Emily's POV:
I feel the wind through my hair, and the grass under my feet. I breathe in the fresh air and I can smell the fresh grass that was just cut today in preparation for the match. I quickly tied my cleats and grab my soccer ball to practice with my team before the game. I really want to win this one today not just because we are in the championships and if we win we get the trophy, but also because it's a really special day for me. Today for the first time in forever (A/N: Did anyone else start singing the song? ;) ), my big brother and his best friend is here at my game.
For most people, having their big brother come to their game isn't really all that exciting, but you see, my big brother is Louis Tomlinson, from the most popular boy band in the world, One Direction. He and the band have been on tour for the past 8 months, and I've only gotten to see him a few times over facetime, and hear his voice over the phone once a week when he'd call mom to let her know everything's all good with him and the other guys. So for me, having him here watching my game is like having the king of England watching me. I want to win so badly and I don't want to let him down.
The game starts and I'm midfielder, so basically I have the job of both forward and defender. If I see that the defenders are getting bombarded, I fall back and help them, then bring the ball back up field so the forwards and I can try to score goals. It takes a lot of stamina and speed, which I'm really good at.
I'm running up field and I can see my teammate has the ball right now, but I notice one of the other team's players coming in from the side to try and steal the ball. I yell out, "Pass!" and my teammate quickly passes the ball to me. I dribble a few time and it's just me and the goalie left, so I take aim and shoot.
The ball goes flying past the goalie's hands into the net and the crowd roars in cheer. I look up at my brother and I see him give me a thumbs up which makes me smile. I'm just about to get back in position at the half point line, when out of nowhere, one of the girls from the other team trips me, and I go down hard. I can feel my ankle give out, but I don't want to let down my team or my brother, so I walk it off and try to ignore the pain. The game continues, and we end up winning 3-1. My team and I are ecstatic that we won the trophy, but my ankle now feels like someone is hitting it with a hammer constantly.
Once we celebrate our win for a bit, I walk off the pitch, trying to hold it together and not cry out from the pain, but it's starting to get to the point that I can't take it anymore. Louis and his best friend, Liam, who's also in the band with Louis, come over and Louis brings me in for a hug while Liam gives me a high five. "Hey love, I saw that girl trip you today. How's your ankle doing?" Louis asks with concern in his voice, and instantly I know that they can tell that I'm in immense pain.
I decide to tell them the truth, hoping that Louis won't be mad, and will get me something to make it not hurt so badly. "Lou, my ankle really hurts. It feels like someone is hitting it with a hammer constantly. Please make it better", I tell him and I can't hold back the tears from falling anymore. Louis brings me closer to his chest, and ends up picking me up like he used to when we were kids and I'd fall asleep on him so he'd pick me up and take me to bed.
I curl into his arms, relishing in the comfort that he's giving me, and even though I may be 15, I don't care that I look like a child right now because Louis is here and he's going to make it better like he always does. Louis carries me to the car, and Liam ends up driving, while Louis comforts me in the back seat.
It seems like we are driving a lot longer than it would take to get home, but it might just be the pain making it seem longer. I feel the car stop, and I look out the window, expecting to see the house, or maybe even the hospital, but all I see is a little cottage looking building with the sign out front saying "No Payne Clinic". "Um Lou, where are we?" I ask him a bit confused. "It's okay love. We are at Liam's clinic. He's been taking courses to become a doctor for a while now, and just opened his clinic a few days ago. He's going to help make you feel better love, okay", Louis tells me and continues to comfort me by rubbing my back and holding me. I end up nodding my head, even though I'm a bit hesitant in believing that Liam's a doctor now, and Louis picks me up again and carries me through the door.
It's very homey feeling inside. There's a fireplace along the wall that would be great for keeping people warm on cold winter days when people come in feeling sick with the flu, and the carpet's a nice warm maroon color. The walls are a light lavender color that makes you calm and there's comfy looking chairs lining the walls, with a mahogany desk to the side. There's even a fish tank along one wall with colorful fish swimming around. Liam tells us to go on back to room 1 while he grabs some stuff to help my ankle and grabs his doctor's coat.
Louis carries me on back, and lays me down on the examination bed. "You did really well today. I'm glad that I got to see you play", Louis tells me with a smile on his face. "I did okay. I mean, I got hurt. I should have seen that girl before she tripped me. I mean, if I did, we wouldn't be here. Instead, we'd probably be back at home watching a movie or something. I really wanted you to be proud of me, and all I end up doing is getting hurt and ruining your day", I end up telling him, starting to cry again, but this time it's not from the pain.
"Where is this coming from? Why would you ever think that I'm not proud of you? I'm soo proud of you and just how amazing of a woman you are becoming. You are so strong, and you showed me today just how passionate you are with soccer and everything else. You didn't let your team down today, and you most definitely didn't let me down. If anyone should be sorry, I should. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you these past few months, but I'll always be there for you if you ever need it. You're my little sister, and I love you so much", Louis says as he gives me a huge hug that I just melt into. He always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better.
At that moment, Liam comes back into the room with his doctor's coat on, and a tray of supplies. He puts on some gloves and walks over. "Okay Em, I'm going to feel your ankle real quick to see if I can feel any breaks or sprains. I'll try to be as gentle as I can, but it will probably hurt so squeeze Louis' hands if you have to", he says. Liam then starts gently feeling my ankle, checking mobility and feeling for any abnormalities.
He wasn't kidding though, it hurts so badly, and all that I can do is squeeze Louis' hands to help with the pain. Liam stops examining my foot and says, "Okay Em, it seems that you sprained your ankle. You won't need a cast, but I'll still need to wrap it up and you'll need to ice and elevate it three times a day. I'll also give you some crutches to help you walk and some pain killers to help with the pain". I nod my head while Louis holds me close and tries to calm my pain filled brain down.
Liam grabs the tray he brought with him and I can see a syringe on the tray. He grabs it first and says, "Em, this is something that's going to help with the pain. Just close your eyes and it will be over in ten seconds", he says while he wipes my ankle down with an alcoholic pad. I close my eyes, but I can't seem to calm down. Louis see this and whispers jokes and stories in my ear to distract me and soon I hear Liam's voice say, "Done". I look down and he's putting a bandage on the injection site and I can't believe it didn't even hurt. He looks up at me with a smile and says, "Yeah, I'm that good". We start laughing and he continues his job.
Liam quickly wraps my foot with the ace bandage, and hands me over a set of crutches. He hands Louis a bottle with my pain pills in it, and Louis helps me to use my crutches. We all head back to the house and end up getting into our pj's and watching movies the rest of the night.
When Liam has fallen asleep, I turn to Louis and say, "Lou, thank you for everything today. I didn't get a chance to tell you at the clinic, but I'm really proud of you and everything that you and the other guys have done so far. I understand that with your job, you can't always be there physically, but thanks for reminding me that it's more than physically being there, but also about knowing that no matter what you have my back and I have yours. I love you", I tell him and I can see that his eyes are starting to tear up when he says, "Love you too Em". We then curl up on the couch and fall asleep. I'm so happy to have Louis as a brother and even though he may not always be right there with me, I know that he's proud of who I've become and if I ever need anything he has my back, just as I have his.
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