Chapter 2

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Hannah POV: We walked to Rite Aid to get a pregnancy test, but we was to young. Kristina asked her cousin can she come with us and she agreed not to tell our parents well Rabeca parents.

"I'm scared I don't think I can do this" B said
"You the one that went and had sex plus with no protection" I said when I said that I regretted it as soon as it came out. I saw her face get red as a tomato.

"Wow and to think you are my best friend" B said. I felt guilty because I am her best friend we knew each other since pre-K and we told each other everything and I am here for her.
"Wait B I'm sorry I didn't mean it in that way well I didn't mean it at all" I said
She looked at me and nodded we dint really fight like that.

"Ok so here's how you use it...." Ashely said which is Kristina cousin

Rabeca POV: I dragged myself into the bathroom Ashely gave me directions on how to use it. I came out the bathroom, to be honest everyone and myself knew I was pregnant

"SOOO!!"Everyone (kris Ashely and Hannah) says. It looked like they was happy
"Yup I'm pregnant" I say I wanted to bust into tears but I couldn't well not in front of them. All I could think about is telling my mom. Well my dad to but we don't really speak he lives near to me but I don't really be over there. My mom broke up with him when I was two because he was a drunkie. He went to rehab for 6 months and I guess he's Not drinking no more.

"Are you ok B" kris askes
"Yea I guess so a little scared how am I going to tell my mom"I say. I could tell that when I said that my face was red and I looked scared.
"Don't worry Everything will be ok" she looked worried and I didn't want them to stress over something I did.
"Well I have to go wish me good luck" I said
I took the bus home, I had to take my belly pressing out because I was scared something would happen I don't know I just wanted to be carefull. When I got home I saw a note on the table.
-Dear: My sweat angle
I went out to get some stuff, be home soon.
Ps. Don't worry might get home late don't wait up
"Dam," I yelled
"Watch ya language young lady" I knew that voice but I couldn't really tell who it was. I turned around to see my dad. What the hell he was doing here?
"Dad?" I sad surprise I could tell that he knew that I wasn't happy to see him it's not that I'm not happy to see him but I'm not in the mood to tell him nothing or hear his mouth or his sorry lectures.
"Hay my princess" he say with a little smirk
"Dad please don't call me that" I said trying not to be rude
"Ok sweatheart"he said I could tell he wanted to laugh. And this is y I don't want him here he's so immature. I didn't pay him no mind I walked up to my room, when I heared a knock.
"What are you doing here?" I said with a attitude.
"Well I'm here because you haven't been answering my phone calls and I'm your dad I miss you B". He said it sounding so innocent
"Well I've been busy and I was going to get to you but you popping up at our house is not going to get my attention" I notice my dad face he looked hurt
"Well I'm sorry" he said exiting my room.
"Wait dad I'm pregnant" I said regretting those 4 words I just said. He looked priceless
"Well I knew it was a matter of time" He said at first I was happy that he wasn't yelling which if he was I wouldn't really care but I thought about what he said
"What did you just say" I said with my face so red I felt like fighting him
"Your just like your mother, having sex at a young age being a..." Before he could say the rest I cut him off
"Oh don't you come up in my house judging me or my mother. First of all she's here for me at least she didn't abandon me for 12 years your the reason why my life is ruined not me having sex or anything shoo I rather have a million babies to have a good caring father in my life. But instead I got a deadbeat immature insecure father and I've been strong my whole life." Before I know it tears start coming down my face.

Darise POV:

I wanted to hug her but I didn't have the courage, I felt bad for what I sad. Everything she said about me was true I am a deadbeat and immature.

"Uh." I couldn't say nothing else I just left the house but life could never get better! cherise comes my way well I am at her house

"Well hello Darise n what are you doing here" Cherise say from my point of view it look like she's blushing. but I could tell that she was on a date because she looked remarkable and she just got of someone car, well let me stop judging. I acted like I didn't hear her and kept it pushing.
"Ok" I heard her say, The reason I didn't say anything back to her was because we never settled our problems and she acts like there's nothing wrong. Well to me it is!

Cherise POV: when I saw Darise I was wondering what he was doing here but me thinking he's visiting his daughter trying to be a father and gain all the days he missed but nope I was so wrong.

"B!" I yelled knowing that she was up. I hurried and changed my clothes though before I called her. I had something to tell her but I didn't know how to tell her. She came down stairs it looked like she was crying.

"Aww honey what the hell ya father do" I yelled. I knew he did something because why was he here and why was she crying.
"Ma I have something to tell you" Rabeca said to me with tears in her eyes. I had something to tell her too, I hope what she has to tell me isn't that serious but dah it's serious she's crying or maybe it's about her dad.

"Sure baby" I said sweet to let her know I'm here for her. We sat down on her bed
"Well." She said not finishing
"Well what?"
She sniffles up her cry and snot.
"Remember the other day when I went over to Corey house". she had stopped crying. Well yea of course I remember usually I would give her a hard time to go over there because god knows what they could be doing but I trust her.

"Yea y?" But then So many thoughts went through my mind.
"Well I fell asleep there and when I woke up he kissed me" she said looking hurt sad scared lonely. I was not about to hear her tell me she did what I think she did!
"Well did you kiss him back and then what happen". I said scared
"Well yes and we went kinda over bored. When she said that I knew what she meant I tried to calm down.
"What do you mean "over bored"?" I said I wanted to smack her but I couldn't I was in the same situation when I was young well...OMG did they use protection is she pregnant.
"We had sex, well I didn't mean for us to it was like the spear of the moment" she said it but I could tell that she is hurt all I could do is well nothing.
"Wait so are you pregnant?" I said as she stuttered answering it.

Rabeca POV:

As I told my mother my story well basically I'm 14 and pregnant I felt guilty sad hurt but most of all scared I was scared that she will never love me again the same before my life will be different. But I wanted her to know that I really didn't mean to get pregnant I know that I should've stopped it I don't know why. He fooled me I really thought I was in love with him oh yea that's why.

"I mean I guess I took a test" I said I kinda chuckled I don't know why.
"You think this is funny" my mom said standing up I wanted her to smack me I wanted her to punish me but not stop loving me.
"No I don't think anythings funny I'm just..." I said busting into tears
After about 30 seconds I felt my mom hug me, she said she loved me.

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