Chapter 2

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Dear M,

I received your letter yesterday. Glad to know you are back from your tournament and had so much fun. I've got to tell you, I'm freaking out about starting college next week. I haven't even been there yet, and I already feel like a mess of nerves. What if I don't fit in or I get lost on the first day? The whole thing just feels so overwhelming.I've been trying to keep busy by distracting myself, but it's not really working. My mom keeps telling me it's going to be great and that I'll make tons of new friends. I know she's just trying to be supportive, but it's hard to believe when my stomach is in knots all the time.And Dad... well, you know how he is. He's been giving me all these pep talks about how I need to focus on my studies and make the most of this opportunity. He's been working so hard to support me, and I don't want to let him down. Sometimes, I think he forgets how scary this is for me. I know he means well, but it just adds to the pressure.Writing to you however always helps. You always know how to calm me down and make me see things differently. Ugh, I just needed to vent I guess. Thanks for listening, M. It really helps just to write this all down. How are things on your end? Any exciting news? Write back soon, okay? I need a little bit of your positivity right now.

Yours                                                                                                                                                                                             A


The soft morning light filtered through her curtains as Ana sat on the edge of her bed, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. Her room, usually a sanctuary of books and dreams, now felt charged with anticipation for the day ahead. She smoothed down her new fuchsia pink salwar kameez nervously, the fabric feeling unfamiliar against her skin. After all, it was the first time she wasn't wearing the familiar grey and white school uniform. Why do you have to wear a salwar kameez to college?  Why can't we just wear a jeans and a t-shirt? 

Ana got up from her bed and walked up to the floor length mirror in the corner of her room and looked at her reflection. Her big black kohled eyes stared back at her from under the fringes playing on her forehead. Ana had been eagerly waiting and quietly dreading this day. Would she fit in? The question lingered, weaving through her thoughts like an unspoken melody on repeat. 

She sighed for the tenth time that morning as she smoothed her waist long hair. Well, I think this will have to do. She murmured at her reflection.

'Ana? Ready to conquer the world yet? What are you even doing?' Deena burst into the room and stopped in her tracks.

'My my.. Look at you. You look smoking hot. Are you out to kill all the guys in the college?' Deena laughed and acted all smitten and pretended to faint.

Ana frowned. 'Come on Dee.. Be serious. I am nervous. What if nobody likes me?'

 'You're going to do great, Ana. Just be yourself. And if any of those boys give you trouble...' She chuckled softly, knowing their father's tendencies all too well.

Ana chuckled too, the tension easing a fraction. "You'll let Dad know... I know."

'Don't worry baby sister, college is fun. You will see. And Rohan's there too. He will look out for you. Now let's go down. Papa's acting even more nervous than you.' Deena picked up Ana's bag and gently pushed her out of the room.

Outside the dining room, she could hear the faint sounds of breakfast being prepared and the soft murmur of her family's voices. They were excited for her, she knew, but also a touch anxious. Specially her father. He was one of the most doting and kindest man Ana had ever known. He loved his children and was extremely protective of them. His protective instincts were endearing and cute.. most of the times. Yet sometimes extremely overwhelming, especially today. 

Ana and Deena had both passed out from one of the most famous convent school for girls in the city. Deena decided to go to a girls' college after her tenth and study humanities. Her father obviously was very glad with that decision. Ana, however, had always dreamt of becoming an archeologist and so decided to join Starfield College, one of the best and also the most infamous co-ed colleges in the city. So of course their father was having a hard time sleeping recently thinking how his precious daughter would survive with so many dangerous boys around. Ana smiled and they made their way downstairs to join their family for breakfast. 

Ana's father was pacing back and forth with a slightly furrowed brow. He was a sturdy man with a gentle demeanor, but today his protectiveness was palpable. 'I hope she'll be okay out there. Why can't she go to Deena's college instead. I am sure they teach geography there,' he muttered, glancing at his wife, who was bustling around the stove preparing breakfast. 'Relax, dear. She'll be fine. We have to let them be independent someday. We won't always be here to protect them.' She reassured him with a warm smile. She was a petite woman with a calming presence, always balancing out her husband's worries.

The aroma of freshly made tea and warm toast enveloped them as they entered the kitchen. Ana's mother looked at her with a tender smile, brushing a stray strand of hair from her face.

'Excited, Ana?' her mother asked gently, her eyes twinkling with maternal pride. 

Ana nodded. 'Yes, and a bit nervous too.'

Her father looked at her. "Don't worry, Ana. Just stay focused on your studies. And if those boys..."

"Dad," Ana interjected with an exasperated but affectionate smile. "I'll be fine."

Her brother Maddy chimed in with a grin, "Yeah, Dad, don't worry. Ana's not going to need rescuing from any 'rowdy boys'. They don't know she is rowdier than they are.' Maddy stuck out his tongue at Ana and everybody burst out laughing.

Deena leaned against the counter, sipping her tea with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. 'Come on, Papa. Ana's not a little girl anymore. She can handle herself.'  Their father shot her a stern look, 'I know, but those college boys can be...' 

'Dangerous? Come on, Papa, it's not the 1950s anymore,' interjected Maddy grinning as he buttered a slice of toast. He was the joker of the family, never missing a chance to tease his father or anybody else for that matter. 'Maddy, be respectful,' their mother chided gently, though she couldn't help but chuckle.  

'Alright, alright. Just... be safe, Ana.' 

'I will, Dad,' Ana assured him, giving him a reassuring hug. Breakfast passed in a mix of laughter and light-hearted banter as the family tried to ease Ana's nerves. Her father couldn't help but feel a pang of pride mixed with worry as he watched his youngest daughter grow up before his eyes. As they prepared to leave for the college, her father said, 'Ana I will drop you on the way to court. Give me two minutes I am coming.' 

'But Papa it's ok. I will take the bus.'

 'My dear, your father will decide when something is ok. Wait outside.' Nobody dared to counter that.


Ana's father dropped her off in front of the college gate staring at the boys as if they were all gangsters. 'Papa, don't worry. They are just college boys.'

'I know exactly how they are darling. I have been one too.'

Ana couldn't help but chuckle at that. 'I will come to pick you up at 3.' Her father said.

'Oh no, Papa. You don't need to. Deena is coming to pick me up.' 

'She is? Okay then.' He replied with a hint of sadness.

Ana waved her father goodbye and looked up at the college, her heart racing as she approached the grand entrance of Starfield College. The imposing structure loomed before her like a castle of dreams and aspirations. The college was a blend of old-world charm and modern elegance. White buildings with wood paneled walls stood proudly amidst manicured lawns and towering neem trees. The central building held the administrative offices along with the Principal's office and various other smaller department buildings were scattered through the vast property. 

Students milled about the courtyard. Some were chatting animatedly in small groups, while others hurried to their classes, their faces a mix of excitement and nervousness. Older men and women, presumably professors, looking all distinguished and approachable, strolled along the pathways, their arms laden with books and papers. The atmosphere was electric.

Ana clutched her bag tighter, her palms sweaty with anticipation. She took a deep breath, savoring the crisp morning air, and started up the marble steps leading to her department. Her mind buzzed with a thousand thoughts, but she focused on the rhythm of her footsteps, a steady beat against the stone.

As she climbed the stairs, she was suddenly jolted from her thoughts. A figure came hurtling down the steps, and before she could react, they collided. Books and papers flew into the air, a chaotic ballet of academia.

'I'm so sorry!' Ana exclaimed, her voice a mix of apology and surprise.

'No, it's my fault. Are you okay?' the boy replied, rubbing his forehead, his voice warm and sincere. He suddenly reached out to steady her, his touch gentle yet firm.

Ana looked up and felt her breath catch in her throat. He was tall, at least about 5'10", with an athletic build that suggested he was probably no stranger to physical activity. His dark hair was tousled, as if he had just run a hand through it, and his deep brown eyes peeking from behind the silver rimmed glasses were striking against his tanned skin. There was an air of confidence about him, but his smile was disarming, genuine.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. The hustle and bustle around them faded into the background, and Ana found herself lost in his gaze. She felt a strange flutter in her chest, a sensation she hadn't expected on her first day.

'I'm really sorry,' he repeated, bending down to gather his scattered belongings. 'I didn't see you there.'

'It's okay,' Ana managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. She knelt down to help him, their hands brushing briefly as they picked up the last of the papers.

'I'm Mrigank, by the way,' he said, handing her her bag with a charming smile.

'Ana.. Umm.. Anahita,' she replied, taking the bag from him. Her fingers tingled where they had touched his.

'Nice to meet you, Anahita. Freshman, right?' he asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

'Is it that obvious?' she smiled, feeling a bit more at ease.

'Not really. Just a lucky guess. If you need any help finding your way around, just let me know. I'm a senior, so I've been here a while.'

'Thanks,' Ana said, her heart still racing but now for an entirely different reason.

Mrigank stood up and extended a hand to help her to her feet. "Well, I should get going. Don't want to be late for the orientation," he said, gesturing towards a bag slung over his shoulder. 'I'll see you around.. Anahita.'

'Yeah, see you around,' she replied, watching as he bounded down the steps, his stride confident and assured.

Ana took a deep breath, her mind reeling. She continued up the stairs, a small smile playing on her lips.

'Hey man, what was that all about? Who was that?' Mayank, Mrigank's best friend, asked him as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

'Oh, that was just a small accident. That's Anahita, a freshman.'

'Anahita..' The name seemed to linger on his lips. 'Well, she is the prettiest thing I have seen since morning.' Mayank murmured under his breath as he looked up the stairs at Ana's retreating form.

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