Imagine for Anonymous (5SOS)

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Luke's POV:

The boys and I are out, eating at a local restaurant in the town we are staying at for tour. We've been lucky so far in that no paparazzi have found us yet, just a few fans that we gladly posed with for pictures. I'm in the middle of eating some pizza when I notice that I'm starting to get really itchy all over. I look down and see that my arms are all red and blotchy, and it's getting harder to breathe. "Guys, I don't know what's going on, but something's not right", I wheeze out to the other guys and they stop talking to one another and start looking at me. "Omg! Luke, your face is completely red and blotchy!" Michael proclaims stupidly, and Ashton starts asking me questions like, "Luke, are you allergic to anything?" and "Are you feeling itchy anywhere?" as he tries to help me up and into the car as Calum quickly drives. We end up at a place that I've never seen and I see a sign that says, "Summer Clinic".

"Um, guys, where are we?" I wheeze out and see them unlock the door. "Luke, don't be alarmed, but we are all doctors and we just started this clinic. You are having an allergic reaction to something in that pizza, and we are going to help you", Calum informs me as Ashton helps guide me through the door, and Michael locks it afterward. They all know that I'm terrified of doctors and needles, so they don't want me to run away. I try to get out of Ashton's arms, but I'm too weak at the moment, and Ashton just pushes me into a room and quickly starts getting stuff set up. It's getting harder to breathe and now my skin feels like it's on fire from how itchy it feels. Calum sees that I'm having a hard time breathing, so he puts an oxygen mask on me. I start to freak out and Calum tries to comfort me. "Luke, this is just oxygen. It's going to help you breathe a bit, and make you feel a little bit better while we get everything else set up. Everything's going to be okay bud, we are going to take care of you", he tells me, but I'm starting to feel dizzy and pretty soon, I pass out.

Ashton's POV:

"Ash! Mikey! Need some help over here!" I hear Calum call out and I look over to see Luke passed out and Calum struggling to hold him up. Michael and I quickly run over and help Calum lay him down, then I quickly put in the IV of antihistamines in him to help relieve his allergic reaction, while Michael takes out his stethoscope and starts listening to his lungs. "Breaths are quick and shallow. He probably passes out from not being able to get enough oxygen to his brain, even with the mask on he was struggling. His throat glands are also swollen", he says. "Just let him relax for a bit and the medicine will do the trick", I tell them and we wait.

About an hour of anxious waiting later, Luke starts to come to. "Luke, how are you feeling mate?" I ask and start listening to his lungs. "What happened? Where am I?" he asks with a cough. "You're at our clinic. You had an allergic reaction, and we had to treat you for it. Everything's okay though now. Just rest for a bit and let the IV finish it's course", Michael tells him and I smack him on the head and give him a look like, "why did you have to tell him that he has an IV in him", since we all know that he's terrified of them. Luke looks down at his hand and sees the IV there. Instantly, he starts freaking out and tries to pull it out. "Get it out of me!" he says as he starts to cry and flail, but we pin him down so that he can't hurt himself for the time being. "Luke, you have to calm down. It's only there to help make you feel better. I know that you don't like it, but it's almost done. Just a little bit longer", Calum calmly tells him and we all let go of him as he settles down and stops fighting us. We sit down next to him and bring him in for a hug to try to comfort him as he continues to cry. "Hey Luke, I know that you've been through a lot today, but we still need to know what you're allergic to. It could have been any of the ingredients in that pizza that you were eating, and we don't want this to happen again. We just need to do a blood test to determine what you're allergic to. It will be really fast, and I promise that it won't hurt", I tell him as he's curled up against my chest.

However, when he hears that he'll have to have another needle in him, he freaks out and tries to run away again. He only gets a few feet before Michael catches him and brings him back to the bed. "Luke, you're going to be just fine. Nothing to worry about. How about we start thinking about what we are going to write about for our next album? What should we sing about?" Michael asks him, keeping him entertained while Calum and I start getting the supplies ready for the blood test. Once we have the supplies, Calum takes ahold of his arm so he can't move just in case, and Michael continues distracting him. I easily slide the needle in, without Luke even noticing. Once I have enough blood, I pull it back out and say, "There, done".

Luke looks down and sees me putting a band aid on his arm and the vial of blood on the tray and gives me a look of confusion. "I didn't even feel that. How'd you do that?" he asks and I just shrug my shoulders and say, "I'm just that good. I told you I wouldn't hurt you. I would never hurt you, you're my brother and best friend. Let me just go see what you're allergic to really quick, I'll be right back just rest some more and take it easy", I soothingly tell him as I pat him on the shoulder and I walk out the door.

Calum's POV:

When Ashton left the room, Luke started having another break down. He started to cry again and if it wasn't for the oxygen mask still on him, then he'd probably be hyperventilating. "Luke, you're okay. Everything is okay. By us now finding out what you're allergic to, we can make sure that this never happens again", I tell him as I bring him into my arms and hold him, trying to be comforting and just be there for him. Michael gets him a glass of water to help him settle down a bit, and Luke slowly drinks it, already feeling a bit better afterward.

A few moments later, Ashton comes back into the room. "Luke, it seems like you're allergic to oregano. I guess the pizza you were eating had oregano in it and it made you have a reaction to it. Now that we know that you're allergic to it though, we can make sure and ask every place that we go to eat, if they use oregano, and if they do, then we will ask them not to use it. That way we don't have to have this happen again. I also am prescribing you an epi-pen. I know that you won't like it, but if there's ever a time that one of us aren't there and for some reason you have another reaction, this will give you an automatic injection of adrenaline, and it will give you enough time to get to a hospital. You will always have to carry it on you from now on", he tells him as he hands Luke the epi-pen. Luke puts it in his pocket and then turns to us. "Guys, I'm sorry for acting like a baby. I know that you were just trying to help me, and I'm sorry that I didn't see that. I don't know what I'd do without you. You've saved my life", Luke tells all of us. "Mate, we love you. You're our brother and best friend. We would do anything for you", I tell him and both Michael and Ashton nod their heads in agreement. We then decide to head home and have a nice relaxing day, playing video games, with absolutely no pizza involved.

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