ultrasound pt 1

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July 14th

two and a half months later

so whats happend so far is I asked my mom if I was aloud to get a job and of coures she said no and so did dad.
It is now july so I dont have school anymore and thank god because my new school was the worst I had no friends and sat alone at lunch in my car every lunch.
I made no friends except for one but we rarly talk :(
Oh and I seen that Michael kid again he was with three other guys who were also extreamly cute!
so my new friend sorta thing her name is Mia and this is her.

All that I really know about her is that she is an only child,she is rich and her parents are so nice acording to her.
I like how she is rich but dose not take it for granted and is not snobby like some girls at this school.

Anyways I am now almost five months preagnant.

I am working with Mia on a big school project so I am going over there to work on it with her at 2:00pm

Today I wake up and my parents are home so I go into my bathroom and do my normal routine. I have a shower brush my teeth do my hair and makeup.

Once that is all done I start to go to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day and it sucks because it is summer and all that I can wear is baggy clothing :(
so after a few miniutes of seaching I decide to go with a black pair of shorts and a brown long sleve shirt.

Once I am all dressed I go down stairs to grab some breakfast.

I go into the kitchen and say hi to my mom

Abby: hi mom

Mom: hello how was your night?

Abby: it was ok im still really tired though. How was yours?

Mom: oh it was all right

Abby: oh ya is it ok if I go over to my friend Mia's house to work on a school project?

Mom: yes that is ok as long as you are home before dinner

Abby: ok thanks mom

Mom: your welcome and I mean it before 5 o'clock

Abby: yes mom I know I will be

Mom: ok but just so you know if you are not here there will be consequences

I grab the eggs out of the fridge and go start making scrambled eggs.
Once I finish cooking I sit at the island and eat.

I finish eating and I wash my dishes then I head back upstairs to my room.
Since I have one hour until I have to leave to go to Mia's house I decide to watch some netflix and finish unpacking the last two boxes of stuff in my room.
Once I am all done that I only have about 5 miniutes until I am suppose to leave so I grab my bag and Keys slip on my shoes and head out the door.

I am at Mia's house now and her mom just opend the door and showed me where Mia's room is and mia was right her mom is super nice all though I haven't met her dad yet.

It's now 3 o'clock and me and Mia have done no work whatsoever we just spent the time getting to know eachother and...I told her about how I was pregnant and what happed I just did not tell her who did it and she said that she supports my decision of keeping it and if I ever need her help that I could always ask her and she will always be there for me no matter what even if we are not talking or somthing.

We did a little bit of school work but not a lot we just laughed and talked and became very close in those small short hours.
And she even asked me if I wanted to spend the night at he place!

I start to head home a little bit early to get on my moms good side so that she will say yes to me spending the night at Mia's place.

*home in the kitchen at the dinner table*

Abby: hey mom?

Mom: what is it this time Abigale?

Abby: I was wondering if I could spend the night at Mia's house because we have not finished the project yet?

Mom: I don't know I will have to discuss it with your father

Abby: Ok but-

Mom: end of discussion!

Abby: ok

*end of dinner*


Mom: Ok me and your father have decided that yes you can go because we have to go to a fancy meeting of sorts for our work and we don't want you here trashing the house.
Oh and I forgot to mention that we are having some guests stay with us from our work for a week or so....so if you would like to stay the night this week more often we would be ok with so you are not miss behaving and such.
As long as we get their phone numbers so we can get in contact with them and make sure you are behaving and not being a slob and what not.

Abby: Really?! I can stay all week?

Mom: yes but I mean what I said I will be checking up on you with them every day!

Abby: Ok bye :)

Mom: ...... :]


I called Mia and told her what my mom said and her parents said I could stay for as long as I like :)!!
So I am now currentlly on my way over to there house to stay the night so I packed my bag and now I am driving there.

Im at Mia's house and we were talking about it and she said that if we tell her parents the whole story that they will be ok with me being pregnant and that they would help me and all that lovley stuff so thats why we are curentlly sitting on her couch waiting to tell her parents...

well we told her parents..... and they understand they are also paying for me to have an ultrasound to find out the gender of the baby and to make sure that I am only having one.
omg I could only imagin having more than one.
So my appointment is booked for july 16th (2 days from now)

We both had showers and did our normal nightime routine went and grabbed some snacks and we both got into the bed and talked for a bit and then watched some netflix while we fell asleep.

am I doing a good job this is my first story so I am not very good yet but please leave suggestions or questions that you have any. <3

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word count: 1199

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