up as gently as he can with the blanket still wrapped around me, while Niall holds my immobilized leg out and tries not to move it so I won't be in as much pain.

They gently carry me out of the rink and I can hear the whole rink clapping for me and wishing me well. We get in the car with Louis driving and Niall in the back with me to keep my leg steady. Louis quickly drives us to the hospital that Niall works at, then carries me in.

Niall gets a room for us, and Louis lays me down on the uncomfortable bed while Niall tries to get an x-ray scheduled for my leg. A few minutes later, Niall comes back in the room and says, "I got you scheduled for an x-ray in a half hour. It seems like they are fairly busy right now, so we'll just have to wait. However, while we wait, I want to do a small check-up just to make sure you didn't hurt anything else in the fall". I nod my head and Niall grabs his pen light again. "Just look straight for me. Do you feel any dizziness or feel like you're going to be sick", he asks and I tell him no.

He then starts to feel my neck and asks, "Does your neck or back hurt at all?" in which I again tell him no. He checks me over for any scrapes or cuts and bandages the few ice burns (like rug burns?) that I have. Finally he asks me to lay down and he starts feeling my stomach. "Any pain anywhere else", he asks and I again tell him no. "Okay, it looks like you were really lucky then as it could have been a lot worse. I'm going to give you something really quick to help with the pain though, and then we will head down to take a look at your leg", he says as he gets an injection ready for me. I whimper in fear for a bit, as I don't really like shots, but Louis grabs my hand and tells me to close my eyes. I feel a small pinch, and Niall says, "All done". A few seconds later, I can feel the drugs starting to work and the pain in my leg is starting to numb a bit.

By then the half hour wait to get my x-rays done has gone by, so we wheel me down to radiology, and soon Niall gets me set up and takes the x-rays. A few minutes later, they are developed and Niall sees that I have a simple fracture of my tibia. It basically means that he bone cracked but didn't break or pierce the skin. This is a good thing though because it means that I won't need surgery and I'll have a shorter healing time.

Once Niall tells me this, he starts to get the supplies ready for a cast. "Miky, what color cast do you want?" he asks in which I tells him, "Blue please". He wraps my leg in plaster and blue med wrap, while Louis holds my hand and tells me funny stories.

After about a half hour, Niall is finished and I look down. My leg has a cast on it from the bottom of my foot to just below my knee. "You'll still get ice, but instead of skating on it, you'll just have an ice pack on your leg", Niall tells me with a teasing grin. I stick my tongue out at him and Louis laughs and helps me up. Niall hands me a set of crutches to help me walk, and then hands Louis some pain pills for me to take during this week, and we head out of the hospital building.

 We then decide to go out for ice cream because I love ice cream and since I can't go on the ice for a while, I have to get my fix of ice somewhere. As I'm eating my cookie dough ice cream, I start thinking. I know that it will be hard to not skate, but I'm hoping that this will make me a stronger skater in the long run. Plus, with Louis and Niall supporting me, I know that I can get through it and what doesn't kill me will make me stronger.

Hi Guys! :) So, i actually had to do a bit of research on this one because i know next to nothing about figure skating. If you see something that isn't right, let me know and i'll change it :)

Let me know what y'all think and hope everyone has a wonderful day/night! :) 

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