Extreme Difficulty - Part Two | Lance

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85. Requested by @EchoOrdels This is a second part to one of my first oneshots, so you can find it in the first quarter of the book

You were stuck in bed all day, not because you were unable to get up, but because that was the only place the paladins couldn't go. Well, they technically could go into your room, but that would be... ridiculously rude, like rubbing lemon juice into a paper cut.

"PIDGE- WAIT!" You heard Lance yelling through the door.

Your door opened and Pidge practically flew to your bed, "Y/N! I AM SO SORRY! I didn't mean to-" Her head dropped on the side of your bed near your knee. "I am a terrible person. I am so sorry."

"Pidge, it's-" You stopped yourself because it was definitely not okay. She looked up at you, tears covering her cheeks. "Look, I'll probably forgive you someday." You paused, "But that's not today! GET OUT!"


You threw a pillow at her, still yelling, "Get out!" She quickly got up after being smacked in the face and ran out the door. You sighed, staring into space before closing your eyes. There was a moment of silence before it was rudely interrupted. You heard the door open. "I thought I told you to get out," you said harshly without opening your eyes.

"Sorry," Lance said. "I thought I would just check in on you."

You opened your eyes. "Oh... S-" You bit your tongue for a moment to stop yourself from apologizing, "I thought you were Pidge."

"She ran straight to her room," he spoke softly, sitting down on the side of your bed. "Um, Hunk and Shiro and Coran said to let you know that you are very important to us and they would have come to comfort you, but they figured you would want some time to yourself."

You twisted your fingers together anxiously, "And what did Keith say?" You separated your hands and began to twist a piece of hair between your fingers.

"Keith, he..." Lance sighed, "I know this probably isn't what you were expecting or wanted to hear but-" He took in a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment before speaking. "From what I've put together from him mumbling to himself at three in the morning while wandering through the halls, he has been crying a lot- er, actually I'm not sure about that part, but his eyes have been red the past few days. He wanted to protect you from battle by having you stay at the castle, but he couldn't come up with a reason besides something about how you weren't qualified. It came out harsher than expected, and he's been training nonstop since then. He's been skipping meals and getting beaten up and I'm seventy-nine percent he hasn't been sleeping, but to the main point..."

Lance looked you straight in the eye, "He feels horrible because he really cares about you, and he never meant for you to try to-" He put his hand over yours, "We all care about you, Y/n. Don't forget it."

"Yeah," you nodded. "I won't forget." You gave a weak smile, "Thanks, Lance."

The blue paladin smiled back, "You're welcome."

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