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I sat at the table trying to take everything in. My wife was being raped by my brother for years, so she then offered our daughter to replace her so it would stop happening to her. All those years and my wife knew what this rapist was doing. On top of that, he impregnated his own niece. This is the type of stuff you read in stories. Not something that's real life!

"I think it's safe to say this weekend will be one none of us will ever forget," I said as I got up.

"Daddy, I'm sorry you had to find out everything like this. But I'm also glad you know the truth. Your brother is a rapist and your wife and daughter knew everything that was going on!"

"Oh shut up!" Rose said.

"No! What's the matter? Upset now that everyone knows how fucked up you are?" Jazmine said.

"I was only a child myself for goodness sake!" Rose spat back.

Jazmine laughed.

"You was old enough to take me to the abortion clinic though weren't you?"

"Rose?" I interrupted.

"It's not... it's not what you think! Unc... Eric said that she was pregnant and that she had to go clinic but it would look bad if anyone else took her but me. So I just did as I was told." Rose said trying to defend her actions.

"How did you know you were pregnant Jazmine?"

"Erm... I kept throwing up. Mum took me, doctors. I didn't actually know I was pregnant. Not until I went to the clinic and realised what I was doing there."

"So... you knew?" I said bringing my attention to Rachel.

"Ye...Yeah. But I couldn't take her. The look I got when they told me the results and that she was indeed pregnant. I couldn't have anyone look at me like that. So I..." she sighed then continued. "...I made Eric tell Rose to take her..."

"Just stop. I can't with you. I really can't. Once we get back home Eric will leave and you can sleep in the spare room he's in. I don't wanna see you. You make me sick! How could anyone do that to their daughter? HOW?"



"What about me?!" I wept.

This weekend was a disaster and this was exactly the reason why I never wanted to go. This was always Jazmine intention. For the family to fall out.

"What about you? You do know this is all your fault right?" Eddie said with not a care in the world.

"Pardon? Did I ask to be raped? Did I ask YOUR brother to rape me???"

"No. No, you didn't. But as far as I'm concerned; we're best friends! We share everything! Had you told me what he was doing I would have put a stop to it! He definitely wouldn't have been able to come around our girls! So, like I said... this is all your fault!"

"That's. Not. Fair." I said as the tears fell.

"Neither is all of this! Look at all these years! Jazmine has had to live with this her whole life! Because of you! Had no one believing her when you AND Rose knew the truth? I'm done with the both of you. You're dead to me Rachel. You and Rose." Eddie said before walking off.

"YOU BITCH!! Look what you've caused!" Rose screamed.

"Was a long time coming if you ask me."

"You happy now?" I asked Jazmine.

"Happy? No. Pleased? Absolutely. Now you know what it's like to be looked at in disgust! The difference is you deserve it when I didn't!"

"I've had enough of this. I really don't need to hear this." I said as I got up to go look for Eddie.

"Yeah, that's it, Mum. Do what you do best, run when the shit hits the fan." Jazmine shouted before I left the room.

"Oh drop dead Jazmine!"



My sister beat me up really bad. One of my eyes felt like it was shut closed and my lip and nose were bleeding. I know she wanted to do that for some time now. I was never really a fighter. Not like her anyway. Yet, the most painful thing that's happened here was for me to find out that not only was Jazmine and Sanchez STILL sleeping together but that she gave him not one but in fact TWO kids. The one thing I was unable to do. My heart was truly broken.

"So you married me even though you had fucked my sister that same day?" I said to Sanchez.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologise to her! You were mine first! You lose 'em how you got 'em, babe!"

In all honesty, I had always wondered if something was going on between them and I guess if I wasn't so naive maybe I would have known. But I couldn't, I didn't want to see my life without him.

"Jazmine!" Sanchez said through gritted teeth.

"No no, it's okay. She's right. I guess this is the karma that I deserved. At least... at least you actually got the kids you always wanted."

"I never wanted to hurt you. But I guess the heart wants what the heart wants."

"Yep. Sure does. Not that she deserves you. You're better than both me and her."


"Well, now everything is out in the open. Once we're back, I'm gonna pack. I can't do this. I can't be around knowing everything that's gone down today. In fact, I'm going to go and finish off packing." I said before walking off.

This was me admitting defeat. My dad hated me, my mother was as bad as me, my husband clearly never truly loved me, my daughter/niece hated me; everyone knew the truth.

As I entered my room I was startled by the person sitting in my room.

"Hey, Rosey... I've been waiting for you."



"Are you happy now?" I asked Jazmine.

"Why are you mad at me? I've done nothing wrong!"

"Done nothing... DONE NOTHING WRONG? Are you kidding me, Jazmine? Were you not aware of what just happened? Well, let me give you a little recap! You exposed your mother, you've most probably broken your dad's heart with all these revelations, your niece hates you because she's, in fact, your daughter oh and let's not forget your son that also hates you! All of this could have been avoided but noooo you wanted to be the one to chop down everyone's tree! I mean come on! Dwight just tried to fight me because you've now made him aware that his son isn't his son!"

"He knew...."


"He knew, he's known for a while. He just didn't know who the father was."


Jazmine sighed.

"Zack had an accident once and needed a blood transfusion and Dwight wasn't a match. So I had to come clean. He didn't want Zack to feel like he was deserting him so he stuck with the plan that I told him."

I smirked.

"What happened to you was wrong and I'm glad it's all out in the open but you're just as bad with all these secrets."

"Excuse you? It's YOU who wanted it kept a secret! Not me! Everyone blames me but no one really takes accountability for their own shit! I'm glad everything is out in the open! Now everyone can feel how I've felt over all these years! No one has won here. Everyone has lost someone. That's what happens when people keep secrets!"

"You know... I love you, I really do. But you're so caught up in making everyone pay that people like me, Zack and Sariyah get caught up in the crossfire." I said as I walked off.

I did love Jazmine but right now I was wondering if Love was enough to come back from everything that has happened tonight.


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