Chapter 10

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My dear M,

Hey! I hope you're doing well. You know it always makes my day to hear from you. Unknowingly I anticipate your letters. I feel as if I can tell you anything. And trust me you can tell me anything too. I felt really emotional reading your letter. Knowing that you feel distant from your family pained me. I tried picturizing myself in your situation but couldn't even fathom what you must be feeling. But I promise you I will introduce you to my family someday. I think they will really like you. My mom will definitely make her famous mutton curry and pulao for you, and I can already imagine the funny conversations we'd have at the dinner table. You are such a genuine person, and I think they'd see that too. So just hang in there ok? We will meet soon. 

Anyways so as you wanted to know about my crush... things have been pretty interesting! I've been lucky enough to get some alone time with him lately, and it's honestly been really nice. He's super sweet and caring, and I can totally see why everyone loves him. He has this way of making everything feel so easy and relaxed, you know? Like, I can just be myself around him. I used to feel very awkward around him at first. I still do sometimes! But the more I am getting to know him the harder I am falling for him.

But here's the thing: sometimes I get this feeling that he's hiding something. It's like there's this little shadow behind his smile, and I can't quite figure out what it is. He'll laugh and joke around, but then there are moments when he seems distant, like he's thinking about something else. I wish I could just ask him about it, but I don't want to push him too much. I feel like if he wanted to share, he would. It's just hard to see someone I care about like that, especially when I know how amazing he is.

I've tried to be there for him in little ways, like making him feel that he can trust me and tell me anything. It's nice to feel that connection, but I just wish I could reach that deeper part of him. I want to support him and let him know that I'm here, but it's tricky when he seems so guarded. I guess all I can do is be patient and hope that he opens up when he's ready.

I've been thinking a lot about what makes him so special to me. It's not just that he's cute (which, let's be honest, he totally is), but there's something deeper that I can't quite put into words. He listens when I talk about my day, and he remembers the little things I mention.

Most times we just hang out doing nothing, it feels like there's this awesome energy between us. I never feel bored, and I'm always smiling when I'm with him. I love that we can talk about anything, from our favorite music to our dreams for the future. I feel like I can share my hopes and fears with him, even if I'm not entirely sure he's ready to share his. 

Sometimes, I catch myself daydreaming about where things might go between us. I can't help but wonder what it would be like to officially be together. It's kind of exciting and scary at the same time! I know it's a big step, and I don't want to rush anything, but I really do think there's something special here. 

Anyways, I don't know why but I don't feel awkward telling you these things. Sometimes I find it difficult to share all my feelings to my sister too. But not you. Now that I think of it I realize that why I like my senior so much is perhaps because he is like you. He reminds me of you.  

Take care of yourself okay, and remember I'm always here for you!

Lots of love, 



In the soft glow of a fading afternoon, a pair of hands gently unfolded a letter, the paper slightly crinkled from its journey. The fingers were long and slender, with faint ink stains on the tips. As the letter opened fully, the hands paused, a moment of hesitation before the eyes above could begin reading.

The hands held the letter delicately, careful not to crease the words penned by someone dear. They traced the edges, feeling the texture of the paper, the tiny indentations where the pen pressed a bit too hard. As the words were absorbed, the hands tightened slightly, then relaxed, moving slowly down the page as if savoring every line.

"He reminds me of you."

Once the letter was read, the hands lingered for a moment, trembling ever so slightly as they refolded the paper with a practiced precision. The fingers pressed down gently along the folds, smoothing them out as if sealing away a cherished secret.

Then, the hands brought the letter close, almost to the heart, before softly laying it on a nearby surface. As they released the letter, the fingers curled inward, as if holding onto an invisible thread of hope. A quiet whisper escaped the lips of the reader, unheard but for the stillness around: "I wish I was the one you loved like I love you."


The small tea stall nestled on the corner of the college campus was slowly coming to life, its rusted tin roof glistening with dew. Ana and Mrigank were already there, their laughter bubbling up like the steam from the chai kettle. They sat on the weathered wooden bench, worn smooth by years of students sharing secrets and dreams.

Ana's laughter rang out like a melody, the sound light and carefree, a stark contrast to the heaviness of the day ahead. She wore a simple white kurta that flowed gracefully with the morning breeze, her dark hair framing her face in soft waves. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned closer to Mrigank, a conspiratorial grin dancing on her lips.

Mrigank, with his casual demeanor, seemed to radiate warmth as he animatedly recounted a story, his hands gesturing wildly. The way he spoke, full of energy and enthusiasm, made Ana lean forward, her eyes fixed on him as if he were the only person in the world. In that moment, the world outside the small stall faded away—the chaotic sounds of the campus waking up, the distant chatter of students, the clattering of tea cups—all blurred into the background. It had been almost a week since Ana and Mrigank had been having this small get together every morning before anybody else arrived and slowly both of them were beginning to look forward forward to this little time they shared. A simple cup of tea and loads to talk about.

Unbeknownst to them, this particular morning Mayank went to pick Mrigank from his house but found out that for the past week he had been leaving for college really early. To be precise, he had been leaving the house before his father woke up. Mayank felt sad that Mrigank didn't mention this to him. He would have gone with him too. Mayank rode off towards his college and just as he was about to park his motorbike near the gate, he heard a familiar laughter. He looked around trying to find the source and saw them.

Mayank stood a few feet away, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched. He had arrived with the hope that would find Mrigank, but the sight before him sent a chill down his spine. He found Ana and Mrigank immersed in laughter, the kind of laughter that echoed off the walls and warmed the cool morning air.

Mrigank's laughter rang out, rich and full, and Ana's joyous response made Mayank's stomach twist. A knot of jealousy tightened around his heart, each echo of her laughter piercing deeper. Why did she look so happy with Mrigank? Why did he never see that same light in her eyes when they were together?

Mrigank leaned closer, a teasing grin on his face as he animatedly described a recent mishap in class, and Ana's laughter filled the space between them like music. Her head tilted back, revealing the graceful curve of her neck, and in that moment, she looked radiant, untouched by the worries of the day ahead. Mrigank was effortlessly drawing out the joy that had always felt just out of reach for Mayank.

Mayank's heart sank as he stood rooted to the spot, a silent observer in a moment that seemed private. It was painfully clear: he had always believed he could protect Ana, could show her how special she was. Yet here was Mrigank, the best friend he had confided in, effortlessly capturing the kind of joy that Mayank could only dream of sharing with her.

Feeling an unexpected wave of anger wash over him, Mayank clenched his fists at his sides. He had always been there for Ana, guiding her through her studies, sharing quiet moments that felt electric in their own right. But watching her face brighten with every word from Mrigank, he realized he was on the outside looking in.

"Hey! What's so funny?" he called out, unable to stop the sharpness in his voice, even though the distance was too great for them to hear.

But they didn't notice him, lost in their own world, the warmth between them a stark reminder of what he longed for but couldn't grasp. Mayank turned away, feeling a hollow ache settling in his chest. 

As he walked away, the laughter faded into the background, replaced by the sound of his own heartbeat thrumming in his ears. 

As Mayank walked away, his mind raced with thoughts that twisted and turned like a chaotic storm. What if Mrigank liked Ana too? What if he had been waiting for the right moment to make his move? He could picture them together—Mrigank leaning in closer, their fingers brushing, laughter spilling over as they shared secrets that he would never be a part of.

Did she even think of him when she smiled at Mrigank? Mayank felt a pang in his chest as he recalled the way she looked at his friend, the way her eyes sparkled with delight. Was that how she felt with him? He imagined their moments together, the effortless banter, and he couldn't help but wonder if he had misjudged their friendship all along.

Maybe Mrigank was just waiting for the right time to confess his feelings, and Ana would fall for him without a second thought. The thought clawed at Mayank's heart. The laughter he had just witnessed echoed in his mind like a taunt, drowning out the quiet moments they had shared. Could he really compete with that?

If Mrigank made a move, would Ana even notice him? The jealousy swirled, and he felt small and insignificant. He had always been the one to guide her, but now he questioned if he ever truly meant anything to her. In that moment, it all felt painfully clear: he was losing her to someone who could make her smile like that, and the thought cut deeper than he ever expected.

Each step Mayank took felt heavier, a mixture of sadness and clarity washing over him. He had always known that his bond with Mrigank was special, forged through years of friendship. But watching Ana light up in the presence of his best friend brought a realization that was  heartbreaking.

He could let go of Ana if it meant keeping Mrigank close. But the thought of sacrificing that connection felt like a betrayal of its own. Mayank quickened his pace, desperate to escape the scene that had become unbearable, even as he understood that letting go was easier said than done. The ache in his chest remained, a constant reminder of the choice he now faced—friendship or unrequited love.


As Mrigank approached him in the front of their class later that morning, Mayank's usual cheerful demeanor was replaced with a distant, aloof expression. Mrigank raised an eyebrow, concerned by this sudden change in behavior.

"Hey, what's up?" Mrigank asked, trying to sound casual.

Mayank shrugged, his eyes still fixed on some point beyond Mrigank's shoulder. "Nothing," he replied, his voice flat.

Mrigank persisted. "You seem a bit off. Is everything okay?"

Mayank hesitated, then mumbled something about being tired. But Mrigank was not one to let things go easily. He knew Mayank well enough to recognize when something was bothering him.

"Come on, Mayank," Mrigank said, his tone firm but gentle. "Tell me what's going on. You're not acting like yourself."

Mayank sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I don't know what you're talking about," he muttered.

But Mrigank was not convinced. He sat down beside Mayank, his eyes fixed on his friend's face.

"Mayank, I know you. You're not the type to get all worked up over nothing. Something is bothering you, and I'm going to find out what it is."

Mayank let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed his temples. "Fine," he said, his voice heavy with resignation. "If you must know... I just saw Ana and you laughing together at the tea stall."

Mrigank's eyes widened in surprise. "So what if we were laughing together?" he asked, his voice rising in defense.

Mayank's eyes snapped back to focus on Mrigank's face. "You should have told me about your feelings for her," he said, his tone accusatory.

Mrigank's expression changed from surprise to shock. "What are you talking about?" he asked, his voice incredulous.

Mayank's eyes narrowed. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're always trying to get close to her, always talking about her like she's the most fascinating person you've ever met."

Mrigank's face reddened with anger. "That's not true!" he exclaimed. "I'm just trying to be friends with her because she's nice to me. You know, I've been trying to find out more about Ana."

Mayank's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why?"

Mrigank grinned mischievously. "You are asking why? Coz I am your friend and you said you like her dammit that's  why."

Mayank looked extremely guilty by this point. "Thanks for that, and sorry for doubting you man. Jealousy made me blind." he said.

"It's ok. But next if you feel like getting jealous just ask me once if it's even worth it." 

"By the way... thanks for being my wingman."

"Anytime, buddy. By the way for your information, Rohan isn't Ana's boyfriend. He is her sister's."

"What? Really?" Mayank had a wide grin on his face.

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