11 Rules to Grow Your Wattpad Profile

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11 Practical Rules on how to get Thousands of Viewers, Followers and Votes to Your Wattpad Profile & Books

Nwoko, Solomon Ikechukwu
BA., B.Th.
(a.k.a Young Prof.)

Copyright © 2016
Pastor, Nwoko S. Ikechukwu
Apart from citation or reference, no part of this book may be reproduced, store in a retrieved system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the author.

This book is dedicated to God, and my beloved wife Nwoko Obusor Stella (My Joy), and my lovely parents- Mrs. Nwoko O. Florence and my late father Mr. Nwoko O. Isaac and to all of my wattpad followers and friends to the glory of God.

11 Practical Rule to Grow Your Wattpad Profile
Rule 1- Go to Google play store with your Android phone and download Wattpad app., follow the instructions and create your profile by signing up.
Rule 2- Follow wattpad instruction and publish your story (or book) or stories (or books).
Rule 3- Be sociable and do for others what you will want from them. To this, vote other authors books and follow them by clicking on the follow icon on their profiles. To get more voters and followers, you have to follow the following rules:
Rule 3a. Search for authors who have many (thousands or millions) viewers, followers (hundreds, thousands or even millions) and sharers. When you find such people,
1. Follow them.
2. Read their books (you must not read it till the end unless you want to).
3. Add their books to your library.
4. Vote their books and
5. Click on their followers and take your time to follow each and everyone of them. They will in turn reciprocate by following you, view and vote your book(s).
Rule 3b.- To get more viewers and votes for your books you needed to be appreciating and thankful to your followers. To this, take your time to thank each person that follows you. At the beginning of your wattpad journey, you will get many followers if you follow many people. But to get many viewers and votes for your books, try saying this to each person that follows you, "Thank you so much for following me. Please you can read and vote my books, they are interesting, educating, captivating and thrilling. My books (or stories) includes: ..., etc., once again, thanks a lot."
Rule 4- Give your stories a thrilling and captivating captions or titles, cover page (pictures) and attractive descriptions.
Rule 5- Make your stories interesting and with good story line. You can also seek for help or advice from authors you have read their books and like their styles or methods of writing.
Rule 6- Give your stories the MIE ability. This means that a good story should offer readers moral and intellectual benefits and should at the same time be entertaining to your readers. "M" stands for Moral, "I" is for Intellectual and "E" is for Entertainment, these are the three important and inevitable attributes of good stories.
Rule 7- Believe in yourself and write from within. That is, let your stories flow from inside of you. If you have time, submit your books to advanced authors especially, authors of your field to edit your stories (books) before publication.
Rule 8- Have many accounts by signing up with many social apps. that you can, and advertise each book you publish in wattpad to the social apps. by sharing your books to the social apps. This will enable your friends and the friends of your friends in the social apps. to also view and vote your book(s).
Rule 9- Invite as many people as you can to wattpad or social media and to download the app. by telling them about your stories and other interesting stories by other authors which they can read free online and offline if added to their library. And also let them know that they can become authors and have their own books published in the app. for others to read, vote, follow and appreciate them for a good work just by downloading, signing up with wattpad and reading your books.
Rule 10- Put all the above rules in practice now and grow your wattpad profile.
Rule 11- Keep on writing interesting stories, keep on publishing them on wattpad and keep on receiving viewers, votes and followers.
I discovered wattpad app. in October 2016 from one of my students and since then to till 16th December 2016 I have published 8 books. Few days within December 2016 I discovered and applied these rule and I was able to get over 99 followers, 99 viewers, 3 persons that shared my books and 20 votes just less than three days.
Thank you for reading, try these rules now and receive your surprises. Please also read and vote this book and my other books, thanks a lot.
Nwoko, Solomon Ikechukwu
[email protected]
(+234) 07063806328. More stories (and books) are coming soon watch out.

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