4 | screwed

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Iya sat on the grass, reading a book while her headphones were plugged in, she felt a presence sit next to her.

"Back off, Black." She was about to yell another insult when Iya saw a familiar smile, "Lighten up, Li." Lily said sitting down next to her, removing her headphones.

"What do you want?" Iya straight up asked making Lily grin, "You know, why don't you date Barty? You know from your house.."

"Lily." She sends a glare to her sister who nods, shutting her mouth, "But, Li, you can atleast try to be nice." Lily smiled at her, and the girl just rolls her eyes.

"People wouldn't know what to think." She added, Iya scoffed. "You forget, i don't care what people think." She added, Lily's smile softened.

"Yes, you do."

She thought about it before saying, "No, i dont." Iya smiles at her and got up to go to the Great Hall.

She put her headphones on her neck, about to walk to her table when someone went infront of her, Sirius Black.

He grabbed her music tape, in which she gave him a weird look.

"Nice taste, Kate Bush." Sirius says giving her a cheesy grin. "Are you stalking me, Black?" She crosses her arms, looking at him.

"I was with my friends, i saw you coming in, thought I'd say hi again." Sirius tries to defend himself, making her nod. "Hi." Iya says walking past him.

Sirius then follows her like a lost puppy, "Not a big talker, eh?" He stops in front of her again, startling Iya.

"Depends on who i'm talking to." She eyed him up and down, Sirius smirks, "You're not attracted to me, are you?" Iya furrows her eyebrows.

"Attracted to you? What, why would i be attracted to you." She scoffed, making his smirk widen.

"Well, most people are."

"Well, i am not."

"Hm, maybe you're not attracted to me. But i'm sure you thought of me naked." Sirius wiggles his eyebrows giving her a flirty wink.

"You looked through my mind! Oh gosh, i want you i need you! Oh baby, Oh baby." She rolls her eyes, finally walking faster to get away from him.

Sirius Black watches her sit next to Pandora and some boy who then sat next to her, Iya then muttered a spell then the boy stood up and covered his underwear, running to his dorm.

He quickly rushes to James who was eating two chickens, his mouth stuffed.

"James. You need to do better than be my best friend if you want me to continue this." Sirius pats his friends back making Remus roll his eyes.

James choked on his food, "Fine, i promise you a broom, the new one!" He yells out making Sirius think and finally agree.

James looked at Lily then sat down next to her with a grin. The redhead rolled her eyes and was about to stand up when the boy with glasses grabbed her wrist.

"Leaving so soon?" He grins at her and Lily gives him a sarcastic smile back, and then proceeding to frown at him.

"Look, Lily, I seriously wanna change, I'm sorry i gave you those red chocolates and screamed at class that you were my girlfriend but i do like you, alot and i really wanna get to know you." James blurted out, as if he was the flash.



"Let us see, Potter." Lily smiles but stops when she hears a familiar voice yelling.

Iya and... Sirius Black???!

"It'll be fun, Evans!" Sirius yelled at Iya, going in front of her and leaning on a tree to stop her from walking.

"Fun? You know what would be fun, Black?" She yells back, stopping in her tracks as she narrowed her eyes from the sunlight.

Sirius looked at her curious, tilting his head.

"You getting hexed right now if you don't back off." Iya says walking closer to him making him back up slowly as the girl's eyes were filled with mischief.

He grins and stops, "I love a girl who knows how to handle herself, but really, love, You should give me a chance." Sirius gives her his puppy dog eyes.

"I'd rather take my chances with anyone else." She retored back, her voice getting more loud as it was before.

Sirius laughed, genuinely amused. "You know, your insults are as fit as you are, Love." He flirts with her making her roll her eyes and walk away.

"Is Black flirting with my sister?" Lily asked James who had his eyes widened, watching their encounter.

"Uh.. i guess?" James questions himself more than answering Lily's question, the red-head beside him squealed.

"If he suceeds, I- oh my god..." She jumps up and down, so happy that she hugged james out of instinct.

Lily's face was as red as her hair.

"So....." James also blushed, scratching the back of his neck. "Can you consider the date?"

Lily doesn't answer and gathers her things before leaving, The boy looks at her confused but Lily looks back and gives him a thumbs up.

James gasped dramatically and celebrated quietly, but his celebration was cut short.

"You wound me, Evans. But i just can't help it, it's like i am drawn to you." Sirius says dramatically, placing a hand over his heart in mock pain, earning some people to look at them.

Iya scoffed, "Drawn to me? More like Drawn to fucking trouble!" she shakes her head raising both her hands up and leaving Sirius alone again.

James's jaw dropped and walked towards Sirius before speaking, "We are screwed."

"Now, Prongs.. don't be a negative nelly." Sirius looks at his friend who shakes his head and smiles.

"We are screwed!" He says happily, the long haired boy pats his back and exhales.

mara speaks

just a short one i'm sorry

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