Imagine for EmilyTomlinsonxx (1D)

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Emily's POV

My big brother Liam's on break from tour, so he's promised that today we could hang out. I love hanging out with my big brother and can't wait to see him again! I hear him honk his car horn, and I run out to meet him. When I see him, I jump into his arms and give him the biggest hug ever. "Hey monkey, how have you been?" he asks me as he catches me and hugs me back. "Good, can't wait to hang out with you today", I tell him and can't stop smiling. "What do you want to do today? We could go see a movie, or we could go to the park, or maybe go out for ice cream? It's your day today, whatever you want we will do", Liam tells me. I think about it for a second and then suggest, "Can we go to the park? Maybe we could take Watson for a walk? He would like that". Liam smiles and says, "I think that sounds like a great idea. Let's go home and get him, then we can go to the park", and we get into his car.

We get to Liam's house and as soon as we walk in the door, Watson comes barreling towards us. He's a Great Dane, who's taller than I am, so he easily knocks me over in his excitement. "Watson! Silly dog!" I yell out as he licks my face and wants to play. While Watson is playing with me, Liam goes and grabs his leash. With a whistle and his name, Watson runs over to Liam and Liam puts his halter on him so we can take him to the park for a walk. "Ok, all set. Ready to go?" Liam says and I nod my head.

We drive to the local park, Watson sitting on my lap and not noticing that he's crushing me with his 150lb's of dog. "Come on Watson, let's go", Liam says as he takes the leash and leads Watson out of the car. "Thanks", I tell Liam and we start to walk. After a few minutes, I ask Liam, "Hey Li, can I have a turn walking Watson?" "I don't know. He's pretty powerful. I don't want you to get hurt", he tells me but caves in when he sees my puppy dog eyes. "Okay. But only for a little while", Liam says and hands me Watson's leash.

For the next few minutes, all seems to be really good and Liam, Watson and I are having a really good time walking together. However, that's when catastrophe strikes. Out of nowhere, a wild dog comes barreling down the street into the park. It sees Watson, as he's the only other animal there, and growls at him, which causes Watson to go into attack mode. I try to get out of their way, but I get caught up in the leash, and end up falling on the ground. Both dogs start attacking one another, and I end up being in the center of it all, thus getting scratches and bites galore from both dogs.

After what feels like hours, but was probably only a few minutes, Liam and an animal control officer are able to stop the fight and the animal control officer takes the feral dog away. Meanwhile, Liam ties up Watson to a pole and drops to the ground beside me. He then calls someone on his phone. "Louis? I need you. Watson and a dog got into a fight and Emily was in the middle of it. She has a whole bunch of bites and scratches all over her... yeah, that's fine, thanks mate", Liam says then hangs up. He turns to me and says, "Em, we are going to go to my house. Louis' going to meet us there and he'll take care of you. He got his medical license recently, and is now a doctor. I know you're in pain, but he's going to help you", Liam says as he gently picks me up in his arms, then unties and grabs Watson's leash.

We get to his car, and drive back to his house. When we get to his house, I can already see another car in his driveway, and so I know that Louis' here. Liam lets Watson out, then picks me up in his arms again and carefully carries me inside. All the boys have keys to each other's houses, so when we get in, Louis' already waiting for us with a bunch of supplies on the table and a blanket covering the couch. "Hey Emily, I'm sorry we had to see each other this way, but I missed you", Louis says and gives me a hug while Liam gently lowers me to the blanket covered couch. Louis then backs up a bit and is able to see all of my cuts and injuries and winces. "Man, those dogs did a beating on you love. Let's just clean them up a bit, and then we'll go on from there okay?" Louis says as he puts on a pair of gloves and grabs something to clean the cuts with. As soon as the cleaning liquid touches my skin though, it burns and I flinch away. "It's okay monkey. I'm right here for you. You're okay. Now Louis has to clean out your cuts though, so you have to be brave for me okay?" Liam says as he takes me in his arms and holds me, gently rubbing my back and humming in my ears to keep me calm. Louis then starts again, and I again wince in pain, but Liam gives me his hand, so I squeeze it.

After a few minutes of Louis dabbing at my cuts and cleaning them, he is finally done cleaning my injuries. He then sees how bad they are, and notices that a few of them will need stitches. "Love, I'm going to numb you up a bit. Some of these cuts need stitches", he tells me and I see a needle in his hand. I start freaking out, and Liam tries to calm me down, but nothing's working. That is until I see a massive dog come in the room. Apparently, Watson heard all the commotion in here, and decided to investigate. He comes over and lays his head in my lap, wanting to be pet. I start petting him with the arm that doesn't need stitches, and pretty soon I'm calm again. Louis quickly injects the numbing medicine, and starts stitching me up while I'm distracted by Watson.

Pretty soon, Louis' finished stitching me up, and he starts bandaging up my cuts and putting some cream on my bruises to help them heal. Once he's done, he turns to me and says, "Em, I know you're going to hate me, but you also need a shot for rabies. I don't know if that other dog had them or not, but it's standard procedure that we give a rabies shot to anyone that comes in contact with an unidentifiable dog bite. I'm sorry love, I'll try to be quick". I start crying, and Liam tries to calm me down again, but nothing he does is helping. However, when Watson see my so upset, he starts licking my face, trying to make me feel better. Again, while Watson has me distracted, Louis injects me with the rabies shot, but this time I wince and shout out, "Ow! Louis that hurt!" Watson then turns to Louis and gives him a growl, like "Don't hurt my friend". Louis backs away and Watson resumes his kisses to my face, trying to make me feel better and hoping that I forgive him for putting me in harm's way when he fought the feral dog. "I forgive you Watson. Good boy. Thank you for protecting me", I say, and Watson wags his ginormous tail happily. Louis quickly finishes up, and gives Liam some pain killers for later tonight to help with the pain. He's a bit hesitant because Watson's protecting me, so he then leaves.

For the rest of the night, Liam, Watson, and I cuddle on the couch and watch movies. Liam orders pizza, and we made ice cream sundaes. Even though I got bit and I'm still in a bit of pain from my injuries, I had a lot of fun today. I got to hang out with my big brother, and I now know that I will always have a protector in my life and his name is Watson.

How cute is Liam's dog? I seriously want his dog :)

Thanks again :) and let me know what you think, and hope everyone has a delightful day/night! :) 

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