Imagine for Da_Miky_Ninja437 (1D)

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Miky's POV:

All day today I've felt sick. I have this massive headache that's been killing me, and I've been cold all day, but I had to go to school because I had this huge test that was basically worth half of my grade. If I would've stayed home sick, my teacher would've thought that I was just faking to get out of the test. He wouldn't have let me make it up and I would fail the class. So even though I feel like crap, I still had to go to school.

I'm on my way home from school now, already thinking about how much I want to just sleep the rest of the day away. When I get home, the first thing that I see is that my two brothers, Marcel and Louis, are already home.

You see, our parents have to work a lot, so I live with my two brothers and they are like my parents. I walk in the door and I see Marcel making something in the kitchen. He sees me walk in the room and smiles, "Hey Mik, I figured that you deserved something sweet since you've been working so hard for that test you had to take today, so I made a cake for you", he tells me and I see that he's just putting the final touches on the cake he made.

It smells delicious, as does all of Marcel's food since he works at a bakery, while Louis works as a teacher at a high school, but right now my head hurts too much for me to even be excited over cake. "Thanks Marcy, but I'm really tired right now. I think I'm just going to go up to bed and sleep", I tell him and Marcel gets a worried look on his face. "You feeling okay sweets?" he asks as he reaches out and goes to feel my forehead, but I back away out of reach. "I'm fine! Just tired", I tell him, but as I say it, a wave of dizziness overcomes me and I stumble a bit. I hear Marcel asking if I'm okay, but blackness overcomes my vision before I can tell him no.

Marcel's POV:

When Miky walked through the door, I could tell something was up, but I just thought that it was stress from taking the test. It's one of the main reasons why I made her her favorite cake, chocolate with blue frosting, because I figured she would need something to make her forget about the crazy day she had. However, when she collapsed, I knew there was something else that was wrong.

Luckily when she fainted, I caught her before she hit the ground or else something really bad could've happened. "Lou! I need you right now! Miky fainted!" I yell out to my brother and he comes flying down the stairs. "What? OMG! Miky! What happened?!" he asks as soon as he sees her laying in my arms. "I don't know. She said she was tired and didn't want cake, and then she just collapsed. I think we should call Niall though. Get her checked out by him and see what's wrong", I explain to him and he nods his head and goes to call Niall.

Niall is one of our best friends from high school. Over the years, we've kept in touch, and he's now a doctor. Louis comes back a few minutes later and says, "Niall said to bring her over immediately. She could be really sick, so the soon we can get her to him, the better". I nod my head and gently pick her up bridal style to carry her to the car.

As we get to the car, she starts to wake up and sees us. All of a sudden though, she starts to freak out and tries to get out of my arms, but she's too weak to do so. "Miky, everything is going to be okay. We are going to bring you to see Niall and he's going to see what's wrong. Just relax", I tell her as we buckle up and Louis drives.

Miky looks around at us though, and groggily asks, "Who are you? Where are you taking me?" which causes Louis and I to really start to worry. "Love, it's okay. We are your brothers, Louis and Marcel. We are taking you to see Niall, who's a doctor and he's going make you better. I know it's a little confusing, but just try to relax love", Louis tells her as he continues to drive, but all she does is start to cry and hold her head. "Sweetie, does your head hurt?" I ask her and she nods her head. "Okay, Niall is going to make that better. Just try to calm down for us. We promise, nothing bad is going to happen to you", I tell her as I try to rub her back and help her relax.

After a few minutes, she calms down enough and is laying her head on my lap, just about to fall back to sleep. We drive up to Niall's clinic and I ask Miky, "Sweetie, we are here. Do you want me to carry you, or do you want to walk?" She responds by holding out her arms, saying that she wants me to carry her. I lift her gently into my arms, as Louis opens the doors for us, and we head into the building.

Niall is waiting for us at the front desk, gurney already there and ready. "Hey Ni, she woke up for a bit but going in and out of consciousness now. When she woke up though, it seems like she didn't know who we were. She was also saying that she has a headache, and she's really warm", I tell Niall as I lay Miky down on the gurney and she wakes up a bit more.

Niall nods his head and grabs a thermometer and sticks it in Mikey's ear as he turns to her and says, "Hi Miky, my name is Niall and I'm your brother's friend and a doctor. Can you tell me what's hurting right now so I can make it better?" he asks as he takes the thermometer out and looks at it worriedly while Miky responds by shakily saying, "M-my head r-really h-hurts, and I'm c-cold". "Okay, Miky. Thank you for telling me that. What I'm going to do is give you some fluids that will help keep you hydrated and help with your fever. Then I'm going to check your eyes to make sure everything is okay and that they dilate. We will also grab you some blankets to warm you up", Niall explains as he checks her heartbeat and lungs.

Once Niall's done doing the basic check-up on her, he then leaves for a few minutes in order to grab the supplies. Miky then turns to us during that time and shakily asks, "Y-you'll make sure that n-nothing bad happens r-right?" and it literally hurts to hear just how scared and small she sounds. "Of course we will love. You are our number one priority and we would do anything for you. You're our little sister and we are your big brothers. Nothing bad will ever happen to you if we can control it", Louis tells her and we pull her in for a group hug. She smiles and says in a tired tone, "T-thanks. I c-can't really remember t-too much r-right now, b-but I know that I feel s-safe with you guys, s-so I'm sure that e-everything will be f-fine".

At that moment, Niall comes back in the room with IV supplies and a few things on a tray, as well as a bunch of blankets under his arms. I grab the blankets and lay them over Miky to help keep her warm her break the fever, while Niall starts putting the IV in her arm. "Just a small pinch", he tells her and puts it in.

Miky cries out for a second, but Louis calms her down with hugs and whispers of encouragement. Niall then puts something in her IV and says, "This is just going to help break your fever and make you feel better", and we all nod. Then he grabs a pen light and says, "Just follow the light for me". Miky's eyes slowly follows the light and soon Niall is done. "Okay, so it seems like everything is okay. If I had to guess why she lost her memory, it'd say it was from the fever. Right now just let her rest and she should be feeling better within the day", then he leaves the room.

Miky hears this and closes her eyes while Louis and I sit on chairs right next to her. I start stroking her hair, while Louis rubs her back to soothe her and help her sleep. "Thank you. I love you Louis and Marcel", Miky says as she falls asleep and as we hear her say our names, Louis and I look at one another and know that our little sister will be just fine. We continue to comfort her and eventually fall asleep right next to her, protecting her and keeping her safe.

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