Imagine for mandyismee (5SOS)

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This is a bit of a trigger imagine. Please, if you really do feel like this, talk to someone about it. There are so many people here and around you that love you and to quote Bruno Mars, "you're amazing just the way you are" :)

Amanda's POV:

"I'm so sick and tired of all these people teasing me and saying that I'm too fat, or too short, or too whatever! Right now, I'm so over everything. No one would care if I'd give up and go to heaven. No one would care if I died!" I think to myself as I go into the bathroom. I open the cupboard and grab a bunch of pills from different bottles, and I shove about twenty down my throat.

A few seconds later, I can hear the door open downstairs, and I hear my boyfriend, Ashton, call my name and walk upstairs. I see him in the doorway, but I'm too far gone to hear him. I can feel myself falling and soon blackness overtakes my vision.

Ashton's POV:

I was just coming home from the hospital that I work at. My girlfriend, Amanda, just moved in with me after us dating for a year, so I'm excited to be able to see her. Maybe I'll make us a really nice dinner and we can watch a movie tonight?

I walk through the door to our house and call out, "Mandy, I'm home!" I don't hear anything, so I call out again, "Mandy? Where are you?" I run up the stairs worried. Amanda always answers me, even when she's in the shower or on her computer. She always answers. Somethings not right and it's making me worried.

The first place I check is our bedroom. I don't see her in there, so I check the office next. She's not in there, so next I check the bathroom. I can see the door open, and I hear a bang. I run to the door, and I see Amanda swaying and passing out. I quickly take the last few steps in and catch her before she falls and hits her head, as she passes out. I lay her down and start looking around to see what's wrong with her. I first check her pulse, which is really slow and weak. I check her eyes and they are glassy and unfocused. I then see the bottles of pills open, right when she starts to seize. I protect her head from banging against the floor and get everything that could harm her out of the way.

Once she's ridden out the seizure, I lift her in my arms and quickly drive her to the hospital. I'm still in my work scrubs, so when we get there, I immediately get her in a room. I call out to my friends that are working and tell them what happened. They hook her up to a few different machines, while I give her something that will make her throw up and get the meds out of her system.

"BP threading and erratic, pulse 50/100. Ash, we need to intubate her", my friend Calum says. "No, I first have to get her to throw up. Luke, I'll need suction over here", I tell them and Luke hands me a suctioning device. I can see Amanda's body convulsing, reacting to the drugs and trying to get rid of the meds in her. I suction the bile and such out of her mouth and then Mikey hands me an intubation kit. I intubate her and soon she's able to breathe with the help of the machines. We give her an IV of fluids, and medicine that will get rid of any of the other effects that the meds did to her, and they leave while I sit down with Amanda, holding her hand and kissing it. "Mandy, please don't leave me. I love you and I will always love you. I don't know what I'd do if you left me. Please wake up", I plead with her with tears coming down my face.

A few hours of no change and Michael comes in. "Ash, buddy, you need to get some food in you. I'm going to bet that you haven't eaten in almost 24 hours, what with your shift being so long and then this. Come on, let's get you something to eat". I shake my head and won't let go of her. "What happens if she wakes up and I'm not there? She'll feel alone and like she's not wanted. I can't leave her".

Mikey is just about to drag me to the cafeteria to get some food in me, when I can see Amanda's eyelids start to move. I run over and grab her hand again and say, "Mandy, If you can hear me please squeeze my hand." I feel her squeeze my hand and I give her a huge hug and cry with her in my arms. "Ashton? Where am I?" she asks me. "You're at the hospital baby. You tried to take your life, but I saved you. Why would you do that? Do you know how much that would have killed me inside?" "I'm sorry Ash. I just felt like I didn't matter to anyone. I felt like if I died, then no one would remember me and I'd just be another person that dies every day of the year. I was sick and tired of people teasing me and saying bad things about me, that I just wanted it to end", she says, looking down and with a sad expression on her face.

"Baby, I love you and I would never forget about you. You almost made me the saddest person alive and it took all my willpower to be able to take care of you today. There are so many people that love you and would miss you way too much if you died; the boys, your family, your friends, everyone that's every truly met you. You have such a kind and loving heart, that people get jealous of it and the only way for them to make themselves feel better, is to knock you down. We are going to help you get through this though. All of us that truly love you will help you through this and you'll see just how important you are to us. How we could never forget you", I tell her and curl up with her in the bed. We then just cuddle and hold each other for the rest of the night, knowing that together, we can get over this and that she will get better.

Hi guys! As I said in the beginning, if any of y'all feel this way, please talk to someone. My ear is always open as well as a lot of people on here are willing to support you. This forum is a great support system as well as a great way to make friends. Let's use this power to help.

Let me know what y'all think and I hope everyone has a powerful day! :)

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