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"Mrs Rose Grant. It's safe to say you and Jazmine didn't have a great relationship?"

"Ha. Look at my face. Does this look like we had a great relationship?"

"Has it always been this way? Or was there a time when you lot got on?"

"From Jazmine turned thirteen she became a different person. She was always loud and knew how to cause a scene but yeah, from her teenage years it got worse."

"Is there any reason as to why you think that happened?"

"Her uncle raping her was definitely a big factor."

"Which you knew about?"


"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because... because I was told he would kill her, he would kill Jazmine if I did."

"So it was for Jazmine best interest?"

"I don't know how to answer that."

"Did he ever... rape you?"


"You answered that quite quickly."

"Are we here to talk about me or are you trying to find out who killed my sister?"

"See... heres the thing. It all coincides with each other. From what I've gathered, if Jazmine wasn't raped and if you lot never kept it a secret she wouldn't have been angry. If she was believed then Eric wouldn't have come this weekend and all these secrets may not have been revealed. Then everyone wouldn't be mad and one of you wouldn't have murdered her. See where I'm going with this?"

"Yeah I do. It just wasn't me. Okay?"

"You said your sister is the reason your face is like that. What did you fight about?"

I sighed.

"She said Sariyah wasn't mine for everyone to hear so I went for her. She's a better fighter than me and I guess all the hatred she's had for me over the years she decided to let it rip."

"So you went for her and she beat you up. You must have been pretty mad? Not to mention you husband has been having an affair and has twins with her. I'd say that's grounds for motive."

"I did NOT kill my sister!"

"How did that make you feel by the way?"


"Knowing your sister and husband has been having an affair all this time? Knowing she gave him twins."

"Hurt, angry, jealous."


"Yes. I'm unable to have children. So when Jazmine got pregnant and announced she had twins and said that she won't be able to care for both so she gave one to me I felt like I could finally give my husband what he always wanted. So to hear she was actually his all along, it hurt but I was envious. She gave him what I couldn't."

"See why I'm finding it hard to not believe you when you say you didn't kill her? Where was you between eleven and half eleven." The Detective asked.

Tears fell as I was basically being accused of something I didn't do.

"In my room."

"Can anyone vouch for you?"

"NO!! But I can assure you. I did not kill Jazmine."

"That's all I keep on hearing Mrs Grant. The problem is, someone did. So someone is lying and I'm going to find out who." The detective said as she finished up this interview.


As I sat in the interview room tears fell knowing I would never get to see or speak to Jazmine again. I loved her so much and I just couldn't believe someone killed her. I walked away from her so annoyed and disappointed in her and now I'll never get to let her know how I truly felt.

"Sorry to have kept you, Mr Grant." The Detective said to me.

I never said anything I just wiped my tears.

"Here's a box of tissues if you need." She said as she slid the box over. "Right, So... you and Jazmine were lovers?"

"That's correct."

"Mr Grant, I'm a simple woman so I don't understand why you was married to Jazmine sister if you was sleeping with Jazmine the whole time. Why not just be with her?"

"What business is that of yours and what has that got to do with who killed Jazmine?"

"She may have still been alive."

"Are you saying it's my fault Detective?"

"If I was going to say it was your fault I would have. You're very defensive aren't you Mr Grant?"

I didn't say anything. Clearly anything I said would be taken wrong or out of context.

"Where was you between eleven and eleven thirty?" The Detective asked me.

"After leaving the dinner table I went to look at my face to see what damage Dwight caused from picking a fight with me. Then I went into the kitchen and one of the helpers knew first aid so was tending to my busted lip. I was there until I heard screaming."


"Yeah. Sariyah was running around screaming. Then I heard more voices. So I went to see what was going on."

"Then what?"

"Then...then I heard someone say Jazmine was dead."

It still didn't seem real even when the words left my mouth.

"You said that Dwight attacked you?"

"He didn't attack me. He swung first and got a lucky punch." I said defensively.

"Right. Why did he hit you?"

"Jazmine has just revealed I was both Sariyah and Zacks father. A secret no one knew other than me and her." I said and started being annoyed at all the damage that I was going to have to fix.

"You seem irritated..."

"Yes. Because I told her not to say anything. Not like that anyway."

"Not like what?"

"Just out there. For everyone to hear. I would have preferred to sit the kids down and tell them."

"So her telling everyone how she did... that annoyed you?"


"Made you angry?"

"I see what you're trying to do Detective. But no. I wouldn't kill her. I may have been annoyed but I loved her. Besides... I have an alibi."

"Who do you think would have wanted to kill Jazmine?"

"Honestly? All of them had a reason, but I think only three people would be actually capable of it."


"Eric, Rachel... and... Rose."

"Your wife?"


"You seem confident."

"A woman who has lost it all has nothing to lose. And at that dinner she lost it all."

"Thank you Mr Grant. That will be all...for now."

I got up and left and was escorted to the B&B. When I got there I saw Eddie, Rachel and Rose. I didn't say anything I just made my way to my room. I didn't know who killed Jazmine but what I did know was... it wasn't me.


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