Imagine for ILOVE1DFOREVER1D (1D)

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Faith's POV:

"Lily, honey, we have to get going. We're going to be late for lunch with daddy", I call up to my 5 year old daughter. We are going to surprise my husband, Niall, at the hospital that he works at with a picnic lunch during his lunch break. It's mine and his 10th anniversary together, and I wanted to do something special to celebrate it. We were high school sweethearts, and then both went to college, still keeping our relationship going throughout, and the day I graduated and got my BA was the day that Niall proposed to me. We got married a year later, and Niall went through medical school, and now we have a beautiful little girl, and today while we are on our picnic lunch, I'm going to tell him that I'm pregnant again. I'm a bit nervous to tell him, but I know that he'll be really excited and happy to be able to extend our family.

Lily and I are on our way to Niall's work, and I'm just coming up to a street light with a green light, when out of nowhere, this huge tanker truck runs the red light and crushes into us. I look back and the last thing I see before I blackout is my little girl passed out in her car seat with blood trickling down her head.

Harry's POV:

I'm looking around for Faith, and I don't see her. You see, I've been helping her plan her and my best friend Niall's anniversary picnic for the past week. I text her an hour ago, telling her that Niall was going to go on his lunch in a half hour. It's been 30 minutes since Niall's gone on lunch, and I don't know where she is. I also am the only one that knows that she is pregnant, because I'm the doctor that checked her out and confirmed it. A few weeks ago, she came in telling me that she hasn't been feeling well, but that she didn't want Niall to know and freak him out. I did a quick exam on her, and found out that she was 3 weeks pregnant. She was going to tell Niall about the baby today on their picnic, but I don't know where she is.

As I'm trying to get a hold of Faith, the emergency room doors burst open and the paramedics are yelling out, "Late 20 something year old woman, car accident. Big rig ran a red light and slammed into the car. Has multiple lacerations on her body, broken arm, and concussion. Young daughter is on her way in the other ambulance", I hear my friend Louis yell out and I run over to help. As soon as I see the patient though, I see that it's Faith. "Get me an ultra sound now!" I yell out and one of the nurses quickly goes to get an ultra sound while I start listening to her lungs and try to hear the baby's heartbeat, afraid that it was lost in the crash.

The nurse hands me the ultra sound, and I squirt some gel on her stomach and put the wand on her stomach as well. A few seconds later, I hear a comforting sign of a nice and strong heartbeat coming from Faith's baby. I breathe a sigh of relief, but then start thinking about what to do next to get Faith stable.

A few minutes after Faith came in, I hear another paramedic, yell out for Lily. One of my co-workers, Liam runs over to her and starts assessing her while I'm assessing Faith. I hear a loud gasp and see Niall run over, back from his lunch now, seeing his wife and daughter on gurneys. "What the hell happened? What are their BP? Have they gone to get CT's or x-rays yet?" he starts babbling out all these questions until I get to the point that I have to stop him. "Ni, Faith and Lily are going to be okay. Just take a breath. We are going to do whatever we can to help them, but right now, we need to try to get Faith stable so that she doesn't lose the baby". As soon as I've said those words, I know that I've said too much. "Baby?! Faith's pregnant! OMG! I'm going to be a daddy again!" Niall exclaims in a happy tone, but soon gets serious again. "OMG, she's pregnant. We have to get her stable! I can't lose her or my child!" he says in a panic and one of the nurses goes to take him out of the room, but he doesn't budge. I turn to him and tell him, "Okay Ni, we will get her and the baby stable. Just settle down okay. I'm going to take her down to radiology and get her head and bones checked out. Liam has Lily under control. Everything will be just fine. Now, why don't you go sit down and we'll page you when they wake up". He slowly nods his head and I wheel Faith down to radiology.

Niall's POV:

I can't believe my daughter, wife, and unborn child might possibly die! I can't believe that I might be a father again! I mean, I leave for lunch, excited for later on since it's Faith and my 10th anniversary, and I come back to them in the hospital and fighting for their lives. On my lunch break, I went to the local jewelers and picked up Faith's present. I got her a necklace in the shape of an infinity sign with our names engraved on it to show that our love will be forever. However, I'd give anything to just make sure that she and Lily were okay. I don't know what I'd do without them in my life.

I'm pacing the room, anxiously waiting to hear their names called, when I see Harry come out. He has a smile on his face and says, "They are all going to be fine. Lily has a mild concussion and a broken arm, and Faith has a few broken ribs and a concussion as well, but the baby is fine, and they are both awake. You can go in and see them now, they are in room 36". I quickly thank Harry and give him a hug, then I run over to their room to see them.

When I walk in, the first thing that I see is Faith. She's a bit bruised and battered with bandages coving almost every inch of her skin, but none the less beautiful as always. I walk over to her and gently take her into my arms, giving her a passionate kiss and just hold her. "I know about the baby, and I'm so happy. But don't ever give me that type of scare ever again. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. I love you forever", I tell her as I pull out the infinity necklace from my back pocket and put it on her. She gasps when she sees it, and starts crying from happiness. "I love you too. I can't promise that I won't ever be able to never scare you or get hurt again, but I will try to never leave you", she tells me tearfully and we kiss one more time.

"Daddy?" I hear my little princess call out, and I go over to her bed. "Hi princess. How are you feeling?" I asks her and she holds her arms out, wanting to be held as her eyes brim with tears. "I scared daddy", she tells me and I sit down on her bed and cuddle her as close as I can. "Sweetie, everything will be okay. I am right here and I won't let anything bad happen to you while you're here. I'll protect you always. Just rest sweetheart", I tell her as she curls up and falls asleep on my lap. I gently lift her in my arms, careful of her IV's and sensors, and I bring her and her IV and everything to Faith's bed where I lay her down and climb in with them. I pull them both closer to me, giving both of them a kiss on the head, and they both fall into a deep sleep while I hold them and protect them. I'm so happy that I have my whole family with me, and that we will be adding one more for us to love.

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