Birthday | Fem!Reader

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52. HEYO I MADE MYSELF A GIFT... for my birthday hehe I'm so generous 🌚 I drew two portraits (Pidge and Keith, my dudes) with the star texture

You walked down the hall of the castle, holding a small flame in your right hand. That was your gift and your weapon: fire.

The halls were dark. "Guys, where are you?" You called out, but the only response was an echo of your own voice. You continued walking until you came across a door. Ordinarily, this door would have been nothing special to you on any other occasion. But in the dark state of the castle, this door had a light under it.

You slowly opened it, letting the flame in your hand dissipate.


You jumped back, "Sweet Coran!" You saw Lance roll his eyes at you. He was the one who used to question why you said Coran instead of Jesus.

"Guys, what?"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Pidge yelled, jumping on your back. She wrapped her arms around your neck, "I couldn't forget your birthday. Plus, this means we get cake." She climbed off of you and jumped back onto the floor. "Cake time. Let's go!"

She grabbed your hand and pulled you to the table.

"Close your eyes, hermanita," Lance smiled.

You closed your eyes. "Si pones crema en mi cara, estás muerto." {I'm learning so let me know if I did something wrong}

"Got it, got it."

You heard Lance quietly count, "One, two, three..." You opened your eyes.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Y/n, happy birthday to you." It was a strange chorus, but it was just as heartwarming as your days back on Earth. Shiro placed the cake.

You laughed, "Okay, who did that?" You pointed to the cake which said, "Happy Birthday Sparky Sparky Boom Girl." You turned to Lance, "I don't even need to ask. It was you, wasn't it?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. It could've been Space Nico over here or our beloved Haruhi Fujioka."

"Hey!" Keith glared at him.

You snickered, "Space Nico."

Hunk sighed, "No one knows who or what you two are talking about."

"Except me," Pidge smirked.

Shiro sighed as well, "Let's just eat the cake, guys."

Lance took the seat to your left, and Pidge took the one to your right. Hunk handed you a slice of cake, "First piece goes to the birthday bird."

"Haha, very funny," you took the plate. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to go by Phoenix. You gasped, "Ice cream cake." It even had your two favorite flavors!

After you had devoured your cake (which took approximately two minutes and twenty-four seconds), you were handed presents! You had moved to the floor, so the others could see you open the presents. Where they got them, you had no idea, but who cares? You were celebrating your birthday in space!

The presents were color coordinated by the paladins' colors. Coran was orange and Allura was pink. You reached for the blue one, but Lance smacked your hand away. "Open that one last."

"Got it." You grabbed the black box, taking off the white ribbon. You opened and laughed, "Wow. Thanks, Dad." You took out the first bag.

It had been so long since you'd seen these. "What is it?" Lance asked.

You smiled, "Chemicals to change the color of fire."

"Shiro, I don't think this is a good idea," Lance whispered.

Shiro waved him off, "Nah. It'll be fine."

You pulled out the second bag and turned it over, "Whoa." A necklace had slid into your hand. It was a flame pendant on a silver chain. The flame was a gradient of red, orange, yellow-orange, and blue. You turned it on its side and popped it open, "Wicked." You took a bag of chemicals, and fit as much in as possible into the small locket.

"Shiro, I really don't think this is a good idea," Lance said.

Shiro shrugged, "She uses fire all the time."

You laughed, "Now I can fight in style!" You smiled, "Thanks, Space Dad!" You grabbed Allura's gift, which was a small, pink jewelry pouch. You tipped it over, "Cool." In your hand were two small earrings that matched the flame locket.

Allura smiled, "They're communicator earrings. Like mine." You put them on before going onto the orange package.

You ripped the tissue paper. "Ohmigosh." You laughed, "Coran what?" You pulled out a large, orange sweater with a mustache on it.

"It was designed by me, but made by the tailor," he gestured to Lance.

You raised your eyebrows at the blue paladin. Lance shrugged, "He has a huge closet of stuff."

You pet the sweater, "It is really soft." You slipped it over your head and it slipped off your shoulder on one side. "Is it supposed to be big?"

"Yes, it's the style," Lance said.

"Well, thanks, Coran," you smiled. You picked up the yellow box, taking off the cover. "What do we have here?" You smiled as you pulled out a small, purple orchid on a chain.

"It's an actual orchid, but it's covered in six layers of resin so it won't break," Hunk said nervously, "It was really pretty and it reminded me of you."

You smiled, "I like it," and slipped the chain over your head. "Thanks, Hunk."

"Alright, let's see what Space Zuko got me," you grabbed the red present.

"Please stop referring to me with your fandom names," Keith sighed.

"Got it, tomato boy." You took off the bow, which you stuck to your hair. You knew you would regret it later, but it would be fun while it lasted. Keith let loose a quiet string of curses, which led Shiro to smack him. You opened the box, "Oooh." You laughed, "Fingerless gloves." You slipped them onto your hands and pulled out a shiny object. "Oh, knife." The hilt was wrapped in cloth, and the blade was a silver color with a purple streak. You eyed the red paladin with suspicion, "...Where did you get this?"

Keith shrugged, "I picked it up in my travels."

"Well, thank you. It's very nice." You picked up the green box and tore away the wrapping paper. "Did you get me clothes?" You asked Pidge.

"Nah," she smiled, "It's just a Gap box. Open it."

You did so, and gasped super dramatically, "Pidge, what? How?" You pulled out the laptop, "Where did you get this?"

She smirked, "I built it. I won't bore you with the details, but you can return to your fandoms now."

You tackled Pidge in a hug, "Thank you! This is amazing!"

"You're welcome," she smiled.

You grabbed the blue box, "Final present." You pulled off the top. "Lance, where did you- How did you get this?" You let out an excited squeal and pulled out the polaroid camera. "Shiro, take a picture of the children group! And then I want a picture with my space parents and favorite uncle!" You handed him the camera.

"Smile, guys!"

Sure, growing up an orphan might have sucked, but it was worth the wait. You had found your family, and you couldn't ask for more than that.

"Say happy birthday Y/n!"

You wrapped your arms around Pidge and Lance, Keith and Hunk behind you.


Probably gonna draw it later ;) the photo, I mean
EDIT: Here it is ^w^ cause I'm a nerd

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